Charles Dickens
Wrote stories about London pre-industrial revolution, “Oliver Twist”, “A Tale of Two Cities”, etc.
Village Commons
Wetlands/pastures in the centre of the village, used by all
Cottage Industry
A system of production where goods are made at home rather than in factories, often involving families working together
New method of producing iron by using coal instead of charcoal to heat and extract iron from ore
The process of turning small landholdings into larger farms for the wealthy, often resulting in the removal of common land access for villagers
Seed Drill
A device that planted seeds at uniform spaces that are optimized for the plant, maximizing used farmland
Agricultural Revolution
A period of significant agricultural development marked by improvements in farming techniques, crop yields, and livestock breeding, leading to increased food production and population growth
A person who takes the risks in investing, eg. small business owner
Labor, Capitol, Natural Resources
The three things needed for Industrial Development
James Hargreaves
Invented the spinning machine that could spin 6-7 threads at one time (Spinning Jenny)
Richard Arkwright
Invented a spinning machine that would work on water power
Samuel Compton
Invented a spinning machine that could run on horse or water power (Spinning Mule)
Edmund Cartwright
Invented the power loom that used horse, water, or steam power to weave yarn more quickly
Eli Whitney
Invented a machine that could clean cotton 50x faster than a human could (Cotton Gin)
Factory System
When all machines were placed in one place, allowing every step to be concise
Robert Fulton
Invented the steamboat
James Watt
Invented a more efficient steam engine
Liverpool and Manchester
Where the first railroads went between