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Son of Venus - founded Rome
Which of the brothers founds Rome and becomes king?
Who do Romulus and Remus descend from?
Aeneus and Venus
Who is the last Etruscan king?
What year does Superbus get overthrown?
509 BCE
Who founded the Roman Republic?
Lucius Brutus in 509 BCE
Temple of Jupiter on Capitoline Hill
What year was the Temple of Jupiter made?
509 BCE
What does the Temple of Jupiter symbolize?
That the republic is founded with the Gods
What does the Temple of Jupiter draw upon in its features?
Etruscan temples (smooth columns, podium, figures and sculptures on top, pointed roof)
Capitoline Wolf
When was the Capitoline Wolf made?
Who are the babies on the Capitoline Wolf that were added later?
Romulus and Remus
When was the First Punic War?
264-241 BCE
When was the Second Punic War with Hannibal?
218-201 BCE
When did Rome get major world power?
146 BCE
What was a triumph for?
Celebration of war victory, often with the success of a military commander
Who was the first Roman triumph for?
King Romulus
Who gave and decided someone got a triumph?
The senate
What is the Pomerium?
The sacred boundary of the city - armies are not allowed in except with permission of the triumph
What were arches a marker of?
A triumph
Where did triumphs culminate?
The Temple of Jupiter
What was a manubial temple?
A temple given as the fulfillment to a God in the case of a victory
What century did the republic fall apart?
1st century BCE
When was the social war to become Roman?
90 BCE
When did Sulla march to Rome with his armies?
88 BCE
When did Sulla become dictator?
82/81 BCE
What is the list of enemies of the state called?
When did Sulla die?
79/78 BCE
When was Pompey’s giant triple triumph?
62 BCE
Who was in the First Triumvirate?
Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
When was the First Triumvirate?
59 BCE
When did Crassus die?
52 BCE
What is the Rubicon?
The river that marked the divide between provinces to Rome
When did Caesar cross the Rubicon?
49 BCE
Who loses in the battle between Caesar and Pompey?
Pompey - dies
When was the Caesar and Pompey battle?
48 BCE
When was Caesar made the dictator in Rome?
46 BCE
When was Caesar assassinated?
44 BCE
Who assassinated Caesar?
The senate (Ides of March)
When was the Third Punic War?
149-146 BCE
L’Arringatore 2nd c BCE
Pompey 48 BCE
Julius Caesar 44 BCE
Crassus 52 BCE
Theater of Pompey, Temple of Venus inside 55 BCE
Where did Pompey dedicate his theater complex in?
Campus Martius
What is in the Forum Romanum?
The Curia Julia and two basilicas
What was the Curia Julia?
A meeting place for the senate built by Caesar in the Forum Romanum
What is the Forum Julia?
Built next to the Forum Romanum for Venus (really for Caesar himself) and includes the Temple of Venus Genetrix
Forum Julia began 54 BCE
Forum Romanum
What happened when Pompey lost the battle and retreated to Egypt?
He was killed on arrival at Alexandria
What happened when Caesar followed Pompey to Egypt?
Pardons Pompey’s men (one was Brutus) and becomes allies with Cleopatra
How was Octavian Augustus related to Caesar?
Grand nephew - heir from the will
How did Octavian Augustus view Caesar?
Divine - builds temple for his divineness
When was the second Triumvirate?
43 BCE
Who was in the second Triumvirate?
Mark Antony, Octavian Augustus, and Lepidus
How did the second triumvirate divide up territory?
Mark Antony in the East, Octavian Augustus in the West
What happens to Lepidus when he loses the war against Octavian Augustus?
Lives but gets kicked out of the triumvirate
When did the second triumvirate end?
32 BCE
When was the Battle of Atrium?
31 BCE
Who was in the Battle of Atrium
Octavian Augustus versus Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Who won the Battle of Atrium?
Octavian Augustus
How does Octavian Augustus present his image?
Emphasizing peace rather than victory
What is the Mausoleum of Augustus?
A circular tomb in Rome with Res Gestae
What is Res Gestae?
Augustus’ deeds inscribed on walls
What is the Mausoleum of Augustus modeled after?
Etruscan tumulus and the mausoleum in Turkey
What was the Temple of Augustus and Rome?
Built in turkey in honor of Augustus while he was still alive, Res Gestae
Who was the first princeps?
What is a cuirass?
A breastplate used for messaging
Where is the Primaporta Augustus from?
The villa of Livia
Who is the baby riding the dolphin on the Primaporta Augustus?
Cupid - child of Venus and Mars
What does the Primaporta Augustus statue reference?
L’arringatore, hip matte statues, and spear bearer Greek statue
What is the Ara Pacis Augustae?
An altar of peace by Augustus that commemorates his return from Spain and victory from war
Who are on the sides of the Ara Pacis Augustae?
Real people (rendering of reality) including Augustus, flamines (priests), senators, his family wearing togas, Agrippa, and Livia - building the concept of a family dynasty
Who are on the front and back of the Ara Pacis Augustae?
The mythical family including Romulus, Remus, and Aeneas
What is a cameo?
Small and carefully carved semi precious and gem stones, often of political figures around Tiberius times
When does Tiberius rule?
14-37 CE
Who are the Julio-Claudian family?
Augustus’ ancestors
When does Caligula rule?
37-41 CE
When does Claudius rule?
41-54 CE
When does Nero rule?
54-68 CE
Where is Aphrodisias?
Southwestern Turkey
Who was Gaius Julius Zoilos?
A slave of Caesar that was freed during the Octavian Augustus rule
When did Augustus die?
14 CE
How does Aphrodite (Venus) of Aphrodisias look different?
Decorated clothing
What is the Sebasteion?
Two long porticos culminating in a temple willed with statues of the Julio-Claudian family
Who is on the South portico of the Sebasteion?
Gods and family (naked figures beating female naked figures, Claudius and Britannia, Nero and Armenia)
Who is on the North portico of the Sebasteion?
Female stand-ins for places (Creet and Dacians (Romania))
How old was Nero when he became emperor?
What is the Domus Aurea?
A villa (usually a vacation from the city) in the city
When was the Great Fire?
64 CE
What happened at the Great Fire of 64 CE?
Nero stood at his palace and sang and played music, then built a giant palace where everything burned down
Where is the Colossus of Nero?
Domus Aurea
What was the Colossus of Nero turned into when he died?
Sol Invictus
What kind of room does the Domus Aurea have?
Octagonal room with dining rooms coming off its openings and an oculus (an open hole in the ceiling)
Who was the last of the Julio-Claudian family?
How did Nero die?
Suicide because he was declared an enemy of the state
What does damnation memoriae mean?
Damnation of memory - destruction of one’s memory