________ help to maintain a balance between energy intake and expenditure.
________- facilitates digestion and regulates metabolism and appetite.
Thermic effect of food
________- energy needed to metabolize meals.
Permeable blood brain
________ barrier "allows hormones to directly interact with connected systems.
________ is the main site of sensory integration.
Gut hormones
________ have orexigenic and anorexigenic effects.
________ produced by the stomach stimulates food intake.
Diagnosis of obesity
________ requires an assessment of body composition.
branch of biology
The ________ concerned with the functioning of living organisms, and their constituent tissues and cells.
energy expenditure
Resting ________- resting metabolic rate.
Densitometry (ex
underwater/hydrostatic weighing)
Android obesity
excess central adiposity
Gynoid obesity
excess adiposity below the waist
Gut/gastrointestinal system
digest and absorb nutrients
facilitates digestion and regulates metabolism and appetite
releases stored nutrients
Resting energy expenditure
resting metabolic rate
Thermic effect of food
energy needed to metabolize meals
Energy spent in physical activity
most modifiable
Contributing factors include
age, sex, body size and composition, hormones