Enzymes in Bioltechnology
Before scientists were able to just use the enzyme in biotechnology what did they used to use?
Whole Microrganism
How do scientists broadly immobilize the enzyme?
Attatch to insoluble material
What are 4 methods of immobilisaiton?
Covalent Bonding
Entrapment in Matrix
Membrane Separation
What is adsorption?
Bonding the enzyme to a surface such as clay with ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions
What is covalent bonding immobilisation?
Bonding the enzyme to a surface such as clay with covalent bonds
What is entrapment in matrix?
Matrix is a material such as collagen preventing the enzyme moving
What is Membrane Separation?
Separate the enzyme from reaction mixture with partially permeble mebrane
Products diffuse out
Substrate diffuse in to reach enzyme
What are advanatges of using immobilised enzymes?
Reduces downstream processing
Allows enzyme to be recovered reducing cost
High Temperature tolerance which increases yield
What are disadvanatges of using immobilised enzymes?
Its expensive to immobilise
Enzymes may detach and leak into mixture
Method may change shape of active site reducing the rate of reaction