Political Socialization
Where people acquire political views, attitudes, and knowledge through family, schools, peer groups, mass media, race, religion, income, ethnicity
Party Identification
Identifying/aligning yourself with a party
Changing the status quo
Environment has large impact on behavior, factors one cannot control: Gov should correct
poverty, racism, sexism, albelism
more gov economically, less gov socially
care/harm (racism)
fairness/cheating (affirmative action)
preserve status quo or return to historical position
One is responsible for their own happiness
more gov on social matters, less on economic
loyalty/betrayal (kneeling for flag, supporting troops)
authority/subversion (BLM and blue lives matter)
calls for public rather than private ownership of property and natural resources
Gov should have less control over peopleās lives
Having moderate political views or policies
Someone who favors a political system in which the state has control over social and economic affairs
The Political Spectrum
Status Quo
The existing state of social or political issues
Intent to transform of replace the principles of a political system often through social change
often left-wing
One who opposes political or social liberalization or reform
one who opposes the removal or loosening of restrictions on economic or political systems
often right-wing
Counting every person living in the U.S. regardless of citizenship status
in Article 1 of Constitution
Every 10 years
collecting data
affects reallocation of funds
how many representatives in the House of Re[s each state gets
Minority Majority
Eventually, white people will be the minority and minority groups together will be the majority
Asians and Hispanics populations have been increasing
birthrates have been higher among minorities
Political Culture
An overall set of values widely shared within a society
ex: equality in America
Reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years based on Census`
drawing electoral district boundaries to account for population shifts
ensuring that each district has roughly the same population
When party in power in state draws district boundaries to benefit themselves
redistricting that helps party in power win elections by weakening voting power of the other partyās citizens
drawing districts so all opponents are concentrated in one area
breaking up opponents so they canāt have a majority anywhere
Random Sampling
everyone has an equal chance/opportunity of being picked
Sampling error
Measure of how accurate results of a survey are
Ā± 3% accounts for good range
Exit Poll
To predict electoral winners with speed and precision using public opinion surveys
widely criticized
discourages people from voting and affects outcome of state and local races
altering wording of question can manipulate results
Gender Gap
Women are more likely to support Democrats because theyāre less conservative than men
More likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending
Limited resources to meet unlimited wants
scarcity of resources sets up prices of things
Something necessary for survival
food, shelter, saftey
An item we desire but is not essential to survival
phones, makeup, etc.
Opportunity cost
The value of trade-offs
What will I lose from option A if I choose option B?
Sunk Cost
Money is spent that cannot be recovered
There is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
Just because something seems free doesnāt mean it is. That money is coming from somewhere.
Amount of goods or services
Amount of goods and services people want/willing to buy
Normal Goods
Increase in demand for a good when consumerās income increases
Inferior Goods
Decrease in demand when oneās income increases.
Goods/services that can be used together
ex: milk and cereal
Goods and services that can be used in place of others
Indirect subs: video games for board games
Direct subs: Coke for Pepsi
1962 Baker v. Carr
Gave the Supreme Court the authority to review redistricting by the states by using the 14th amendment to justify the decision
1993 Shaw v. Reno
Prohibited race based gerrymandering
Political Parties
A linkage institution that helps communicate peopleās preferences to the government institutions ā> get candidates elected
number one goal is getting candidates elected
Ticket Splitting
People vote for members of both parties
Tripartite Model
Party in Electorate
shaped by party identification
not monolithic (ticket splitting is popular)
Decline is major party affilation
more independents than ever before ā> polarization of Congress
Party as Organization
operates as an organization 365 days a year
writes party platform
funds and supports logistics for campaigns
run by a national committee
party representatives from all states and territories
Party in Government
parties form coalitions in government to gain majorities to pass legislation
groups comprised of different types of people that work or vote together to accomplish a common goal
parties are responsible for turning their platform into policy