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composition of the earths atmosphere
nitrogen 78%
oxygen 21%
argon 0.93%
neon 0.002%
helium, krypton and xenon
carbon dioxide
the atmosphere is maintained by earths…
gravitational forces which create air pressure
layers of the earths atmosphere
closest to the earth’s surface, extends up to about 10km above sea level
The earth surface absorbs heat from the sun
Wind speeds increase with height
Most of the atmospheric mass is found, includes nearly all the water vapour, clouds and pollutants
Most of our weather occurs
Humans and other organisms have most interaction through exchange of gases or through introduction of pollutants
The greenhouse effect occurs and helps to regulate the temperature of the earth
what is the greenhouse effect?
atmospheric heating phenomenon in which the Earth experiences rise in temperature because of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere allow incoming sunlight to pass through but trap heat radiated from the earth's surface
energy from the sun enters as…
short wave radiation
heat energy is radiated as…
long wave radiation
green house gasses absorb…
long wave radiation
albedo effect
when solar energy is reflected back into the atmosphere through clouds, ice and snow
greenhouse gasses
water vapour
carbon dioxide
nitrous oxide
Sulphur hexa-fluoride
water vapour
the most abundant GHG
A rise in temperature results in more water vapour leading to further warming, which allows more water to evaporate
positive feedback cycle continues
Carbon dioxide
concentrations are increased by burning of fossil fuels, respiration, volcanic activity and deforestation
arises from emissions from livestock, anaerobic decomposition of waste, rice cultivation and fossil fuels
nitrous oxide
sources include fertilizers, combustion and industrial processes
have been used as liquid coolants (in refrigerators and air conditioning systems), in the production of plastic foam and as industrial solvents
is used in production of aluminium
Sulphur hexa-fluoride
is used in production of magnesium
extends from 10 to 50km above sea level
Stratospheric ozone absorbs UV radiation from the sun.
Temperature is constant at about -60°C in the lower part of the stratosphere, which is shielded by the ozone layer but then increases with altitude
The air is dry
Winds increase with height
ranges from about 50 to 80km
Without the presence of ozone or other particulates to absorb UV radiation, the temperature declines with height
It is the coldest part of the atmosphere with temperatures falling to -100°C.
There are strong winds with speeds up to around 3,000km/h
This layer extends beyond about 80km to between 500km and 1,000km
UV and X-radiation from the sun is absorbed which breaks apart molecules into atoms (oxygen, nitrogen and helium atoms are the main components in the upper thermosphere).
The temperature increases with height and can reach beyond 2,000°C. This heat can cause the layer to expand causing variation in depth overtime from 500 to 1,000km
located within the thermosphere and comprises of an area in which the particles are electrically charged
what absorbs the most amount of UV
ozone in the stratospheric layer
which types of UV rays can ozone absorb
UV-B (some is absorbed)
UV-C (all is absorbed)
UV-A wavelength
longest wavelength
UV-B wavelength
UV-C wavelength
shortest wavelength with highest energy
which is the most dangerous UV to humans?
Ozone levels are measured in …
Dobson Units (DU)
which is the depth the ozone molecules would occupy at standard temperature and pressure (STP) of 0°C (273 Kelvin) and 1 Atmosphere
1DU =
= 0.01mm of ozone
thereats to staratosphere
Natural emissions of ozone depleting substances (volcano eruptions, release nitrogen oxide and sulphate particles)
management of stratospheric ozone
international agreements (montreal protocol 1987)
secondary pollutants
pollutants formed when primary pollutants react in the atmosphere
types of secondary pollutants
acid rain
how is acid rain formed
formed when nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide react with water
how is ozone formed?
formed when nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons react in the presence of sunlight energy
photochemical smog
Photochemical smog occurs when sunlight activates reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) resulting in the formation of ozone and peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN)
what are VOC’s (volatile organic compounds)
VOCs are carbon based compounds with a low boiling point such as propane, butane and formaldehydes
ozone in the statosphere
“good ozone”
reflects UV B and UV C rays
protects life on earth from UV ray damage
ozone in the troposhere
“bad ozone”
secondary polutant formed through reaction between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and oxygen molecules driven by solar radiation
contributes to smog, harmful to health, damaging to ecosystems
policies to reduce air pollution
Altering human activity that produces air pollution
Legislation to prevent or regulate the release of air pollutants
Clean up and restoration of damaged system
acid deposition
refers to the falling of acidic substances from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface
the pH of natural deposition is …
usually acidic at between pH 5 and 6
why is natural deposition acidic?
due to the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which forms carbonic acid
how does acid deposition occur?
occurs as a result of primary pollutants of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides reacting in the atmosphere
form secondary pollutants of sulphuric acid and nitric acid
types of deposition
dry deposition
wet deposition
wet deposition
when pollutants are incorporated into the clouds or falling raindrops and result in acidified rain or snow
dry deposition
when atmospheric pollutants are removed by gravity or direct contact under dry conditions (emissions of ash or dry particles from power stations are absorbed directly onto plants and buildings)
The impact of acid deposition on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems also depends on …
the capacity of the environment to neutralise the acidic input
buffering capacity
alkaline calcium, magnesium compounds, and calcium carbonate (limestone)