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The practice of dominating a foreign territory and subjugating its people, involving occupying a territory with settlers and economic exploitation.
Stepped pyramid
An architectural structure using flat platforms, or steps, receding from the ground up, achieving a shape similar to a geometric pyramid.
A gift giving ceremony practiced by Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast of Canada and the United States.
Formline style
A style using wavy, continuous, swelling lines and curvilinear shapes to create patterns and designs, often seen in indigenous art from the Pacific Northwest Coast.
The return of a person or thing to its country of origin.
An Islamic place of worship and a center for education, typically featuring a prayer hall, a minaret, a mihrab, and often a dome.
Centralized plan
An architectural plan describing a structure that is symmetrical around a central point.
Qibla wall
A wall that indicates the direction of Mecca, towards which Muslims should face when at prayer.
A niche in the qibla wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca, often ornately decorated.
The technique of making pictures or patterns from small pieces of colored stone or glass set into cement or plaster.
An oven used to bake or fire ceramics.
The art of beautiful handwriting, especially important in East Asia and the Islamic world.
A frame-like apparatus for weaving thread to create a textile.
Knotted pile carpet
A carpet consisting of raised surfaces made from the cut-off ends of knots woven between the warp and the weft of a textile.
A hemispherical-shaped Buddhist shrine, originating from the Sanskrit word for 'heap'.
A sacred diagram of the universe.
A gateway near a stupa with two upright posts and three horizontal lintels, usually elaborately carved.
The act of walking around a sacred object.
A symbolic hand gesture in Buddhist and Hindu art.
In Hinduism, the ability of a worshipper to see a deity and the deity to see the worshipper.
A Hindu devotional ritual.