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View of frescos, Dura Europos synagogue, Syra, 240s CE.
preserved by backfilling to reinforce the walls while being taken over
Reconstruction of the baptistery at Dura Europos, Syria, 240s CE.
The earliest Christian baptistry
Lamp with Good Shepherd, Noah’s Ark, Jonah; Rome, early 3rd century
one of the earliest surviving objects decorated with Christian imagery. (Jonah and the whale, Noah’s ark and the good shepherd)
Statuette of the Good Shepherd (+ the four Jonah statuettes), Asia Minor (Turkey), c. 280-290 CE.
These statuettes suggest that by the end of the third century, such emblems decorated the homes of wealthy Christians
Sarcophagus with Biblical scenes (the Velletri Plaque), Rome (?), c. 300 CE
sarcophagus decorated with a Good Shepherd, a praying woman, and small figures of Adam and Eve, Noah, Jonah, Daniel, and Jesus performing the miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish. The symbols complemented and reinforced each other.
Epitaph with Fish and Anchor symbol, Rome, late 3rd century.
One of the earliest known Christian tombstones, the epitaph was discovered near the ancient pagan cemetery on the Vatican Hill, the resting place of the apostle Peter. Christians wished to be buried near the saint. In shape and style, the epitaph is exactly like contemporary pagan ones, but its actually Christian.
The Good Shepherd, 3rd c. CE, Catacomb of Callixtus, Rome.
one of the many early Christian images of of Christ, the Good Shepherd, found in the catacombs of San Callisto in Rome
Good Shepherd Mosaic, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 425-450 CE, Ravenna, Italy
Christ depicted as the Good Shepherd looking very Roman, young and beardless. The Mausoleum is shaped like a cross
Sarcophagus Front with Jonah and Christian Scenes, Rome, late 3rd cent
The bottom of the front has Jonah and the whale while the top has different biblical scenes like the raising of Lazarus, and scenes of Peter’s life found in the apocrypha
Mosaic from Beth Alpha (Beit Alpha) synagogue 6th Century, Israel
The circle and square represent the combination between the earth and the heavenly realm. The zodiac sign wheel with a stylized art approach.
Fresco with the Donna Velata (veiled lady), Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome, 3rd century.
been variously but never satisfactorily interpreted
The Akedah, Temple, and Menorah, detail from the wall painting on the Torah shrine in the Dura Europos synagogue, Syria, c. 239 CE.
it was the first major discovery of extensive biblical imagery in Jewish art. It shows a blend of art styles like Roman, Persian, and Syrian. The paintings also contain important Jewish symbols.
Arch of Titus relief of Jerusalem Temple Menorah, Rome, 81 CE
Romans carry spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem, including a Menorah, sacred trumpets and the showbread table.
Coin with Menorah and Showbread Table, 37 BCE, Jerusalem
Hasmonean king of Judea issued these coins, the first coins with the Menorah and Showbread Table
Coin of the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome, 132-135 CE, Judea
Romans under Titus destroyed the Jewish temple, triggering the Jewish revolt, these coins were released to claim independence.
Mosaic floor in the nave of the synagogue at Hammat Tiberias, 4th century CE, Tiberias, Israel
personified sun god appears at the center of a large mosaic floor divided into three panels featuring dedicatory inscriptions, personifications of the seasons and the twelve signs of the zodiac, and motifs associated with the ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
The Jonah Panel, Huqoq synaoguge, 5th century CE, Galilee, Israel
Harpies were seen as depicting storm in Greco-Roman, also three fish eating Jonah in succession
The Santa Maria Antiqua sarcophagus, c. 270 CE, Roman Forum, Italy
A Wife praying and a philosopher reading a scroll with other biblical scenes like the baptism of Jesus Christ
Painting of Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s Daughter, and the Infancy of Moses, Dura synagogue 3rd century
The Dura-Europos temple was discovered in 1932/1933, completely changing the idea that Jews wouldn’t build such an elaborate place of worship
Painting of Ezra reading the law, Dura synagogue 3rd Century
Above the Aediculae, the Torah Shrine.
Painting of Good Shepherd, Dura baptistery, 3rd Century
Initiates who underwent the ritual of baptism in this room would have identified with the sheep and believed themselves protected by Christ.
Mosaics of (1) Jesus calling Peter and Andrew, and (2) Jesus and disciples at Last Supper, early 6th century, Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy
As Jesus is first depicted, he’s seen with short hair and no beard but by the time its the last supper, he’s depicted with longer hair and facial hair.
Ceiling painting of Christ with alpha and omega, 4th or 5th century, cubiculum in the Catacomb of Commodilla, Rome
The first few icon-like portraits of Christ in wall paintings, we know its Christ because of the Alpha and Omega symbols by His head