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according to Bandy’s introduction, how many letters of the New Testament did Paul write?
The Apostle Paul’s birth was approximately around AD…?
AD 5
True or False. The Apostle Paul was probably born around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ
What famous Israelite ancestor was Paul possibly named after?
True or False. According to Bandy, Paul was probably given at least two names at his birth.
True or False. The apostle Paul was Jewish and yet a Roman citizen at the same time
what was Paul’s probable hometown
which Jewish party did Paul identify with
which revered Jewish rabbi did Paul study with as a teenager
Gamaliel the elder
where did Paul go to study as a teenager
Who was stoned to death in Acts 8 with Saul as the lead henchman
according to Alan Bandy’s chapter 2, Saul was the “…” who had the chops to pursue the so-called heretics with determination and skill
pit bull
Who empowered and authorized Saul to make a concerted effort to rid the earth of Jesus’s followers
what was the approximate Jewish population of Damascus which justified Paul’s reason for going there
True or false. According to Brandi’s chapter 2 Paul converted from Judaism to Christianity on the road to Damascus
Paul heard a voice on the way to Damascus. According to bandy’s chapter 2, what language did the voice speak
according to bandy, what snapped into focus as Saul learned the identity of the one who so abruptly interrupted his journey?
an understanding of who God is and an understanding of Jesus
what is a good indicator that Paul saw his new faith as a continuation of his Jewish heritage and a fulfillment of Israel’s scriptures
he went to the synagogues
who was the man assigned to heal Paul’s blindness
in the Damascus event, Paul received a calling to preach the gospel among the…
gentiles, Jews, and kings
How many years did Paul spend in Damascus before returning to Jerusalem for the first time after his conversion/calling experience
who helped advocate for the apostle Paul during Paul’s first visit back to jerusalem
which disciple of Jesus did Paul live with during his first two weeks back in jerusalem
true or false. Paul’s time in erusalem was limited to private meetings with the disciples of Jesus due to Paul’s previous reputation in Jerusalem as a persecutor
during Paul’s first visit back to Jerusalem, he met with a disciple of Jesus who may have been the leader of a more conservative Jewish group. Who was that particular disciple?
which city did the disciples of Jesus decide to send Paul when they discovered that the Jews in Jerusalem wanted to kill him
barnabas becomes an important individual in Paul’s life. What does barnabas’s name mean
the encourager
after Paul left Jerusalem after his first visit back, he would spend time in Cilicia and Syria. Approximately, how many years would the apostle Paul spend there?
how did the apostle Paul support himself financially during his time in Cilicia and Syria?
This gentile believer from the church in Antioch would travel with Paul to Jerusalem on the famine relief visit. This gentile believer would become one of Paul’s most trusted companions in the gospel ministry. Who was it?
who traveled with Paul and barnabas to the island of Cyprus as a helper or assistant
according to bandy chapter 4, a key individual grew up on the island of Cyprus. Who was it
once Paul and his traveling crew arrived on the island of cyrprus, where did they go first for ministry opportunity
jewish synagogues
according to bandy chapter 4, how many miles was it from the city of salamis to the city of paphos
100 miles
on the island of Cyprus who was the Roman governor of paphos who summoned Paul to his court
sergius paulus
according to the book of acts, who was the first recorded convert during the Paul’s first missionary journey
Sergius paulus
who was the Jewish false prophet who opposed Paul’s gospel message on the island of Cyprus
elymas aka bar-Jesus
true or false. According to bandy chapter 4, the shift in names from Saul to Paul occurred at his conversion on the Damascus road
What was the first miracle associated with Paul on the first missionary journey in the book of acts
striking a man with temporary blindness
true or false. We are told that sergius paulus is baptized shortly after his conversion
After leaving the island of Cyprus, Paul, barnabas, and mark arrived on the southern coast of Asia Minor. What city did they land in
which individual suddenly departed from the first missionary journey and returned home to jerusalem
why did one of the individuals abandon the mission to Asia minor
luke offers no details
after one of the individuals left the mission, what city did the other two men travel to next
pisidian Antioch
True or false. Psidian antioch was refounded as a Roman colony and was home to 3,000 army veterans.
according to bandy, what was the total population of pisidian antioch
once arriving in pisidian Antioch, where did Paul and barnabas go on their first sabbath day
jewish synagogue
in Paul’s first sermon in Galatia, he summarized the history of … and presented … as the culmination of all God had done and promised
Israel, Jesus
according to the apostle Paul, the good news of the living resurrected Christ is that now full… of sins is available through faith in Him
who became jealous of Paul and barnabas’s ministry success in pisidian antioch
according to bandy chapter 5, how many miles did Paul and barnabas travel between pisidian Antioch and iconium
90 miles
iconium was such an important city that the Roman emperor Claudius renamed it? What was its new name?
paul and Barbara’s begin their missionary ministry in iconic in usual fashion. How so
attending synagogue
Who directly contradicted Paul’s teaching of justication by faith in iconium
synagogue jews
according to bandy chapter 5 how many miles was there between iconium and lystra
22 miles
true or false. Paul and Barbara’s attended Jewish synagogue worship in lystra
the apostle Paul performed a miracle in lystra. What was it
healed a man who was crippled from birth
what idolatry characterized the city of lystra
worship Zeus and hermes
which group of people was behind the attempt to kill the apostle Paul in lystra
jews from iconium
according to bandy chapter 5 how many miles was it from lystra to derbe
60 miles
according to bandy chapter 6 the completed work of Jesus Christ established a new covenant based on
the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit
according to bandy what was the hallmark of Jewish identity that set them apart as God’s covenant people
where did the controversy take place that required a resolution from the mother church in Jerusalem
Antioch HQ
according to bandy who was the first apostle to share the gospel with a gentile audience
true or false. The reason for the Jerusalem council was the controversy over the inclusion of uncircumcised gentiles as equal members of God’s people
what metaphor was used by peter in his argument at the Jerusalem council?
according to bandy which apostle presided over the Jerusalem council
which two representatives from the Jerusalem church were selected to deliver the letter to the church in antioch
judas and Silas
which group present at the Jerusalem council strongly objected to the inclusion of the uncircumcised
Pharisee believers
what was the name of the Roman centurion that peter preached to and to whom the Holy Spirit had been given
according to bandy chapter 6 who did barnabas want to bring along on the second missionary journey with paul
according to bandy chapter 6 Paul didn’t think mark should travel along because he had shown himself to be
Who ended up traveling with barnabas on his mission to cyprus
who ended up traveling with the apostle Paul on the second missionary journey
true or false, as a result of the sharp disagreement the apostle Paul would never see mark again in his missionary career
Where did the sharp disagreement take place between Paul and barnabas
according to to bandy how many days did it take for Silas to travel back to Antioch from Jerusalem
on Paul’s second missionary journey he met Timothy, what city did Paul meet Timothy in
according to Alan bandy what was the strategic choice that Paul made regarding Timothy
to circumcise timothy
because Timothy was uncircumcised when Paul met him Timothy would never be accepted by the
according to Alan bandy Paul might have been directly responsible for timothy’s
at Alexandria trials what confirmed to Paul that God was calling him to Greece
a dream
based on the significant shift from they to we who joined up with Paul, Silas, and Timothy at troas
On his second missionary journey Paul had walked from Antioch to Alexandria troas. According to bandy, approximately ho many miles is this
true or false. Walking by faith means we go even though God may not reveal his plans until we’re already in motion
who are the four individuals on the second missionary trip that lands in philippi
paul, Silas, Timothy, luke
what was the main highway that extended east-west through Macedonia? The apostle Paul and his team would have used this road on their second missionary trip
via egnatia
On Paul’s second missionary journey what is and served as a good halfway point for Paul between Alexandria troas and neapolis
the city of Phillippi was one of the leading Roman colonies in Macedonia. Whose father was the city named after
alexander the great
according to bandy Philippi was home to a large number of
army veterans