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person who draws maps
intermediate location on a map
geographic grid
the spherical coordinate system of latitude and longitude used to locate positions uniquely anywhere on the surface of the Earth.
a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles
Lines of latitude (parallels)
imaginary lines that divide the Earth from left to right
lines of longitude (meridians)
imaginary lines that divide the earth from top to bottom
projection (map)
shows the whole earth but its flat
robinson projection
Ovel shape map, distorted near the poles
Mercator projection
cylinder shape, longitude lines look straight, size of land and water distorted .
Equidistant projection
a projection that shows land and water in relation to a central point
a polar projection
shows land and water in relation to a central point. They show distance and direction accurately. Size and shape become distorted as you move away from the center.Â
north pole
Arctic circle
Arctic region
the latitude and longitude address of a place on a map
a landmass made up of the continents of Asia and Europe
mental map
a map that a person pictures in his or her mind
relative location
description of a place using the relation of one place to another
a body of salt water that is part of an ocean, yet is partially enclosed by land
map sketch
a rough drawing of a mental map