ResPublica - general policy issues
Chatham House - international affairs
Centre For Social Justice - policy on welfare issues
Demos - current political issues
Adam Smith Institute - promoting free market solutions to economic issues
Centre Of Policy studies - promoting ideas in the premiership of Margret Thatcher
Fabian Society - issues concerning social justice and equality
Institution For Public Policy Research - various left-wing policy ideas
Peripheral Insiders
Core Insiders
Specialist Insiders
the creation of the welfare state, including the NHS in the 1940's
trade unions were granted wider powers to take industrial action in the interest of their members
major industries were brought into public ownership and state control in the interests of the community and the workers in those industries, such as the rail ways and energy sector
taxes on those earning higher incomes were raised in order to pay for the welfare state -discrimination against women and ethnic minorities was introduced in the 1960's to improve equality of opportunities
the key was equality
governments must favour the interests of the disadvantaged working class
equality of opportunity, as total equality was not feasible
trade unionism
common ownership -welfarism