what group of species were birds closely related to?
2nd most abundant vertebrate group
how abundant are birds?
unique bird characteristic
how are bird forelimbs modified?
walking, swimming, perching
bird hindlimb function
lay eggs
how do all birds reproduce
Keratinized beaks with no teeth
all birds have this mouth structure
Respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous
what systems must be adapted to meet the high demands of flight?
they are hollow
how do bird bones adapt for flight
-fossil that linked birds to therapod dinosaurs
-showed some characteristics of a bird and some of a reptile
long s shaped neck, furcula (wish bone) consisting of fused clavicles, feathers on short hindlimbs
Similarities that allowed for grouping of birds and dinosaurs
thermoregulation and courtship displays
early functions of feathers
how did feathers evolve (since they changed their function over time)
it is keeled
what is unique about the sternum of flying birds?
contour feather
-vaned feathers that streamline the bird body
-most common bird feather
quill, barbs
Hollow ________ emerges from skin follicle and continues as a shaft or rachis; bears numerous ___________ in parallel fashion
extend and spread laterally from each side of a barb
filoplume feathers
hairlike, degenerate feathers with a weak shaft and tuft of short barbs at the tip with no known function
down feathers
short tufts without rachi (shaft), found under contour feathers and function as insulation
powder-down feathers
found in herons and their relatives in which they disintegrate and release a talc-like powder to waterproof feathers and give off the metallic luster
light but sturdy
Requirements of a bird skeleton
can a bird’s feathers outweigh it’s skeleton?
fused into 1 kinetic piece
modern bird skull
all but the cervical
what vertebrae are fused in birds?
pygostyle, synsacrum
caudal vertebrae fuse to form this structure, then the remaining vertebrae fuse and form the _______
increases stiffness in framework
why are bird vertebrae and ribs fused?
can store energy as it flexes during wing beats
pectoralis muscle
attatched to the keel, depresses the wing in flight when contracted
superacoracoideus muscle
attatched to the keel to raise the wing in flight
nutrition of early birds
eurypahgous or stenophagous
nutrition of current birds
species eat a wide variety of items and can switch to whatever is seasonally abundant (omnivores)
species are specialists and focus on a few selected foods; \n can be vulnerable if their food source is reduced or jeopardized
adapted for different feeding habits of birds
-stores food at lower end of esophagus
-produces lipid and protein rich fluids used to feed hatchlings when parents regurgitate food
muscular stomach that contains grit that grinds larger food
Birds of prey such as owls form a pellet of indigestible material in the __________ and eject it through the mouth
proventriculus and gizzard
2 parts of bird stomach
paired ceca
at the junction of intestine and colon to serve as fermentation chambers for herbivorous bird
receives products from digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems
bird eyes are _____ relative to body size than mammal eyes
eyes are less spherical and muscular so they can’t move independently
why do birds need to turn their whole head to scan an area
rods, cones
birds have _______ for dim light and _______ for color
trees-down and ground-up
2 main hypothesis for bird flight
birds that feed during flight or have long migrations
where are high-speed wings found?
hard to keep bird airborne at low speeds
challenges of high-speed wings
less maneuverable
challenges with dynamic soaring wings
dynamic soaring wing
-found in albatrosses, gannets, and other oceanic soaring birds which have long, narrow wings. \n - high-aspect ratio wings lack wing slots and allow high speed, high lift
high-lift wings
- have an aspect ratio intermediate between elliptical wings and high-aspect ratio wings. \n •-Vultures, hawks, eagles, owls, and other birds of prey that \n carry heavy loads have wings with slotting, alulas, and \n pronounced camber that produces high lift at slow speeds
concavity on a wing, helps with bearing weight
what is camber
what enlarges during reproduction in birds?
cloacas are put together
how does gamete exchange occur in birds
left ovary and oviduct develop
what happens in female birds for reproduction