cost up to £5000/m
timber/rock structures built out to sea. trap sediment moved by LSD and broaden beach = reduce waves attack on coast
adv: bigger beach = more tourists, not too expensive, useful for fishing
disadv: unnatural/unattractive, stops other beaches from getting sediment
cost: £1000-4000/m
piles of large boulders dumped at foot of cliff. rock forces wave to break = protects cliff
adv: fairly cheap, easy to maintain
disadv: expensive to transport, can block views
cost: £2000/100m
sand dunes are effective buffers = maram grass stabilises
adv: maintains natural coastal environment, relatively cheap, popular w/ people & wildlife
disadv: time consuming, can be damaged by storms
cost: £5000-10000/h
involves allowing low lying coastal areas to be flooded by sea = salt marsh = affective barriers to the sea
adv: cheap, no maintenance, creates habitats
disadv: land is lost, farmers need to be compensated
cost: up to £6mil/km
concrete/rock barrier placed on foot of cliffs
adv: effective at reducing erosion, often have walkways
disadv: expensive, can be obtrusive, hard to maintain
cost: £3,000/m
addition of sand/shingle to make beach wider
adv: cheap, increased tourism, blends in
disadv: needs constant maintenance
cost: £350/m
cages of boulder built into cliff face = absorbs wave energy
adv: effective with severe erosion, cheap
disadv: environmentally ugly
cost: £1000/m
similar to groynes, wooden structure breaks wave energy
adv: creates bigger beach, effective
disadv: ugly, does not protect cliff, may need replacing