5th for the federal government
14th for the state
You can gain citizenship by “Jus Soli,” right of soil
You can gain citizenship by “Jus Sanguinis,” right of blood
A person can meet the requirements to become a naturalized citizen
Entire groups of people can be naturalized at the same time (as when Hawaii became a state)
Permanent (resident)
Freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly
Protections against double jeopardy, illegal search and seizure
Right to bring witnesses
Have not:
Right to bear arms
Quartering soldiers
Grand jury requirement
Transportation to religious school is ok
Holding religious services in school building (not during school hours) is ok
Release time for religious instruction is ok
Reading a Bible in school is not ok
Organized prayer in school is not ok
Posting the Ten Commandments in a school is not ok
If there is evidence in plain view
If there is criminal activity related to an automobile
If it is believed that the suspect is armed and dangerous
When making a lawful arrest
Which free speech test is used the least?
Bad Tendency Doctrine
Preferred Position Doctrine
Prior Restraint
Which of the following has the Supreme Court not ruled as being true?
The death penalty is not necessarily cruel and unusual punishment
The death penalty violates the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution
People under a certain IQ may not be executed
There must be probable cause for one to be issued
The warrant must include an address and description of the building to be searched
The warrant must specify what areas are to be searched
The search must take place in reasonable locations
The warrant must be specific as to what is being searched for
It gave federal oversight to voting in the states
It required ballots to be provided in other languages prevalent in the area
It allowed federal officials to count ballots
Participation in jury
Hiring for jobs in the public and private sectors
Staying unconditionally in the U.S.