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frontal bone
parietal bone (2)
temporal bone (2)
occipital bone
sphenoid bone (lateral view)
sphenoid bone (inferior view)
ethmoid bone
maxilla (2)
palatine bone (2)
zygomatic bone (2)
nasal bone (2)
lacrimal bone (2)
hyoid bone
scapula (2)
clavicle (2)
cervical vertebrae (7)
thoracic vertebrae (12)
lumbar vertebrae (5)
true ribs #1-7 (14)
false ribs #8-10 (6)
floating ribs #11-12 (4)
humerus (2)
ulna (2)
radius (2)
Carpals (16)
pisiform (2)
triquetal (2)
lunate (2)
scaphoid (2)
hamate (2)
capitate (2)
trapezoid (2)
trapezium (2)
metacarpals (10)
proximal phalanges of the hand (10)
middle phalanges of the hand (8)
distal phalanges of the hand (10)
ilium (2)
ischium (2)
pubis (2)
femur (2)
patella (2)
tibia (2)
fibula (2)
tarsals (14)
calcaneus (2)
talus (2)
navicular (2)
cuboid (2)
lateral cuneiform (2)
intermediate cuneiform (2)
medial cuneiform (2)
metatarsals (10)
proximal phalanges of the foot (10)
middle phalanges of the foot (8)
distal phalanges of the foot (10)
supraorbital foramen
zygomatic process (arch)
mastoid process
styloid process
external auditory meatus
carotid foramen
jugular foramen (lateral foramen)
foramen magnum
occipital condyles
external occipital protuberance
sella turcia
optic foramen
crista galli
coronal suture
sagittal suture
lambdoidal suture
squamosal suture
alveolar process (margin)
coronoid process (mandible)
mandibular condyle (condylar process)
body of the mandible
ramus of the mandible
mental foramen
vertebral foramen
intervertebral foramen
spinous process
transverse process
manubrium of the sternum
body of the sternum
xiphoid process of the sternum
sternoclavicular joint
acromioclavicular joint
spine of the scapula
body of the scapula
acromion process
supraspinous fossa
infraspinous fossa