Vorrei del pane, per favore. I’d like some bread, please.

Vorrei una caraffa d’acqua, per favore. I’d like a jug of water, please.

Vorremmo ordinare, per favore. We’d like to order, please. Ancora del pane, per favore. We’d like some more bread, please. Un t a volo per due, per favore. A table for two, please. Il conto, per favore. The bill, please. BUONO A SAPERSI! When the waiter approaches and you want to say that you’re not ready to order, use Ci (or Mi ) dà ancora un minuto, per favore? (Can we ( or I) have another minute, please?) . Alternatively, if your order has already been taken, you can say abbiamo (or ho ) già ordinato, gr a zie ( someone’s already taken our ( or my) order, thanks ). To talk about what you want to order, use prendo ( I’ll have ). prendo comes from the verb pr e ndere . I’ll have… Come antipasto, prendo il prosciutto crudo. As a starter, I’ll have the Parma ham, please. Come dolce, prendo la mousse di cioccolato. For dessert, I’ll have the chocolate mousse. Da bere prendiamo dell’acqua minerale frizzante. We’ll have sparkling water to drink. Non so cosa pr e ndere . I don’t know what to have . E per secondo, la cotoletta alla milanese. And for my main course, I’ll have the cotoletta alla milanese. Per me lo stesso. I’ll have the same. When you want to find out if something is available, use Avete…? ( Have you got…? ). avete comes from the verb avere ( to have ). For more information on avere , see here . Have you got…? Avete un menù per bambini? Have you got a children’s menu? Avete un seggiolone? Have you got a high chair? Avete un t a volo all’aperto? Do you have a table outside? Avete la carta dei vini? Do you have a wine list? If you want to ask someone, for example the waiter, for something in Italian, use Mi porta…? ( Can I have …? ) or Mi porterebbe…? ( Could I have …? ). porta and porterebbe come from the verb portare . For more information on -are verbs like portare , see here . Can I have…? Mi porta un’altra forchetta, per cortesia? Can I have another fork, please? Mi porta la lista dei dolci, per favore? Can I have the dessert menu, please? Mi porterebbe dell’ o lio d’oliva, per favore? Could I have some olive oil, please? Ci porterebbe del pane, per favore? Could we have some bread, please? Mi fa il conto, per favore. Can I have the bill, please? If you want to ask the waiter to do something for you, use Potrebbe…? If you want to ask someone such as a friend or a close colleague to do something for you, use Potresti…? ( Could you …? ) instead. potrebbe and potresti come from the verb potere . For more information on potere , see here . Could you…? Potrebbe portarmi del pane, per favore? Could You bring me some bread, please? Potrebbe portarci i caffè? Could You bring us our coffee, please? Potrebbe magari tornare tra cinque minuti? Could You possibly come back in five minutes? Potresti passarmi il sale, per favore? Could you pass me the salt, please? Le posate sono sporche. Ce le c a mbia, per favore? The knives and forks are dirty. Could You change them, please? Would you mind…? Le spiace chi u dere la finestra? Would You mind closing the window? Le spiace se mi siedo qui? Would You mind if I sit here? Ti dispiace se ci scambiamo di posto? Would you mind swapping seats with me? Le dispiace se le do i cappotti? Would You mind taking our coats? SAYING WHAT YOU WANT TO DO If you want to say what you’d like to do when you’re eating out, use vorrei ( I’d like) followed by the infinitive. vorrei comes from the verb volere ( to want ). For more information on volere see here . I’d like… Vorrei ordinare, per favore. I’d like to order, please. Vorrei vedere la lista dei dolci. I’d like to see the dessert menu. Vorrei riservare un t a volo, per favore. I’d like to book a table, please. Vorremmo ordinare del vino, per favore. We’d like to order some wine, please. Vorremmo pagare con la carta di cr e dito. We’d like to pay by credit card. You can also say what you fancy having in Italian by using ho v o glia di ( I fancy ), followed by the infinitives pr e ndere ( to have ) or mangiare ( to eat ). I fancy… Ho v o glia di pr e ndere la grigliata mista. I fancy the mixed grill. Ho v o glia di mangiare cinese, per cambiare. I fancy Chinese food for a change. Non ho v o glia di pr e ndere l’antipasto. I don’t really feel like a starter. SAYING WHAT YOU LIKE, DISLIKE, PREFER When you’re out wining and dining you will probably want to talk about what you like or dislike, especially when it comes to food. To say what you like, you can use mi piace ( I like ) with singular nouns and mi pi a cciono with plural nouns. If you want to say that you don’t like something, you can use non mi piace or non mi pi a cciono . I like… Mi piace il form a ggio. I like cheese. Mi pi a cciono gli asp a ragi. I like asparagus. Mi pi a cciono tant i ssimo i frutti di mare. I love seafood.
