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Therapeutic Relationship
-a healing relationship between a nurse and a person in need of care
-nurse and client join together for a period of time to achieve health related treatment goals
-beginning & end
Client Centered
-goal is promotion of health and well-being
-client centered and focus on empowering the client
-each relationship is unique
Therapeutic Communication
-encourages self-direction
-goal setting
-problem solving
-enhances self-esteem
-taking time to examine your own values so that biases/prejudices are not placed on clients in your care
-eliminates stereotypes and unconscious rejection
-increases respect and empowerment
Professional Boundaries
-imposed by legal, moral, professional standards of nursing which promotes respect of nurse and client rights
-prevents injury
-increases trust
Level of Involvement
-compassion versus developing a relationship that is too close
-must maintain emotion objectivity
-over-involvement occurs when there are shared positive feelings about the relationship
-Disengagement occurs when nurses withdraw from clients
Signs of overinvolvement
-giving extra time to client
-visiting in off hours
-doing things for clients they could do for themselves
-putting down actions of other HCP
-feeling resentment toward other HCP's care of client
-always thinking of client
-clients left to cope alone
-fail to progress
-lingering death
-understanding experiences of client without losing self respect
-promotes client respect, understanding and validation
-intentional revealing of personal experiences or feelings similar/different from the client
-nurse should be the regulator of disclosure and needs to refocus conversation on client and identify needs
Peplau's Phases of Nurse-Client Helping Relationship
1. Pre-interaction Phase (before meeting client)
2. Orientation Phase (nurse/client meet)
3. Working Phase (nurse/client work together)
4. Termination Phase (end of helping relationship)
Pre-Interaction Phase
-creating a psychological and physical environment
-psychological preparation (concerns/issues)
-develop professional goals based on situation
-timing of interactions
-physical setting preparation (lighting, seating, location, etc.)
Orientation Phase
-nurse meets client
-clarify purpose of relationship
-assess clients needs
-participant observation test (competence & commitment)
-communication strategies
-identify goals
-expect termination in relationship
Working Phase
-Interdependent role relationship: client assumes partnership to solve problems and accomplish goals
-express feelings of health
-mutual clarification of ideas and expectations
-develop goals
-define problems which may interfere with goals
Termination Phase
-The formal end to the relationship
-evaluation based on all phases of the nursing process
-discharge planning, referral, follow-up, smooth transition