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Artificial selection
Directed breeding to produce offspring with desired traits.
Natural selection
Some competitors are better equipped for survival than others, those less equipped would die.
Derived traits
New traits that show up at some point in the fossil record and then continue to show up afterward
Ancestral traits
Old traits that are found throughout the fossil record though modified over time
Homologous structures
Anatomically similar structures inherited from a common ancestor
Vestigial structures
The reduced forms of functional structures in other organisms
Analogous structures
Features of different species that are similar in function but not necessarily in structure and which do not derive from a common ancestral feature.
Early, pre-birth stage of an organism's development
The study of the distribution of plants and animals around the world
A measure of how successful an organism is in its environment
An organism that blends into its environment
A species evolves to resemble another species
Hardy- Weinberg principle
When allelic frequencies remain constant, a population is in genetic equilibrium.
Founder Effect
A group of individuals with a different allele frequency than the original population becomes isolated.
Genetic drift
A change in the allelic frequencies in a population that results from chance
Results when population declines to a very small population and then rebounds.
Stabilizing selection
Operates to eliminate extreme expressions of a trait when the average expression leads to higher fitness.
Directional selection
Increases the expression of an extreme version of a trait and increases fitness.
Disruptive selection
Removes individuals with average traits, but keeps individuals with extreme traits.
Sexual selection
Drives change in the frequency of a trait based on the ability to attract a mate.
Prezygotic isolating
Before fertilization and prevents reproduction by making fertilization unlikely
Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
After fertilization and ensures that the resulting hybrid stays infertile
Allopatric speciation
Populations are divided by a physical barrier causing multiple different species to evolve from one species
Sympatric speciation
Populations are not divided by a physical barrier causing multiple different species to evolve from one species
Adaptive radiation
A large number of species arise from a common ancestor because of an ecological opportunity
Convergent evolution
Species that aren't related evolve similar traits even though they live in different parts of the world.
Evolution that proceeds in small, gradual steps
Punctuated equilibrium
Evolution that happens more quickly in bigger steps