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Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope
organic theory
A country behaves like an organism-to survive, a state requires nourishment, or territory, to gain political power.
A line around places where speakers use a linguistic feature in the same way
growth pole
an urban center with certain attributes that, if augmented by a measure on investment support, will stimulate regional economic development in its hinterland
A form of tourism, based on the enjoyment of scenic areas or natural wonders, that aims to provide an experience of nature or culture in an environmentally sustainable way. Costa Rica is THE example
A snowballing geographical process by which secondary and service industrial activities become clustered in cities and compact industrial regions in order to share infrastructure and markets
Economic activities that deal with the handling and processing of knowledge and information
non governmental organization
International organizations that operate outside of the formal political arena but that are nevertheless influential in spearheading international initiatives on social, economic, and environmental issues
World economic system is characterized by a more flexible set of production practices in which goods are not mass-produced; instead, production has been accelerated and dispersed around the globe by multinational companies that shift production.
structuralist theory
A general term for a model of economic development that treats economic disparities among countries or regions as the result of historically derived power relations within the global economic system
A center of high-tech manufacturing and information-based industry
comparative advantage
Lowest opportunity cost
The decline of primary and secondary industry, accompanied by a rise of the service sectors of the industrial economy
export processing zones
Zones established by many countries in the periphery and semi-periphery where they offer favorable tax, regulatory, and trade arrangements to attract foreign trade and investment
footloose industry
Are able to shift the location of their facilities in order to take advantage of cheap labor
free trade zone
A geographic area where goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and re exported without the intervention of the customs authorities
Calculates the monetary worth of what is produced within a country plus income received from investments outside the country
formal economy
The legal economy that is taxed and monitored by a government and is included in a government’s Gross National Product (GNP)
global division of labor
Phenomenon whereby corporations and other can draw from labor markets around the world, made possible by the compression of time and space through innovation in communication and transportations systems
perforated state
A state that completely surrounds another state. The only good example of a state that completely surrounds another is Lesotho, surrounded by South Africa