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negative space
the space around and between dancers
musculoskeletal system
the system of bones and skeletal muscles that support and protect the body and permit movement
ball and socket joints
hip and shoulder joints that allow for lateral, opening, closing, and circular movements
hinge joints
joint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that permits motion in only one plane
musicality in dance
measure or degree to which a dancer is receptive and creative in their translation or rendering of music through movement. It is a key ingredient in a dancer's display of artistry
strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound
dance phrase
a brief sequence of related movements that have a sense of continuity and artistic or rhythmic completion and that show a beginning, middle, and end
how fast or slow a dance phrase appears
a segment of time within a piece of music defined by a number of beats
duple meter
2 beats per measure
triple meter
3 beats per measure
stress in a particular count: 1-2-3
movement that accents the weaker beat or an off-beat
positive space
dancers occupy space in a particular shape
locomotor movements
movements which result in a change of location (running, skipping, jumping)
nonlocomotor movements
movements that are stationary or that do not propel the mover around an area (twisting, swaying, reaching)
direction of dancer movement
floor pattern
An imaginary line of path in space taken by the dancer as they move from place to place
linear movement
movement in a straight line
curvilinear movement
occurs when the movement path is curved
how the dancer orients themselves to the audience
vertical plane
movement focused on length and height
horizontal plane
focuses on movement perpendicular to standing
sagittal plane
focuses on depth, also known as the wheel plane
changing force and intensity expended by a dancer
Energy: time
how the dancer exerts themselves, either sudden or sustained
Energy: space
how the dancer uses space: direct or indirect
Energy: weight/force
how much exertion can be seen in the movement, strong or light
Energy: flow
indicates the continuity of the dancer's movements, either free or bound
dance composition
the art of combining elements to make a fully realized dance
the sports which include running, jumping and throwing
deals with the notion of beauty and the philosophy of art
codified technique
a developed movement style that has its own pedagogy, set exercises and theory
floor work
movements performed on the floor
the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion
an elaborate and spectacular display or event