what is does freuds psychosexual/pscyhoanalytical theory state
each stage is a desire focused on a body part, the child is presented with a conflict that will either build or suppress growth
what does eriksons theory of psychosocial development state
a human must go through a series of psychosocial developmental stages that are balanced through the lifespan, each stage has a psychosocial conflict and resolution is required to move on
what does piagets theory of cognitive development state
to progress from one stage to the next, the child reorganizes his or her thinking process to bring them close to reality
freud stage: age birth-1 year
freud stage: 1-3 years
freud stage age 3-6
freud stage: age 6-12 years
freud stage: age 12-adult
what is the oral stage (freud)
mouth is the center of gratification through sucking, chewing, swallowing, breastfeeding, and biting
what is the anal stage (freud)
child finds pleasure and control through retention and defection of feces (toilet training provides child control)
what is the phallic stage (freud)
unconscious desire for parent of the opposite sex (oedipus and electra compex)
what is the latent stage (freud)
child is developing new skills to form relationships with other people
what is the genital stage (freud)
onset of puberty, child develops sexual and emotional interest towards opposite sex
erikson stage: infancy (birth-18 months)
trust vs mistrust
erikson stage: early childhood (18 months-3 years)
autonomy vs shame
erikson stage: late childhood (3-6 years)
initiative vs guilt
erikson stage: school age (6-12 years)
industry vs inferiority
erikson stage: adolescence (12-20 years)
identity vs role confusion
what is the focus of trust vs mistrust
attachment to mother or caregiver
what is the focus of autonomy vs shame
develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and independence
what is the focus of initiative vs guilt
become directive and find a sense of purpose
what is the focus of industry vs inferiority
develop physical, social, and learning skills
what is the focus of identity vs role confusion
form intimate, loving relationships with other
piaget stage: birth-2 years
piaget stage: 2-7 years
piaget stage: 7-11 years
concrete operational
piaget stage: 11-adult
formal operational
what is occurs in the senorimotor stage (piaget)
sucking, grasping, looking, listening, object permanence, separation anxiety
what occurs in the preoperational stage (piaget)
egocentrism, symbolism
what occurs in the concrete operational stage (piaget)
logical thinking, concepts of time and space
what occurs during the formal operational stage (piaget)
abstract thinking and reasoning, hypotheticals