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Monteverdi’s Orfeo is primariy\ly monodic
Homophonic texture
Solo vocal line with chordal accompaniment
Rhythmically free
No meter - approximates natural rhythm of speech
Slight differences between aria and recit
Componets of Opera:
Vocal music
Intrumental music
Based on the ideals of monody
Rhythmically free, no meter
Declamatory, speech-like singing style
Mirrors the natural rhythms of speech
Often used for dialougue
Helps build emotional tension
= italian word fo rair or song
More lyrical than recitative
Clear meter
Arias express emotion
Focuses on emotion fo a character in the story
Does not advance the story
Da capo arias became a. very popular form
Two kinds of Recitative:
Accompanied by basso continuo
Very speech-like, many repeated notes
Early opera uses simple recitative almost exclusivley
Accompanied by orchestra
More lyrical than simple recitative
Later opera uses a combination of the two
Not as widely used as recitative and aria
the midpoint between the two styles
More lyrical than simple recitative
Most declamatory than aria
Da Capo Aria
Aria form became popular later in the Baroque period
“Da capo” is Italian for “ from the top”
This is an aria with a specific structure
A-B-A’ form
Section A is sung followed by section B
After section B. sectoin A is repeated with embelishments
Intrumental Music of Opera
Sung in ensembles (duets, trios, etc)
At times the orchestra plays intrumental pieces
Prior to the star of the opera, a piece is played
Nmaes for these pieces vary: sinfonia, interlude, etc
Basso ostinato
Any repeated pattern in music is an ostinato
Obstinato means stubborn'
A repeated bass melody is a basso ostinato
Baroque lament arias often sung to a descending basso ostinato
Began as small scale religious plays
Grew to be essentially an opera without the staging: no constumes, no scenery
Same use of recitative and aria'
Accompanied by orchestra
** Christian religous themes
Smaller performign forces
Much shorter than opera or oratorio
Later Baroque Cantata..
Consits of all operative characteristics:
Recitatives Arias