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What is psychopathy?
Study of mental disorders
Including efforts to understand their genetic, biological, psychological, and social causes; nosology; course across stages of development; manifestations; treatment
Same as differential diagnosis
Catch all term, general term for mental health problems
Effective classification schemes
What is abnormal?
Hard to define
How do we know something is problematic?
Better question that “what is abnormal?”
Decreased/impaired functioning in 2+ areas of life
Distress (personal or interpersonal)
Be sure to compare client to themselves NOT others (their baseline)
How do we differentiate one problem from another?
Different symptoms and (potentially) causes
Carefully and consistently define what symptoms fall into each category
Reasons for diagnosis and classifications
Communication among professionals
Facilitates scientific research
Easy information retrieval
Should supply additional information about the person (description)
Prediction of future behavior
Why are diagnoses SO important?
A diagnosis means something to us
ex: depression = lack of sleep, withdrawal, low motivation, etc.
helps us create a hypothesis about other symptoms or behaviors
Reasons against diagnoses:
Not theoretically based (doesn’t tell us why it is happening)
May emphasize power differentials in the therapeutic relationship (we are holding the power of deciding how to label someone)
May encourage individuals to take a sick role (internalizing label and defining themselves as this label)
Every person and situation is unique (labels can obscure this individuality)
Diagnoses can be helpful BUT…
Is not perfect and does have drawbacks
Requirements for a classification system
Reliable and consistent between and within raters
Describes all domains of behaviors it includes
Categories are homogeneous
Has predictive and clinical validity
What does reliable and consistency between and within raters mean?
Enough detail and the ability to distinguish diagnoses so that raters can come to the same diagnosis
What does describing all domains of behavior mean?
It is thorough, it includes all information and details
What does categories are homogenous mean?
Each categories is clear and the diagnoses within it are similar AND it is different from the other categories
What does having predictive and clinical validity mean?
They meet ALL other 3 conditions
Types of classification systems
Hierarchical classification system
A major class of disorders that is divided into subtypes
Ex: anxiety —> GAD, specific phobia, separation anxiety
Categorical classification system
Distinct classes that are internally coherent
Different, distinct, little buckets
Dimensional classification systems
Multiple dimensions on which individuals are ordered
Score at different points on dimensions that are meaningful when put together (big five personality test)
What are the current classification systems?
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
International classification of disease
Developed by the American Psychiatric Association
Primary system used in the US
Focused on mental disorders, through medical model lens
Currently on 5th edition (Text Revision)
Developed by the World Health Organization
Used primarily worldwide (used for billing in US)
Codes that translate to DSM diagnosis
Includes full range of medical and mental health problems (EVERYTHING)
10th edition in US, 11th edition everywhere else
Theoretically based
106 disorders
182 disorders (broader range of dxs)
Still psychoanalytic
Became medically focused
265 disorders (5 axes) (change in disorder names)
Assumed dxs were biologically caused
Updated diagnostic criteria
Over 300 diagnoses
Began to rely on more research and less on experts (rich, white men)
Increased requirement for empiricism
Text was updated but no major dx changes
Changed several diagnoses (removed and added some dxs)
Eliminated the axes
Incorporated dimensional components (less categorical, more dimensional)
Naming updates
Minor shifts in diagnoses and one new diagnoses
Development of the DSM
Evaluation through conferences
Task force and work groups conduct lit reviews and research
Propose revisions
Field trials conducted to establish reliability
Public comment period (then reviewed by work groups)
Draft new diagnostic criteria and text
Reviewed by executive committee and approved by APA board
What type of system is the DSM-5-TR?
Tried to make it all 3 systems
Hierarchical: neurocognitive disorders (since DSM-III)
Categorical: founded in this system
Dimensional: least used but we are beginning to think this way
Evaluating the DSM-5 as a classification system
Good communication among professionals
Facilitates scientific research
Easy information retrieval
Descriptive - supply additional information about the person
Predictive of future behavior
How do we obtain data for a diagnosis?
The big three:
Observations: looking at patient, their behavior, appearance, ways of interacting. What are they doing? What are they NOT doing?
Tests: assessments
Interviews: asking questions, listening to the answers
Other: records, collateral information (parent, spouse, etc)
What is the mental status examinations?
Neuropsychiatric portion of a physical exam - not limited to psych
Consistently used by MH professionals in conjunction with clinical interview
Depth and specific content varies based on context
Simply a record of observations at a SPECIFIC time
Changes over time (these changes can be VERY meaningful)
Structure of the MSE:
10 basis areas:
Appearance, behavior, speech, mood and affect, thought process, thought content, perception, sensorium, cognition, judgement and insight
MSE Step 1: Appearance
General description of the patient
Sufficient detail
Include level of cooperation and attitude, grooming, physical characteristics, signs of illness/disease, gait, odor
MSE Step 2: Behavior
Level or cooperation/attitude, psychomotor activity, eye contact, mannerisms, ability to follow directions, compulsions
Can be vey specific and should include general behaviors and mannerisms
MSE Step 3: Speech
Quality and quantity (a lot or a little)
Rate (noticeably fast or slow)
Volume and pitch: could mean medical or mental issues
Fluency and rhythm: „um“ and/or „huh“, pauses or hesitations
NOT just content
MSE Step 4: Mood and Affect
Mood: what patient reports, durations, intensity, depth, changeability (euphoric, depressed, sad, anxious, fine, etc.)
Affect: what is observed by the clinician, visible display of emotion, varies over the course of interview, range, congruence with content, appropriateness, reactivity, facial expressions (flat, blunted, constricted, full)
MSE Step 5: thought process
How a person puts together ideas, the way they think, thought patterns
Loosening of associations, flight of ideas, racing thoughts, tangentially/circumstantiality, coherence, neologisms, thought blocking, vague vs clear
Looking for unusual thoughts or patterns
MSE Step 6: thought content
What a person is thinking
Looking for notable or clinically concerning content
Delusions (thoughts), ideas of reference, mistrustfulness, subclinical paranoia, preoccupations or obsessions, suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, poverty of content (not a lot of thoughts, feel blank mentally)
MSE Step 7: perception
Generally related to the sensory system
Hallucinations (sensory), depersonalization and derealization
Types of hallucinations
Visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile
Most common: auditory and visual
Circumstances of hallucinations
Hypnopompic or hypnogogic, severe stress, grief, etc
MSE Step 8: sensorium
May be early in report or later
Evaluation of gross brain function or wakefulness
How „on it“ is the person?
Level of awareness, interaction with environment, fluctuations (Comatose, alert, falling asleep)
Can be affected by substance used, medical treatment or conditions, etc
MSE Step 9: cognition
More specific measure of brain functioning
Orientation (time, place, person, situation), attention, memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, intelligence
What most standardizes mental status instruments measure (What „mental status measure“ is referring to)
MSE Step 10: judgement and insight
Judgement is related to real life events as assessed by history and/or hypothetical questions, based on px report of how the events were/would be handled
Insight is the awareness of illness and recognition of reality. Does the px have a good understanding of that is going on with them and/or their illness? (Denial, acceptance, behavior changes)