ree AP Chinese Language and Culture Resources

Hey, no worries if you're in a last-minute cramming session for AP Chinese Language! We totally get it, and trust me, we've all been there too! So, if you're wondering how to ace the AP Chinese Language exam when you're running out of time, here are some awesome resources and AP Chinese exam tips created by fellow students that will help you cram like a boss.

What Do I Need to Memorize for the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam?

The exam is broken down into Four sections - here is a breakdown of what you’ll need to know and what to expect from each section:

Section IA: Multiple Choice Listening

Alright, let's break down the Multiple Choice – Listening part. The deal is to pick the answer that keeps the convo going in a smart and culture-savvy way. You get a quick 5 seconds to decide, and there's no going back once you've made your call.

What's in store? You'll hear snippets, like 20-30 se

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AP Prep

Everything You Need to get a 5 on AP African American Studies

Hey there! This article is all about our tips for how to study for the AP African American Studies exam to get a solid 5. I'll break down the tricks, so with the right strategies and resources, nailing the exam is totally doable! Free AP African American Studies Resources Hey, no worries if you're in a last-minute cramming session for AP African American Studies! We totally get it, and trust me, we've all been there too! So, if you're wondering how to ace the AP African American exam when you're running out of time, here are some awesome resources and AP African American exam tips created by f...

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AP Prep


When the question pops up, "Which AP classes are the easiest and which are the hardest?" I won’t lie to you – the answer might be a bit boring; it depends. What may be a challenge for you can be a breeze for your friends and classmates. But I know that’s not what you came here to hear; here’s my lis...

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AP Prep

Everything You Need to get a 5 on AP World History: Modern 

In this article, I'll share some awesome AP World History: Modern exam tips and tricks to help you score a solid 5 on the AP World History Modern exam. I'll break them down for you, so you can totally nail it! With the right strategies and resources, acing the exam is totally doable. Free AP World History: Modern Resources Hey, heads up! Starting from the 2019-2020 school year, the AP World History exam got a makeover. They dropped ancient history from the mix, and now it's called AP World History: Modern. The focus is on history from 1200 onwards. So, when you are learning how to study for th...

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