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Liquidador de daños / perito de siniestros - Insurance company employee in charge of processing claims to their resolution.

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Tasador, evaluador, agente de avalúos - One who estimates officially the cost or repairs or replacement of damaged property, such as a home or a car.

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Beneficiario/a - Person(s) who may become eligible to receive or is receiving benefits under an insurance policy.

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Beneficios - Payment or service provided, receiving money from the government because of a low income or lack of income OR an advantage or profit gained from something.

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Bodily injury

Lesión corporal/lesiones corporales, daños físicos - Any physical or mental impairment suffered by an insured. It includes occupational diseases, auto injuries,work‐related accidents and even death.

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Body shop

Taller de carrocería, taller de chapistería - A repair establishment specializing in non‐mechanical damages to automobile framework and body.

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Marca, de patente - A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product, service, or organization.

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Breve, corto, rapido, conciso - Short in time, duration, length, or extent, A short, succinct statement

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Parachoques, paragolpes - a horizontal bar fixed across the front or back of a motor vehicle to reduce damage in a collision.

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Colisión, choque - An act of colliding; a crash, impact, an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object. A forcefull impact between two objects.

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Collision coverage

Cobertura contra choques - Coverage that pays for the repair or replacement of a vehicle in case of accident; forms part of what is considered "full coverag" for automobile policies.

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Compacto - Something small, or densely packed.

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Comprehensive Coverage

Cobertura contra todo riesgo (NO COMPRENSIBLE) - Automobile coverage that pays for damages not directly related to an auto crash. For example, if tree limb falls on your windshield and breaks it, your comprehensive coverage will help you pay for the damage.

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Copago, pago compartido - A small fixed amount required by a health insurer to be paid by the insured for each outpatient visit or prescription.

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Se estrelló - To collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle.

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Credit report

Informe de crédito, informe crediticio, reporte de crédito, historia de crédito, historial crediticio - A credit report is a summary of your financial and debt management history.

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Daños - Destruction or a loss in value, usefulness, or ability resulting from an action or event. physical harm that is done to something or to someone's body.

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Escombros - The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage.

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Deducible - The amount for which the insured is liable on each claim made on an insurance policy.

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Incapacidad, discapacidad - Impairment of physical activity; the extent to which normal work or daily activities cannot be performed due to mental or physical injury or impairment.

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DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)

Departamento de Vehiculos Motorizados - A state agency in charge of keeping driving records for drivers in the state, including tickets, accidents, etc.

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Conducible, manejable. - Being such that use or operation is possible

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Drive in facility

Centro de inspección/ inspecciones - Locations designated by auto insurance companies, where drivers can bring their vehicles to have damages inspected, in order to have an estimate of the repair costs. An insurance office designated to inspect and evaluate damages to automobiles.

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Effective date

Fecha de vigencia - The date on which coverage begins. Date on which some service, agreement or right of use enters into effect.

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Empleador, patrón - A person or company that has people who do work for wages or a salary.

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Inscrito (NO ENRROLADO) - To officially register as a member of an institution, company or organization that provides services.

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Presupuesto, estimación, cotización, cálculo, cálculo aproximado, - A statement of the approximate cost of work to be done, such as car repairs or a building project.

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Guardafango - Part of the body of an automobile that is mounted over the wheels to reduce the splashing of mud and water.

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Full Coverage

Cobertura Completa (NO FULL COVER) - This term denotes a combination of coverage bundled into one policy. The term itself is a bit misleading since full coverage does not include medical payments (PIP), towing and labor, car rental, etc. The Full Coverage designation typically means that the policy includes liability coverage, comprehensive coverage and collision; thus, the insured party is protected against the three major sources of loss.

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Genérico - Relating to or being a product that is sold or distributed without any brand name, especially as a discount alternative to a name‐brand product

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Health plan

Plan de salud, plan para el cuidado de la salud - An insurance plan that covers medical expenses.

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Hit and run

Chocar y huir; chocar y darse a la fuga - When a driver who is invloved in an accident leaves the scene of the accident without providing information to the other drivers or the police.

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propietario de una casa, proprietario de una vivienda, dueño de casa, poseedor de casa propia - Proprietor, owner of a home, an individual who owns a home

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Homeowners insurance

Seguro para propietarios de viviendas; seguro de viviendas - Policies designed to protect the property of homeowners, as well as the legal liability derived from owning said property.

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Horn, to honk

bocina, tocar la bocina - claxon, tocal el claxon - A sound‐making device that vehicles are equipped with, to use as a warning noise

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Inspect (to)

Inspeccionar - To look at something closely, typically to assess their condition.

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Seguro - Coverage by contract in which one party agrees to cover another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract

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Asegurado, - One who has or is covered by an insurance policy

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Liability insurance

Seguro de responsabilidad civil - Liability insurance only pays for bodily injuries or property damage suffered by others when you are at fault in an accident

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Member ID

Número de identificación de miembro - Identification number of one that belongs to a group or organization

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No fault laws

Leyes independientes de culpabilidad - Laws enacted by states forcing insured parties to file injury claims through their own insurance companies, regardless of fault.

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Farmacia - A store where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold.

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PIP (Personal Injury Protection)

Protección o cobertura contra daños personales - This coverage provides personal injuries benefits in states with no‐fault laws. Coverage usually applies to the insured, all members of the insured's household, any passengers and any pedestrian struck by an insured's vehicle.

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Point of impact

Punto de impacto - Part of an object where an impact has taken place.

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Póliza - A document detailing the terms and conditions of a contract of insurance.

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Prima (context dependent) - The cost of an insurance policy; the consideration paid by the insured to the insurer for protection.

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Cotización (NO CUOTA) - Information about the cost of an insurance policy given to the prospective insured by the insurance company.

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Grabado - The act or process of storing sounds or images on tape or a disk

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Recorded statement

Declaración grabada - A formal oral or written declaration, especially with regard to facts or claims, which is recorded with audio equipment.

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Right of way

Derecho de paso, derecho de via - A way of determining which vehicle, among two or more, will be allowed to continue on its path before the others.

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Roadside assistance

Cobertura de asistencia en la carretera, asistencia vial - An optional automobile insurance coverage that may be purchased for an additional premium; this coverage provides for gasoline, and some minor repairs.

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Salvage value

Valor residual, valor de rescate - The value assigned by an insurer to property deemed beyond repair, or whose value is less than the actual cost of repair.

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Suscriptor, asegurado - A person who receives a service or coverage regularly by paying in advance.

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Temporary repairs

Reparaciones temporales, reparaciones provisionales - Repairs made to a damaged property to prevent further damages, until permanent repairs are done.

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To enroll

Inscribirse (NO ENROLARSE) - To register and give information relevant to an insured's participation in an insurance plan. To officially register as a member of an institution, company or organization that provides services.

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To fill (Med)

Surtir (Context dependent) - Pharmacies fill or provide the medications according to the doctor's prescription.

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Total loss

Pérdida total - Property which cannot be repaired or whose cost of repair is higher than its actual value.

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Tow yard

Lote de carros remolcados, corralón - A storage facility used to park disabled vehicles on a temporary basis.

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Transporte - The action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.

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Gemelos - Two children born at the same birth.

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Underwriter (underwriting)

Agente aprobador (Evaluación de riesgos/proceso de aprobación) - Underwriters identify and calculate the risk of loss from policyholders, establish appropriate premium rates, and write policies that cover this risk. Underwritting refers to the process of determing this risk.

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Unemployment benefits

Beneficios de desempleo - A payment made by a government or a labor union to an unemployed person, while they look for work.

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ATM‐Automated Teller Machine

Cajero automático - A machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards

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APR‐Anual Percentage Rate

Tasa de interés annual, Tasa de porcentaje annual - Describes the interest rate for a whole year (annualized), rather than just a monthly fee/rate, as applied on a loan, mortgage loan, credit card, etc. It is a finance charge expressed as an annual rate

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Balance transfer

Transferencia de saldo - A balance transfer is where you shift existing credit card debt to another card which charges a low interest rate or even 0% interest, helping you to save money.

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Business days

Días habiles, días laborables - A business day is considered every official working day of the week. Another common term is working day. Typically, these are the days between and including Monday to Friday and do not include public holidays and weekends.

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Collections (Collections department)

Departamento de cobranzas o de cobros - A special department set up for the purpose of collecting/recovering payments on delinquent or past‐due accounts

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Incumplimiento, morosidad, falta - Failure to meet financial obligations

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Down payment

Pago inicial, pago de entrada - An initial amount paid at the time of purchase

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Drive through

Auto‐banco - Refers to a type of service provided by a business that allows customers to purchase products or receive services without leaving their cars.

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valor líquido, patrimonio, capital; valor que ya se ha ganado en un inmueble - The value of a piece of property (such as a house) after any debts that remain to be paid for it (such as the amount of a mortgage) have been subtracted. In Finance equity is the difference between the value of the assets and the cost of the liabilities of something owned.

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Escrow account

Cuenta de plica, cuenta de depósitos en garantía - In a home mortgage transaction, a deposit account maintained by the lender and funded by the borrower, from which the lender makes tax and insurance payments for the borrower as they come due.

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Fixed interest rate

Tasa fija de interés, tasa de interés fija - An interest rate that does not change over the life of a loan or other form of credit.

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Ejecución hipotecaria, juicio hipotecario, ejecución de la hipoteca - Foreclosure occurs when a lender repossesses a house because the homeowner has defaulted on their mortgage loan or home equity line of credit.

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Grace period

Período de gracia, período de cortesía - The allotted time during which a payment can be made without penalty and without entry upon credit records as delinquent or in default.

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Gross monthly income

Ingreso mensual bruto, salario mensual bruto - Monthly income before deductions like taxes, insurance, retirment, social security are made.

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Home Equity Line

Línea de crédito sobre el patrimonio de la propiedad - A home equity line of credit works like a credit card. The homeowner is allowed to borrow up to a certain amount for the life of the loan. During that time he can withdraw money as needed. As he pays off the principal, his credit revolves and he can use it again.

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Home Equity Loan

Préstamo sobre el patrimonio de la propiedad - A loan secured or guranteed by the equity value in the borrower's home.

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Interest rate

Tasa de interés - The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.

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Late fee

Cargo por demora, cargo por pago atrasado - An extra charge assessed if a payment is made after the due date.

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Préstamo - Money lent at interest for a period of time

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Modificación, reestructuración - The act of altering or changing a contract, or a purchase contract, or altering the terms of such purchase.

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Money order

Giro postal - A money order is a certificate, that allows the named individual to receive cash on‐demand. A money order functions much like a check, in that the person who purchased the money order may stop payment.

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Préstamo hipotecario, prestamo de una propiedad, préstamo de casa, préstamo de vivienda - A loan on real estate that is usually secured by a real estate property.

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Net monthly income

Ingreso mensual neto - Monthy income after all deductions are made (what employees take home)

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Routing number

Número de ruta bancaria, número de identificación bancaria - The routing number is a nine digit bank code which appears on the bottom of checks identifying the financial institution on which it was drawn.

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Overdraft fee

Cargo por sobregiro - A fee charged when a withdrawal from an individual's bank account exceeds the available balance.

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To waive

Exonerar, eximir - To refrain from pressing or enforcing

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Advice nurse

Enfermera consejera - Responsible for answering calls and providing appropriate information to assist callers in assessing needs for health services. Gives appropriate clinical options and assists in assessing primary care, specialty care or community resources. Educate caller on self‐ care advice and preventative measures.

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Ambulancia - To set in motion; make active or more active.

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Monto, cnatidad - A quantity of something, such as money.

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Cita - An arrangement to meet a person or be at a place at a certain time

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Baby formula

Leche infantil, fórmula para lactantes, fórmula para bebés, leche maternizada - A food which contains nutrients to feed infants used as a complete or partial substitute for human milk

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Birth certificate

Acta de nacimiento, partida de nacimiento, certificado de nacimiento - An official document issued upon a person's birth, attesting to the date and place of birth, parentage, etc.

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Booster shot

Vacuna de refuerzo - An additional dose of a vaccine needed periodically to 'boost' the immune system. For example, a booster shot of the tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine is recommended for adults every 10 years

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Brand name medication

Medicamentos de marca - A drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent)

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Respiración, respirar - The passage of air into and out of the lungs to supply the body with oxygen.

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Pecho - The front surface of a person's body between the neck and the abdomen.

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Chicken Pox

Varicela - Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella‐ zoster virus. Most cases are in children under age 15, but older children and adults can get it. It spreads very easily from one person to another.

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Reclamación - A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy

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