A set of vocabulary flashcards covering key concepts in tort law as discussed in the lecture.
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A civil wrong other than a breach of contract.
A failure to live up to society’s ideal of reasonable care in a given situation.
Intentional Tort
A type of tort where the defendant injures the plaintiff on purpose, not through negligence.
Duty of Care
The basic obligation to avoid acting in ways that could injure others or their property.
Assumption of Risk
A defense claiming that defendants do not have a duty to protect plaintiffs from injuries resulting from inherently risky activities.
The relationship between the harm suffered and the breach of duty in tort law.
Statements made by one party that damage another’s reputation.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
A legal doctrine allowing the court to infer negligence from the nature of the accident.
A form of professional negligence where a professional fails to meet the standard of care expected in their field.
Punitive Damages
Additional damages awarded in cases of intentional torts to punish the defendant.
A person being accused of committing a tort or crime.
A person who commits a tort.
False Imprisonment
A type of tort that involves restraining someone against their will.
Tortious Interference
Wrongful interference with contractual relations between two parties.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
An intentional tort involving outrageous conduct that causes severe emotional distress.
Defamation expressed in printed form, such as newspapers and online articles.
Defamation expressed in spoken words.