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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Judaism: ancient religion that developed in 2000 BC in Mesopotamia

  • Hebrew Bible: written over a thousand years, in the 11th and 12th centuries BC

    • At the time, Ancient Hebrews were cattle herders in desert and polytheistic

  • Abraham: cattle herder in Ur and a Hebrew patriarch

    • God told Abraham only one true god exists

    • God lead his family and people to Canaan

      • Canaan is modern day Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan

      • Hebrew population grew and organized into 12 tribes

      • People were called the Israelites

  • Moses and the Exodus:

    • Exodus was around 1200 BC

    • Egyptian pharoah felt they would get powerful and enslave them

    • God asked Moses to lead them back to Canaan

  • The Ten Commandments:

    • Moses and Israelites wandered for 40 years. Stopped in Mount Sinai (Egypt)

    • On the mountain, God revealed the Torah and the Ten Commandments

    • Includes laws that state how Israelites should behave.

  • The Ten Commandments are:

    • You shall have no other gods before me

    • You shall not make idols

    • You shall not take the name of the lord in vain

    • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

    • Honor your father and your mother

    • You shall not murder

    • You shall not commit adultery

    • You shall not steal

    • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

    • You shall not covet

  • Early Kingdoms of Israel:

    • King Solomon: ruled from 970 - 925 BC. Built the First Temple.

      • Solomon died in 925 BC and the Kingdom split.

    • 772 BC: Assyria conquered Israel. Forced to settle outside the Kingdom

    • 590 BC: Babylonians captured Judea, destroyed temples, and enslaved Jews.

      • Moved Jews to Babylonia, and the Babylonians held them captive.

    • 530 BC: Persian Empire defeated Babylonians.

      • Allowed Jews to return, but not all did. Started the Jewish diaspora.

    • 63 BC: Roman Empire conquered Jewish lands.

      • Forced them to stop practicing and to worship Roman gods instead.

  • Beliefs and practices:

    • Monotheism, obedience to religious laws, and mitzvahs

  • Important texts:

    • Hebrew Bible, Torah, and the Talmud

Christianity: ancient religion developed in 33 AD in Judea

  • Origins: Roman rule of the Jews was tough as Jews awaited the Messiah

  • Jesus of Nazarath: Those who believed he was the messiah are Christians.

    • His life and teachings are written in the Bible

      • Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament

    • Gained 12 close followers (disciples/apostles)

  • Christ’s Teachings: compassion, sins can be forgiven, monotheism

  • Crucification: 30 AD he was crucified by the Romans

  • Spread of Christianity:

    • Paul spread the message through the Roman Empire.

    • Romans are pagans, so they saw Christianity as a threat and executed Paul.

    • Romans banned the religion and persecuted Christians.

    • In 300 AD, they became more tolerant. 313 AD the emperor Constantine converted and ended the persecution.

    • In 392 AD, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire

  • Beliefs:

    • Doctrine of the Trinity

    • Acceptance leads to eternal salvation in heaven


  • Expansion of Islam:

    • 632 AD: Muhammad dies. The first caliph, Abu Bakr, leads and unites Arabia.

    • 634 AD: Under Umar, the Muslims conquer Mesopotamia and extend to North Africa

    • The Umayyad followed. Expanded Muslim territory to make an empire

    • 749 AD: Abassid caliphate took control and moved the capital city to Baghdad

      • Golden Age: advancements in math, science, medicine, and architecture

    • When Northern Africa was conquered, they became trade partners.

      • Trade spread across more regions. Silk Road helped share beliefs

  • 5 Pillars:

    • Shahadah: declaration of faith

    • Salat: five daily pillars

    • Zakat: charity

    • Ramadan: fasting during the holy month of Ramadan

    • Hajj: Sacred pilgrimage to Mecca

  • Important texts:

    • Quran (word of God) and Hadith (actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Judaism: ancient religion that developed in 2000 BC in Mesopotamia

  • Hebrew Bible: written over a thousand years, in the 11th and 12th centuries BC

    • At the time, Ancient Hebrews were cattle herders in desert and polytheistic

  • Abraham: cattle herder in Ur and a Hebrew patriarch

    • God told Abraham only one true god exists

    • God lead his family and people to Canaan

      • Canaan is modern day Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan

      • Hebrew population grew and organized into 12 tribes

      • People were called the Israelites

  • Moses and the Exodus:

    • Exodus was around 1200 BC

    • Egyptian pharoah felt they would get powerful and enslave them

    • God asked Moses to lead them back to Canaan

  • The Ten Commandments:

    • Moses and Israelites wandered for 40 years. Stopped in Mount Sinai (Egypt)

    • On the mountain, God revealed the Torah and the Ten Commandments

    • Includes laws that state how Israelites should behave.

  • The Ten Commandments are:

    • You shall have no other gods before me

    • You shall not make idols

    • You shall not take the name of the lord in vain

    • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

    • Honor your father and your mother

    • You shall not murder

    • You shall not commit adultery

    • You shall not steal

    • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

    • You shall not covet

  • Early Kingdoms of Israel:

    • King Solomon: ruled from 970 - 925 BC. Built the First Temple.

      • Solomon died in 925 BC and the Kingdom split.

    • 772 BC: Assyria conquered Israel. Forced to settle outside the Kingdom

    • 590 BC: Babylonians captured Judea, destroyed temples, and enslaved Jews.

      • Moved Jews to Babylonia, and the Babylonians held them captive.

    • 530 BC: Persian Empire defeated Babylonians.

      • Allowed Jews to return, but not all did. Started the Jewish diaspora.

    • 63 BC: Roman Empire conquered Jewish lands.

      • Forced them to stop practicing and to worship Roman gods instead.

  • Beliefs and practices:

    • Monotheism, obedience to religious laws, and mitzvahs

  • Important texts:

    • Hebrew Bible, Torah, and the Talmud

Christianity: ancient religion developed in 33 AD in Judea

  • Origins: Roman rule of the Jews was tough as Jews awaited the Messiah

  • Jesus of Nazarath: Those who believed he was the messiah are Christians.

    • His life and teachings are written in the Bible

      • Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament

    • Gained 12 close followers (disciples/apostles)

  • Christ’s Teachings: compassion, sins can be forgiven, monotheism

  • Crucification: 30 AD he was crucified by the Romans

  • Spread of Christianity:

    • Paul spread the message through the Roman Empire.

    • Romans are pagans, so they saw Christianity as a threat and executed Paul.

    • Romans banned the religion and persecuted Christians.

    • In 300 AD, they became more tolerant. 313 AD the emperor Constantine converted and ended the persecution.

    • In 392 AD, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire

  • Beliefs:

    • Doctrine of the Trinity

    • Acceptance leads to eternal salvation in heaven


  • Expansion of Islam:

    • 632 AD: Muhammad dies. The first caliph, Abu Bakr, leads and unites Arabia.

    • 634 AD: Under Umar, the Muslims conquer Mesopotamia and extend to North Africa

    • The Umayyad followed. Expanded Muslim territory to make an empire

    • 749 AD: Abassid caliphate took control and moved the capital city to Baghdad

      • Golden Age: advancements in math, science, medicine, and architecture

    • When Northern Africa was conquered, they became trade partners.

      • Trade spread across more regions. Silk Road helped share beliefs

  • 5 Pillars:

    • Shahadah: declaration of faith

    • Salat: five daily pillars

    • Zakat: charity

    • Ramadan: fasting during the holy month of Ramadan

    • Hajj: Sacred pilgrimage to Mecca

  • Important texts:

    • Quran (word of God) and Hadith (actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)
