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John Wycliffe
English priest who taught evangelical poverty and translated the Bible
Jan Hus
Czech priest who rejected indulgences and was condemned as a heretic
Girolamo Savonarola
Dominican who challenged Renaissance values in Florence
Martin Luther
German priest who wrote the 95 Theses and founded Lutheranism
Frederick the Wise
Prince of Saxony who supported Luther after his condemnation
Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor who declared Luther an outlaw
Ulrich Zwingli
Swiss priest who split from Lutherans over theological differences
John Calvin
Theologian who founded Presbyterianism and believed in double predestination
Thomas Müntzer
German pastor who led a revolt in the Peasants War
Melchior Hoffman
Radical preacher who believed Strasbourg was the new Jerusalem
Lelio and Fausto Sozzini
Venetian preachers, taught that praying to the Trinity and Christ went against the Bible
Protestant group advocating adult baptism for true acceptance
King Henry VIII
English monarch who founded the Anglican Church and started English reformation
Thomas More
Henry’s right-hand man and archbishop of Canterbury. Refused to depart from Catholicism, so he was killed.
Thomas Cranmer
Archbishop of Canterbury who assisted in the English Reformation
King Edward VI
English king who initiated radical reforms
Queen Mary I
Violently restored Catholicism in England
Queen Elizabeth I
Returned England to Protestantism with continued persecution of Catholics
Grievance Literature
literature circulating during the Renaissance that complained about the Catholic Church
way to reduce the amount of punsihment/purgatory one has to undergo before their sins are absolved
voluntary self-punishment done to justify a sin
post-death experience in between heaven and hell where one has to “work out” their sins before they go to heaven
95 Theses
list of complaints Luther had regarding the Catholic Church posted on the Wittenberg Castle by Luther in 1517 (official start of reformation)
Western Christians who are not Catholic, reject scholasticism because they believe the only revelation is supernatual
Sola Scriptura
idea that everything should be based purely on the Bible
councils hold ultimate authority over the Church rather than the pope
Double Predestination
the belief that, before time, God determined who went to hell and who went to heaven
Book of Common Prayer
new guide for liturgy in the Angelican Church
39 Articles
document that listed differences between the Angelican and Catholic Church
Diet of Worms
meeting of German princes and Charles V to discuss a multitude of different things. Specifically, they declared Luther an outlaw after Luther refused to recant
First Diet of Speyer
meeting of German princes which discussed the role of Lutheranism in the German states. They declared that individual princes could choose the religion of their principality
Second Diet of Speyer
another meeting of German princes. Here, they declared that, in areas that were Lutheran, Catholics must be treated equally. However, in areas that were Catholic, Lutherans did not get equal rights
Peace of Augsburg
in 1555 it was declared that individual princes could choose their religion and told Lutherans who were in Catholic areas to move and vice versa
Marburg Colloquy
meeting between Luther and Zwinlgi where they disagreed on the Lord’s Supper and the Iconoclasm Controversy. Eventually Zwingli split off from the Lutherans
Reply to Sadoleto
Italian Cardinal Sadoleto wrote a letter to Geneva, a city who splitting off from the Catholic Church, acknowledging the faults of the Church and asking them to come back, as the Catholic Church was the true apostli
Council Pisa
In 1409, Pope Alexander V is elected to replace the Roman Pope Gregory XII and the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII, but neither resign, so the Church has 3 popes
Council of Constance
All 3 popes were deposed and Martin V was elected, John Wycliffe and Jan Hus were condemned as heretics and burned at the stake
Junker Jorg
Luther took this name when he was “kidnapped” by Frederick the Wise and went into hiding
Philip Melanchthon
German reformer who contributed to writing the Augsburg Confession
cuius regio, eius religio
"whose land, their religion” meaning the religion of the ruler was to dictate the religion of those ruled
Catherine of Aragon
King Henry VIII’s wife who was unable to bear a male heir so he sought an annulment but was declined