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A random component of evolution
Genetic drift; Genetic drift is considered random because it relies on processes that cannot be predicted such as earthquakes and volcano explosions. The effect of genetic drift is felt more by small populations, as more of their gene pool is lost and many of the allele possibilities are lost due to either a bottle neck or due to the founders effect.
A non random component of evolution
Natural selection; Natural selection is non-random because it relies on the fitness of the individual. The more fit and the better the traits an organism has, the more likely they are to survive and reproduce, making it non-random process.
What are the misconceptions of evolution
Evolution is just a theory
Evolution is natural selection
Evolution is entirely random
Evolution violates the end law of termaldynamics
Evolution is a bunch of progress
simple to complex evolution
Scientific ideas
Hypothesis: A statement of what may be true
facts: Hypothesis can be referred to as FACTS if there is a lot of evidence for scientists to assume its true.
theories: A set of ideas passed on reasoning and evidence based on hypothesis that explain a variety of observations.
Evolution is Falsifiable [T or F]
True- the idea that god exists is not falsfiable, but evolution is through things like fossils that show absolute certainty.
Theory of Evolution
There are 2 meanings of evolution:
-fact of evolution:heritable change over time
-theory of evolution: mechanisms of evolution
Definition of science
A body of knowledge about the natural world as well as the process of generating the knowledge by observations
The chain of being (GCB) -Pre-Darwinism views
-Gods plan of creation
-from inanimate objects like rocks to animate forms of life up through ever “higher” forms
-Perfect, complete with no gaps
-everything is perfect and not changing
-No change over time: has fixed identities (species)
Carl Linnaeus
Father of modern taxonomy
George Cuvier
Father of paleontology
-found fossils of species that no longer exist (mastodons and mammoths)
-found “gaps” in the great chain of being
evolution is a two step process that involves:
generation and heritable variation
sorting can be divided into two processes:
-Selection: Nonrandom sorting via the differences in the ability to survive and reproduce (fitness)
-Random genetic drift: random sorting of variance due to chance effects; only finite populations are susceptible to evolution by drift
Contradicting data against pre-darwinian views of biodiversity:
Extinction: Fossils proved gaps in the GCB, god is no longer perfect.
Uniformitarianism: Came about through the questioning of catastrophism- Hutton and Lyell questioned the age of the earth.
-Natural laws to NOT change over time or space
Diversity as a product change over time: Lammarks theories of evolution
Father of Geology
calculating sediment deposition to determine fossils
Earth is much older
-ex: 100 m between two clams; rate of deposition= 0.02m/yr ; 100m/0.02 m/yr= 5,000 yrs
Theory of organic progression:
-New species originate through spontaneous generation (no common ancestry) simple-complex
-Problems: no extinction and no common ancestry
transformational theory of evolution by: inheritance of acquired characteristics:
-new and heritable traits were developed through an organisms life span and can be acquired through use or environment
-the unit was the INDIVIDUAL
impossible because somatic changes are not heritable
Darwin-Theory of descent w/ modification
-extinctions are common
-different species share common ancestry
Wallace and Darwin- Variational/ population theory of evolution by natural selection
-The frequency of genetically distinct variants in a pop. change over time due to differential fitness.
The unit of evolution is the
The unit of selection is the
If organisms have fundamental similarities then there is—-
If there are fundamental differences then there is——-
common ancestry
separate origins
Evidence of evolution:
Comparative anatomy
Universal genetic code
The universal cell membrane
Molecular sequence data
eukaryotic organelles
Homology definition
similarity due to common ancestry
Darwins theory of descent w/ modification
Vestiges: Evolutionary remnants of species that were previously adaptations, ancestrally, but are not either.
-Traits become vestigial when they no longer perform the function they were evolved for
Atavisms: The sporadic expression of an ancestral trait due to the misfiring of an ancestral, (uaually) suppressed, '“developmental program”
Conditions of evolution by natural selection:
-variation in a pop.
-heritability to carry variations
-differential fitness of variants
Convergent evolution
distantly related organisms independently evolve similar traits to adapt similar necessities
ex. wings in insects and birds
adaptive radiation
rapid increase in # of species w/ common ancestor; characterized by great ecological and morphological diversity
ex. oceanic islands that were never connected to a continent
Homologous vs convergence
A homologous traits is present in the common ancestor of two taxa
A trait is convergent if it is not present in the common ancestor of two taxa
Three types of selection
Directional: trait moves in one direction →
Stabalizing: # of intermediate values increase →←
Disruptive:Bimodal ←→
Random: random ‘indifference’ of mutation process
Lawfulness: orders and filters the variation, keeping individuals better adapted
Differential fitness of varients
When this depends on environment it is natural selection.
When it depends on selective breeding it is artificial selection.
What are stromatolites?
Mats of cyanobacteria- their fossils are the oldest for living organisms
What organism was the oldest known eukaryotic fossil?
What extant group does bangiomorpha resemble?
Bangia- red algae
What primarily introduces genetic variation
What distributes genetic variation
Recombination and independent assortment
synonymous mutations:
Change the nucleotide but dont change the amino acid the codon codes for
What are the assumptions of HWE?
-no mutation
-no migration
-no selection
-no drift
-infinite pop size
are deleterious mutations able to fixate?
What was the largest mass extinction event in earths history
the permian
Name the 5 mass extinction ( in order)
Ordovician, devonian, permian, triassic, cretaceous