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water properties
universal solvent
highly polar
water sources
water from food
small amount from metabolism (<10%)
total of abt 2500 ml of fluid
water absorption
most absorbed in gut
most of this in small intestine
rest absorbed in large intestine
absorbed thru osmosis
water and metabolism
needed for metabolic and electrochemical rxns in body
maintain blood pressure and circulation
needed for proper solute concentration
kidney’s role
glomerular filtrate
urine formation
juxtaglomerular apparatus
released in response to low blood pressure or reduced blood volume
enzymes released from kidneys which can cleave angiotensinogen to antiotensinogen 1
liver protein'
converted to angiotensinogen 1 by renin in live
angiotensinogen 1
enters blood
converted by angiotensinogen 2 by angiotensinogen converted enzyme (ACE)
angiotensinogen 2
increases blood pressure by causing release of aldosterone (from adrenal cortex) and vasopressin (by pituitary gland)
angiotensinogen converting enzyme (ACE)
cleave and activate angiotensinogen 1 to angiotensinogen 2
hormone that increase sodium retention and potassium excretion
hormone that enhances reabsorption of water and sodium in kidney
enhances water retention
chemicals that have positive or neg charge and conduct electrical impulses in body
are distributed in way which electrical neutrality is always maintained
anion conc balances cation conc
3 main electrolytes
sodium, potassium, chloride
sodium fact
most abundant extracellular cation
sodium sources
canned, processed and frozen foods/meals
major source is table salt
sodium range
1500 mg/day
DV food labels: 2400 mg
sodium absorption
95-100% absorbed
three basic pathways
Na+/glucose co transport system functions thru small intestine
electro neutral Na+ and Cl- co transport system is active in small intestine and proximal portion of colon
electrogenic Na+ absorption
sodium deficiency
rare, associated with excessive sweating
sodium toxicities
dietary sodium intake increases urinary calcium excretion
linked to high blood pressure
potassium fact
major intracellular cation (>95% in cells)
potassium sources
widespread in foods
good sources are fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds
potassium absorption
>85% of potassium thought to be absorbed by passive diffusion or by K+/H+ -ATPpase pump
decreases urinary excretion of calcium
potassium deficiency
too little or too much can neg affect heart rhythms
increased intake linked to lower blood pressure
chloride fact
most abundant anion in extracellular fluid
chloride source
main source table salt
chloride range
similar to sodium
chloride absorption
in Na+/glucose co transport system, follows actively absorbed Na+
chloride function
maintain fluid balance, blood volume, blood pressure
chloride deficiency
rare, usually with dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting
distribution of water in body
intracellular > extracellular > interstitial fluid > plasma