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Studies the Earth's materials and aim to understand the process that occur below and on its surface.
Physical Geology
Studies the Earth's materials and aim to understand the process that occur below and on its surface.
Histological Geology
Aims to understand the origin of Earth and the development of the planet through its history.
Study of the atmosphere and the processes that produce weather and climate.
Scientific study of the ocean, including its physical properties, sea floor topography, chemical composition, ecosystems, coastal processes, and marine life.
The study of the universe includes celestial objects such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.
Earth System
Runs on energy from the sun and Earth's internal heat and has interconnected cycles that affect each other.
The layer of gases surrounding Earth, which includes oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.
All the water on Earth, including oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and ice.
The solid part of Earth, consisting of rocks, minerals, and the land itself.
All living organisms on Earth, including plants, animals, and humans, as well as the ecosystems they form.
Is constructed as a tentative explanation, based on facts.
Elevated from a hypothesis and becomes used/accepted.
Big Bang Theory
The most accepted theory of the Origin of the Universe, suggesting that the universe began from a single, extremely hot, and dense point around 13.8 billion years ago.
The study of the universe; its origin, structure, and behavior.
Cosmological Redshift
Galaxies moving away from shifted to longer (redder) wavelengths.
Edwin Hubble
Discovered that most galaxies are moving away from us and that their speed is proportional to their distance.
George Lemaître
Proponent of the Big Bang Theory and the hypothesis of the primeval atom or cosmic egg.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Left over radiation from the Big Bang; very cold 2.725k.
Big Bang Age
How old is our universe? = 13.8 billion years.
Singularity Epoch
All matter was condensed into a single point. All fundamental forces are unified.
Grand Unification
Those fundamental forces are one; Gravity separates after that, formations of elementary particles (quarks, electrons, neutrinos).
Fundamental Forces
Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force.
Inflationary Epoch
Extremely rapid exponential expansion occurring from 10^36 to 10^-32 seconds.
Quark Soup
Liquid-like material formed out of quarks and gluons, the most basic known building blocks of matter, existing from 10^-32 to 1 second.
Protons and neutrons combine through nuclear fusion to form hydrogen, helium, and lithium, occurring from 3 to 20 minutes after the Big Bang.
The universe cooled enough for hydrogen and helium to form neutral atoms, allowing light to travel freely and creating the CMBR, occurring from 240,000 to 300,000 years.
Dark Age
This period has NO stars at all, lasting from 300,000 to 150 million years.
Quasars formed which emitted intense radiation, occurring from 240,000 to 300,000 years.
Star and Galaxy Formation
Solar System Formation occurred from 300 to 500 million years.
Big Crunch
The expansion of the universe reverses, and the universe collapses.
Open Universe
If the density of the universe is less than the critical value, about one atom for every cubic meter, it will continue to expand forever.
Stellar Evolution
Nebula → Protostar → main-sequence star → red giant stage → variable stage → planetary nebula stage → white dwarf stage (SuperNova and White Dwarf) → Neutron star/Black hole → to black dwarf.
Protostar Stage
Is not yet a star, because it's not yet HOT; not hot enough to engage in nuclear fusion.
Main Sequence Star
Stars spend 90% of their life as a hydrogen-burning main sequence star.
Stable Main Sequence Star
Outward pressure balances the inward gravitational force; the sun is expected to remain a stable main sequence star for another 5 billion years.
Red Giant Stage
Usable hydrogen in the star's interior is consumed, leaving a helium rich core.
Core Collapse
The core contracts since it no longer has gas pressure necessary to support against inward force of gravity.
Variable Stage
Eventually the star's gravitational force stops outward expansion and the two opposing forces, gravity and gas pressure, again achieve balance.
Variable Stars
Variable stars alternately expand and contract, and never reach equilibrium.
Burnout and Death
Stars exhaust their usable nuclear fuel and collapse in response to their immense gravity.
White Dwarf
For low-mass stars, they collapse into white dwarfs.
Stellar Remnants
After low and medium mass stars consume their remaining fuel, gravity causes them to collapse into white dwarfs.
Neutron Stars
Remnants of explosive supernova events.
Black Holes
Densest object in the universe with immense surface gravity, even light cannot escape it.
Planetary Nebulae
Formed from medium-mass stars.
Formed from massive stars.
Nebular Hypothesis
Formation of the Earth's Layers and the Atmosphere.
Nebular Theory
Solar system formed from a rotating cloud of gas and dust (solar nebula).
The nebula collapsed under gravity to form a protosun at the center.
Cooling Process
Cooling led to rocky and metallic materials condensing into solid particles.
Repeated collisions of dust particles formed planetesimals which eventually became planets.
A Mars-sized body that collided with proto-Earth, resulting in debris that formed the Moon.
Terrestrial Planets
Inner planets that are rocky and made of high-melting materials.
Jovian Planets
Outer planets that are gas and ice-rich, larger due to cold temperatures.
Formation of Earth's Layers
Larger planetesimals merged to form proto-Earth, leading to intense heating and melting of iron and nickel.
Primitive Atmosphere
Formed from volcanic eruptions releasing gases such as water vapor, CO₂, and sulfur dioxide.
Cooling of Earth
Cooling allowed water vapor to condense, leading to the formation of oceans.
Earth's Materials
Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic solids with crystalline structures and chemical formulas.
How light reflects off a mineral's surface (metallic, submetallic, nonmetallic).
Light Transmission
Opaque - no light passes through; Translucent - light passes, but no image; Transparent - light and image pass through.
Color of mineral in powdered form.
Crystal Shape
Form of a crystal (bladed, prismatic).
Shatters easily
Hammered into shapes
Resistance to scratching (Moh's scale)
Tendency to break along planes of weakness
Rocks melt → magma
Cooling and Crystallization
Magma cools → igneous rock
Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
Rocks broken down → transported → deposited
Sediments compressed → sedimentary rocks
Heat and pressure → metamorphic rocks
Rocks exposed to surface → starts cycle again
Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Small crystals, rapid cooling (ex: basalt, pumice)
Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Large crystals, slow cooling (ex: granite, gabbro)
Light-colored, rich in silica
Dark-colored, rich in magnesium and iron
Mix of felsic and mafic
Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
Formed from weathered rock fragments (ex: sandstone, shale)
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
Formed from precipitation of dissolved minerals (ex: evaporites)
Organic Sedimentary Rocks
Formed from organic material (ex: coal, chalk)
Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
Layered texture due to directed pressure (ex: slate)
Non-Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
No layers; uniform texture (ex: marble)
Agents of Metamorphism
Heat - triggers recrystallization, Stress - causes deformation, Chemically active fluids - enhance recrystallization
Endogenic Processes
Driven by geothermal energy (internal)
Tectonic Activity
Includes convergent, divergent, and transform plate movements
Volcanic Activity
Includes intrusive and extrusive processes
Breakdown of rocks
Mechanical Weathering
Physical breakdown (ex: frost wedging)
Chemical Weathering
Breakdown by chemical reactions (ex: oxidation)
Transport of sediments by wind, water, gravity
Settling of sediments in new locations
Mass Wasting
Downslope movement of rocks/soil due to gravity
Slow movement
Rapid movement
Torrents of water carrying debris
Freefall of rock fragments
Natural feature of the earth's surface that has a distinct shape and structure
Uplifted land, steep slopes and small summit, has to be 1000ft tall and formed for 1M years
Process of mountain formation, typically as a result of collision and interaction of tectonic plates