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_______ is an agriculturally important country
what percent of India's population is involved in agricultural activities?
name an age old economic activity of our country.
_________ farming is still practiced in a few pockets of India.
primitive subsistence farming
Raghu practices a way of farming in which you depends upon monsoon and the natural fertility of soil and still uses old tools like dao and digging sticks. the method of farming he practices is:
primitive subsistence farming
what is Slash and burn agriculture?
setting a piece of land on fire and leaving the land for two or more agricultural years to restore its fertility.
another name for milpa is
which kind of farming is practised in areas of high population pressure on land?
intensive subsistence farming
high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation are used in intensive subsistence farming. give reason.
for obtaining higher production
what factor has rendered land holding size uneconomical?
right of inheritance
what is commercial farming?
farming done on a large scale with the motive of gaining profit.
what are the main characteristics of commercial farming?
use of high yielding variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
the degree of ___________ of agriculture varies from one region to another.
plantation can be classified as _________ farming
Riya's family grows tea on a large area and nothing else. they have a:
a plantation has an interface of ________ and _________.
agriculture, industry
migrant labourers are needed in a:
India is the highest producer of:
tea and oil seeds
what plays an important role in the development of plantations?
well developed network of transport and communication
the three cropping seasons of India are:
kharif, rabi and zaid
Rabi crops are sown in:
from October to December
Rabi crops are harvested in:
from April to June
what are some important Rabi crops?
wheat, Barley, peas, gram and mustard
which climatic conditions helps in the success of Rabi crops?
availability of precipitation due to the Western temperate cyclones
kharif crops are grown:
with the onset of monsoon
kharif crops are harvested in:
from September to October
some important kharif crops are:
paddy, maize, johwar, Bajra, tur
in states like Assam, West Bengal and Odisha, three crops of paddy are grown in a year. these are:
Aus, Aman and boro
what has made it possible to grow rice in less rainfall areas?
development of dense network of canal irrigation and tubewells
_________ requires a cool growing season and a bright sunshine at the time of ripening.
wheat requires______ to _______ cm of annual rainfall evenly distributed over the growing season.
50, 75
two important wheat growing zones in India are:
the Ganga satluj plains in the Northwest and the black soil region of the Deccan.
give example of millet crops.
Jowar, Bajra and ragi
what are known as coarse grains?
ragi is very rich in:
iron, calcium and other micronutrients
_________ is the third most important food crop with respect to area and production.
which kind of soils are best suitable for Bajra?
Sandy and black soil
which kind of soil is best suitable for ragi?
black, Sandy, loamy and shallow black soil
who is the largest producer of rice in the world?
which crops grows well in old alluvial soil?
maize is a crop which is used both as _______ and _______.
food, fodder
what has contributed to the increasing production of maize?
use of modern imports such as HYV seeds, fertilizers and irrigation
some maize producing states are:
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
largest consumer of pulses in the world is:
India is the largest producer of ________ in the world
all leguminous crops except ______ help in restoring soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air.
what are the major sugarcane producing states of India?
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, telangana, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana
which are the major pulse producing states in India?
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka
oilseeds cover _______ of the total cropped area of the country.
according to a 2016 report, who was the second largest groundnut producer in the world?
what is the suitable climate for growing sugarcane?
hot and humid climate with the temperature of 21°C to 27°C
what are the main oil seeds produced in India?
groundnut, mustard, coconut, sesamum, soybean, castor seeds, cotton seeds, linseed and sunflower
__________ requires an annual rainfall between 75 cm and 100 cm
sugarcane crops
which kind of crop is groundnut?
kharif crop
what kind of crops are linseed oil and mustard?
Rabi crop
______ is grown both as Rabi and kharif crop.
castor seeds
which beverage crop was introduced by the British in India?
in which climate does tea plant grows well?
tropical and subtropical climates
tea is a ______ industry
labour intensive
what is Indian coffee known for in the world?
good quality
which variety of coffee is produced in India?
where was the initial cultivation of coffee introduced in India?
Baba Budan hills
rubber is an ________ crop.
which crop requires rainfall of more than 200 cm?
________is a tropical as well as a subtropical crop.
hemp is an example of:
fibre crop
define sericulture
rearing of silkworms for production of silk fibre
which country is believed to be the original home of cotton plant?
the soil most suitable for cotton is:
black soil of Deccan plateau
cotton requires ______ frost free days and bright sunshine for its growth.
how many months does it take cotton to mature?
6 to 8 months
the common name for golden fibre is?
which soil is best suitable for jute crops?
well drained fertile soils in the floor plains
what is the reason for jute losing its market?
high cost
what are the three factors that were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after independence?
collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooporation and abolition of zamindari.
what was the main focus of our first five year plan?
land reform
name the two revolutions which were some strategies initiated to improve the lot of Indian agriculture.
Green Revolution and White Revolution
when was the comprehensive land development program initiated?
1980s and 1990s
name some schemes introduced by the government of India for the benefit of the farmers.
Who was declared as Mahatma Gandhi spiritual heir?
Vinoba Bhave
who was one of the votaries of Gandhi's concept of gram Swaraj?
Vinoba Bhave
after Gandhiji's matyrdom, what did Vinoba Bhave undertake?
which act is known as Bhoodan?
Shri Ram Chandra Reddy stood up and offered 80 acres of land to be distributed among 80 landless villagers.
what is the act of gramdan?
when some zamindars of many villages offered to distribute villages among the landless.
bhoodan gramdan movement is also known as:
Bloodless Revolution
agricultural GDP of India has registered a declining trend from _______ onwards.
which crop is one of the most important items of export from India?
spices from South India
during the British period ______ belts of India attracted the British.
cotton textile industry in _____ and _______ flourished due to the availability of good quality cotton from India.
Manchester, Liverpool
when and where did the Champaran movement start?
1917 in Bihar
what is India's rural population?
833 million