What are the characteristics of Life?
Organization of cells, metabolism, nutrition, transport, cellular respiration, excretion, homeostasis, growth, reproduction, evolution
What is the organization of cells mean?
Must have more than one cell that has interconnected spontaneous chemical reactions.
What is metabolism?
The chemical reactions inside happening your body all the time. If you have none, you die because they produce energy.
What is catabolism?
Break it down
What is anabolism?
Building it up
What is nutrition?
The process in which an organism gets energy and processes raw materials.
What is transportation?
The movement of materials within an organism.
What is cellular respiration?
How cells get energy from nutrients. One way: sugar + oxygen= co 2 + water
What is excretion?
The removal of waste product from the body, which are a result of metabolic reactions.
What is homeostasis?
A stable internal environment. When an organism no longer has an internal and external environmental difference, it is dead.
What is growth?
The development or change an organism goes through between life and death. Does not always refer to getting bigger.
What is reproduction?
The process of an organism making more of it's kind. DNA - RNA → protein→ phenotype
What is DNA?
The hereditary material passed down from your parents.
What is evolution?
Change in a population over time (many generarias)
What is the central dogma for the flow of information in a cell?
DNA → RNA → protein
What is transcription?
What is translation?
RNA → protein
What comes first translation or transcription?
What is DNA and how does it work?
DNA is read by tRNA