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Article II
Established the executive branch of the federal government
Federalist Paper 70
Argumentative Essay written by Alexander Hamilton
Argued that a good executive needed
Only one person
Adequate provisions
Ability to act quickly
Electoral College
Method for electing the president
Each state has at least 3 votes
Electoral votes determined by amount of representatives in Congress
23nd Amendment
Gives D.C. 3 votes
Powers of the President
Divided into two categories, formal vs informal
Formal powers are explicitly given by the Constitution
Informal powers are not
The President has four jobs
Chief Legislator
Signing bills into law
Veto power
Pocket veto
Action is not taken and Congress isn’t in session
Chief Administrator
Executive order
Same effect as law
Executive privilege
Withhold information from another branch
Appointment power
Granting Pardons
Commander in chief
Oversees all branches of the Military
Chief Diplomat
Represents the US
Make treaties
Receive ambassadors
Executive agreements
Simple contracts between heads of state
Facilitate trade
Provide mutual defense
Appointment Power
Power of the President to appoint government officials
These officials include
SCOTUS justice
Federal judge
Cabinet secretary
Executive Privilege
Power of the President to withhold information from another branch
Executive Agreement
Power of the President - they are simple contracts between heads of state
Presidential Powers during wartime
Can command troops
Office of Management and Budget
Helps President create budget to be delivered to Congress
22nd Amendment
Amendment that limited presidents to either two terms or 10 years in office
Legislative checks on the Executive
Veto override
Impeach president
Approve / deny appointments
Judicial checks on the Executive
Their main ability to check the Executive is Judicial Review