Civil Liberties
basic freedoms to think and act that all people have and that are protected against government abuse
Civil Rights
rights of fair and equal status and treatment and the right to participate in government
1st Amendment: freedoms and restrictions
freedoms: Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition
restrictions: limits on harming others, Libel, obscenity, threats
2nd Amendment
Protects right to keep and bear arms
5th Amendment
Protects against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and guarantees due process
Legal protection from prosecution or lawsuits
Reconstruction Amendments (& purpose)
13th = Abolished Slavery
14th = Gave former slaves citizenship & equal protection
15th = Gave former slaves voting rights
Purpose: To give former slaves equal rights
Jim Crow laws (Before Civil Rights movement)
State & local laws enforcing racial segregation
Women’s Suffrage and issues with 15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment did not include women’s right to vote
24th Amendment
Prohibits poll taxes in federal elections
Search warrant
Legal document allowing law enforcement to search private property
Double jeopardy
When a person is tried twice for the same offense
Grand jury & Indictment
Grand jury: determines whether or not there’s enough evidence to charge someone with a crime
Indictment: formal charge being issued
A false statement intended to harm another
Slander vs. Libel
Slander: spoken defamation
Libel: written/printed defamation
Levying war against the US or aiding its enemies
NY Times v. Sullivan
Established the “actual” malice standard for defamation if public figures
Roe v. Wade
Recognized a woman’s constitutional right to privacy extends to abortion
Korematsu v. US & executive order 9066
Allowed Japanese interment during WWII
Texas v. Johnson
Protected flag burning as an act of free speech under the 1st Amendment
Plessy v. Ferguson
Upheld “seperate but equal” segregation
Loving v. Virginia
Ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violated the 15th Amendment
Bradwell v. Illinois
Denied women the right to practice law
Little Rock 9
A group of 9 black students that integrated into Central High School in 1957
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Protest led by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. ending segregation on public buses
Bloody Sunday
A 1965 march in Selma, Alabama where civil rights protesters were brutally attacked by police, bringing attention to civil rights
March on Washington for civil rights
1963 protest demanding end to segregation, fair wages, economic justice, voting rights, education & civil rights protection
NAACP main method for social progress
lawsuits, legal challenges & court cases
American with Disabilities Act 1990
Prohibited discrimination based on disability in jobs, schools, & transportation
Immigration policy 19th ce
encouraged free & open immigration but later added restrictions
process which non-citizens must go through to become US citizens
Asylum seekers
Individuals seeking protection in another country due to their country’s oppressive gov
Executive War Pawers Act 1973 (president limitation)
Limits the president’s power to commit US forces to armed conflict w/o Congress approval
Electoral college (state representation, how its calculated)
Determines the president based on the number of senators + representatives per state
EOP and Council of Economic Advisors
Includes advisors who provide economic analysis and policy recommendations
Office of Management and Budget
Prepares federal budget & oversees its implementation
Budget Committee vs. Appropriations Committee
Budget Committee: Set spending limit
Appropriations Committee: Allocate funds to specific programs
The Fed and Monetary Policy (reasons why it would raise or lower interest rates)
Adjusts interest rates & money supply to stabilize the economy.
Raising rates = combat inflation
Lowers = spur eco. growth
Progressive tax and common examples
Higher income → higher tax rate
eg. federal income tax
Regressive tax and common examples
Low income owners pay a larger percentage income than middle-high income earners eg. sales tax
FDA’s executive department
Part of the department of Health and Human services regulating food, drugs, and cosmetics
Executive department leaders
Heads of fed agencies, appointed by president and confirmed by senate
Presidential Succession Act (1947) next in line after president (1) and (2)
Vice president
Speaker of the house
Spoil system
practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs
Executive Agreement
International agreements made by the president, without senate approval
Executive Order
Directors issued by president to manage operations of federal government
Executive Privilege
The president’s right to withhold information from Congress or Courts