B1.1 Carbohydrates and lipids

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Describe the chemical properties of a carbon atom that allows for the formation of diverse compounds

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55 Terms


Describe the chemical properties of a carbon atom that allows for the formation of diverse compounds

  1. Carbon has 4 electrons in it’s second shell and can form strong, stable covalent bonds.

  2. Covalent bonds provide great stability and are able to form covalent bonds with atoms of O N and S with each molecule having distinctive properties.

  3. Covalent bonds are only broken during specific chemical reactions.

  4. Covalent bonds: give stable chain, branched chains and cyclic structures.

  5. The 4 covalent bonds point to the corners of a regular Tetrahedron [electrons repel each other] , C atoms with 4 different atoms attached are asymmetric and some are mirror.

  6. The ability to form more than 1 bond

  7. Functional groups attached which make the molecule reactive in order to form lager molecules each functional group: unique physical and chemical properties.

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Which functional groups do each of these biomolecules have?
a. Carbohydrates

b. Lipids

c. Fatty acids

a. Hydroxyl group (OH)

b. Ester group (COO)

c. Carboxyl group (COOH)

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Carbon atoms with 4 different atoms/groups (asymmetric)

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Functional groups

The chemically active part of a series of organic molecules

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List the Subcategories of Carbs with 2 examples of each

[Glucose, fructose, ribose, galactose]

[maltose, lactose, sucrose]

[starch, cellulose, glycogen, chitin]

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List the Subcategories of Lipids with 2 examples of each

[Fat stored in adipose cells]

[Lipids forming a bilayer in cell membranes]

[Some hormones]

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List the Subcategories of Nucleic acids with 2 examples of each


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General formula of Carbohydrates

  • Cn (H2O)n  .

  • n = 3, 4, 5 and 6.

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Examples of cyclic molecules of Carbohydrates




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small molecules; taste sweet; soluble in water
eg. Glucose

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Why is glucose important?

  1. All green leaves synthesize glucose in chloroplasts using light energy

  2. Our bodies transport glucose in blood

  3. All cells use glucose in respiration

  4. the building block of many larger molecules, such as cellulose and starch in plants and glycogen in animals

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Outline the properties of glucose

  1. Molecular stability – The bonds within the glucose molecule are stable covalent bonds that do not break easily.

  2. High solubility in water – Glucose is polar and readily dissolves in a polar solvent like water.

  3. Easily transportable – Because glucose is soluble in water, it can easily circulate in blood and in fluids between cells.

  4. Yields a great deal of chemical energy – when covalent bonds are broken, it yields high energy. 

    • Reactions are called oxidation reactions.

    • High energy yield means glucose is a good store of energy.

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Compounds that have the same component atoms in their molecules but differ in the arrangement of the atoms

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What is a plane-polarized light?

Polarized light has electric fields oscillating in one direction.

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Optical isomers

2 types of isomers that can rotate the plane of polarized light in opposite directions.
(one to the right [D], and the other to the left [L])

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Condensation reaction

reaction what combines 2 molecules while removing 1 small molecule (H2O)

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What is the covalent bond between monosaccharide residues in disaccharides and polysaccharides?

Glycosidic linkage

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Hydrolysis reaction

reaction where hydrogen and hydroxide ions from water are added to a large molecule causing it to split into smaller molecules.

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Formation of Polysaccharides

Built from many monosaccharide molecules condensed together linked by glycosidic bonds.

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Digestion of polysaccharides

-Glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides are broken down with the addition of water.
-The rate of the reaction is increased by the enzyme. [eg. amylase]

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Formation of Polypeptides

Formed by condensation reactions between many amino acids. [ribosomes, rER]

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Digestion of polypeptides

Proteins are digested into shorter chain peptides and ultimately into amino acids.

Catalyzed by Protease enzymes in animals

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Formation of Nucleic acids

Condensation reaction between a phosphate group on one nucleotide and a hydroxyl group on a second nucleotide. During this process, a phosphodiester bond is formed, which is the backbone of the nucleic acid structure.

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Digestion of nucleic acids

The phosphodiester bond between 3’ carbon of one sugar molecule and 5’ carbon of another sugar molecule.

The hydroxyl group is at the 3’ C atom and the phosphate group is at the 5’ carbon atom.

Hydrolyzed to produce: 3-OH-deoxyribose-5-Phosphate

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What are the 2 polysaccharides starch is made up of?

[unbranched chain,1,4 linked alpha-glucose units]

[shorter chains of 1,4 alpha-glucose+ branches of alpha-1,6 glycosidic links]

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Describe the structure of starch

  • The bonds between glucose residues bring the molecules together as a helix.

  • It’s stabilized by many hydrogen bonds the glucose molecules

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Why is starch used as a storage in plants rather than glucose?

Starch is insoluble in water, therefore isn’t involved in osmotic movement.

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Where is the starch stored in plants?


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  • double-membrane organelles which are found in the cells of plants and algae.

  • responsible for manufacturing and storing of food.

  • often contain pigments that are used in photosynthesis and different types of pigments that can change the color of the cell.

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Test for starch

Solution of iodine in potassium iodide

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Explain how the compact nature of starch is achieved in plants

Due to the coiling and branching during polymerization.

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polymer of alpha-glucose
formed by condensation reactions between monomers of alpha-glucose

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Why is glycogen important (or useful)?

  • No osmotic effect

  • branching; compact structure; stored in small volume

  • many non-reducing ends due to the branches: rapid-enzyme controlled hydrolysis during times of high demand

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Difference between cellulose molecules, fibrils and fibres

molecules of beta-glucose join together to form cellulose molecules

cellulose molecules join together via hydrogen bonds to form cellulose fibrils

cellulose fibrils join together to form cellulose fibres

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Distinguish between the 2 isomers of glucose

synthesis of starch and glycogen

synthesis of cellulose

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How and why does the function cellulose differ from the functions of starch and glycogen

Starch and glycogen: used for energy storage

cellulose: primarily for structural support and mechanical strength in plant cell walls.
[the orientation of beta-glucose molecules in cellulose allows hydrogen bonds o form between parallel strands, and between adjacent glucose units in the same strand which strengthens the cellulose polymer]

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What are the carbohydrate molecules of the cell membrane? What are they called?

Glycoproteins; Glycolipids

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What is the role of glycoproteins?

  • Cell-cell recognition

  • act as receptor sites for chemical signals

  • cell adhesion

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a substance (usually glycoprotein) capable of binding specifically to an antibody.

recognized by the body as foreign and stimulates an immune response

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a protein produced by blood plasma cells derived from B lymphocytes when in a presence of a specific antigen, which then binds with the antigen, aiding it’s destruction

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process in which red blood cells are clumped together by an antibody
which results in blocking of smaller blood vessels and capillaries

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describe how agglutination occurs

When there is a blood transfusion between different blood groups [except O]
- If blood group A receives a transfusion of blood group B, then the anti-B antibodies agglutinate foreign B cells.

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Blood group A

RBC surface: A antigens

Plasma: anit-B antibodies

Transfusion: A or O

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Blood group B

RBC surface: B antigens

Plasma: anti-A antibodies

Transfusion: B or O

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Blood group AB

RBC surface: A+B antigens

Plasma: no antibodies

Transfusion: A, B, AB or O

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Blood group O

RBC surface: no antigens

Plasma: anti-A antibodies, anti-B antibodies

Transfusion: O only

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Formation of Triglycerides

reaction between glycerol and fatty acids

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An ester made from glycerol and 3 fatty acid groups

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Fatty acids

long carboxylic acids with long hydrocarbon tails

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why are fatty acid molecules named ‘acids’?

their functional group (-COOH) tends to ionize to produce hydrogen ions (property of acids) in aqueous solutions

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Ester bonds (in triglycerides)

form between alcohols (1 glycerol) and carboxylic acids (3 fatty acids)

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Saturated fats
Unsaturated fats
Monounsaturated fats
Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Built from only saturated fatty acids

Built from 1 or more unsaturated fatty acids

Built from only 1 double bond in the carbon chain of a fatty acid

Built from large amounts of double bonds in the carbon chain of a fatty acid

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Excess of lipids and fatty acids in diets

Lack of lipids and fatty acids in diets

  • excess fat in the fat cells that make up the adipose tissue

  • type 2 diabetes

  • obesity, overweight

  • high blood pressure

- amino acids derived from protein digestion
- muscle proteins broken down

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Adipose tissue

a tissue found beneath the skin layer, containing fat cells

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