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  1. caste system - a division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race

  2. dependence theory-states that underdevelopment continue to exist because developed countries are still dominating the economy of the underdeveloped countries

  3. globalization - an international policy that works for the maintenance of evenness in the living mode of the people all over the world

  4. cultural theory - asserts the desire of wealthy nations to control other nation's values and perception through cultural means

  5. neocolonialism - the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through indirect means

  6. monarch - a person who reigns over a kingdom or empire

  7. Sha-called the "King of Kings"

  8. Kang Hsi- means "lasting peace"

  9. Taiping Tienkuo - called the "heavenly kingdom of great peace"

  10. Meiji - called the "Enlightened Rule"

  11. Wu San-kwei - called the "Prince Pacific of the West"

  12. Ibn Sina - considered as the greatest writer of medicine during Middle Agest boloniexs an-albu! SA of people who had the notion that their country is the political, social, cultural, and even economic center of the world

  13. Chinese-group of people who had the notion that their country is the political, social, cultural, and even economic center of the world

  14. Great Britain - country that was called "most favored nation"

  15. Boxer Rebellion - the Righteous and Harmonious First Society of Rebellion that was organized by frustrated Chinese

  16. Raffles - considered as the founder of Singapore

  17. Saudi Arabia is an oil-based economy with strong government controlled economy

  18. South Asia - considered as one of the advance nations in the world in terms of educational development

  19. Israelites - have high regards on women

  20. Afghanistan - is an "Islamic Republic," with Islam as the official religion of the state

  21. Pakistan - is made up of two separate states known as West Pakistan and East Pakistan

  22. Iran - is an Authoritarian Islamic Republic that recognizes no political party

  23. Arabian Peninsula - had been known as very patriarchal

  24. South Asian nations - were not prepared by the colonial power for self-rule

  25. emergence of Pakistan - marked the first attempt to build a political community based on a common religious belief

  26. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - represents a Presidential system of government

  27. powerful Ming Dynasty - weakened after it collected increasingly burdensome taxes from common people

  28. China - was placed in a very difficult situation when the British attempted to increase trade with them and emperor of China refused to grant British's request

  29. United States - declared "Open Door Policy" in China to protect American trading rights in China

  30. millions of people were going hungry - situation that happened in China that made it intensely weak after the Second Opium War

  31. Hung Hsiu-chuan - was able to bring into his mission millions of people due to his recognizable You sent

  32. shut down Korean media in any form, put Korean schools under their control & taught the language and history of Japan throughout the land - were done by Japanese to forbade the Koreans to make public protest except one

  33. Indian Independence Act of June 3, 1947 - led to the independence and separation of India and Pakistan

  34. India - achieved a federal republic government when it adopted a new constitution

  35. head of government, heads the executive branch, & appoints the Cabinet - functions of the president in a presidential representative democratic republic

  36. .Turkey - its political system is based on a separation of the executive, legislative and judicial power

  37. .Oman - the Supreme Court here is the judicial branch and highest court of the state

  38. given the chance to manage the apartment blocks, trained to form self-help groups for livelihood training & granted microcredit - responsibilities given to women in India to enhance their rights

  39. polygamy was banned, divorce and inheritance rights were made equal, political rights were granted to women - included in feminist movement in Turkey

  40. .discrimination from education, medical facilities, social life and livelihood - experienced by Dalits group in India add ball

  41. percentage of the population attending school is low - South Asia was then considered as one of the backward nation in the world in terms of educational Or development because of this song"

  42. .India - is exempted in backward education because it has one of the largest education systems in the world song or notion

  43. . Arab nations - do not spend much on research that's educational situation in the field of science and technology in the western nations lags

  44. Kuwait - has been quite unsuccessful in its diversification platform due to relationship between the executive branch and legislative branch

  45. Oman - boost its deteriorating oil supply because it is currently using modern techniques of that extracting oil resources.

  46. Iran and Saudi Arabia - are alike because government significantly controls the economy of 2.81 the country

  47. picture elements of repeated geometric floral and plant design, focus on the description of patterns and Arabic script, & symbolize the supreme, united, and endless nature of God characteristics of Islamic paintings

  48. Americans - recommend that China will declare Open Door policy to protect American trading rights in China

  49. Japan - gave consent to the Americans to open for foreign trade because they were threatened by the dreadful arms of the foreigners

  50. .Japanese - their victory change the world's balance of power for they won the war over Russia


  1. caste system - a division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race

  2. dependence theory-states that underdevelopment continue to exist because developed countries are still dominating the economy of the underdeveloped countries

  3. globalization - an international policy that works for the maintenance of evenness in the living mode of the people all over the world

  4. cultural theory - asserts the desire of wealthy nations to control other nation's values and perception through cultural means

  5. neocolonialism - the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through indirect means

  6. monarch - a person who reigns over a kingdom or empire

  7. Sha-called the "King of Kings"

  8. Kang Hsi- means "lasting peace"

  9. Taiping Tienkuo - called the "heavenly kingdom of great peace"

  10. Meiji - called the "Enlightened Rule"

  11. Wu San-kwei - called the "Prince Pacific of the West"

  12. Ibn Sina - considered as the greatest writer of medicine during Middle Agest boloniexs an-albu! SA of people who had the notion that their country is the political, social, cultural, and even economic center of the world

  13. Chinese-group of people who had the notion that their country is the political, social, cultural, and even economic center of the world

  14. Great Britain - country that was called "most favored nation"

  15. Boxer Rebellion - the Righteous and Harmonious First Society of Rebellion that was organized by frustrated Chinese

  16. Raffles - considered as the founder of Singapore

  17. Saudi Arabia is an oil-based economy with strong government controlled economy

  18. South Asia - considered as one of the advance nations in the world in terms of educational development

  19. Israelites - have high regards on women

  20. Afghanistan - is an "Islamic Republic," with Islam as the official religion of the state

  21. Pakistan - is made up of two separate states known as West Pakistan and East Pakistan

  22. Iran - is an Authoritarian Islamic Republic that recognizes no political party

  23. Arabian Peninsula - had been known as very patriarchal

  24. South Asian nations - were not prepared by the colonial power for self-rule

  25. emergence of Pakistan - marked the first attempt to build a political community based on a common religious belief

  26. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - represents a Presidential system of government

  27. powerful Ming Dynasty - weakened after it collected increasingly burdensome taxes from common people

  28. China - was placed in a very difficult situation when the British attempted to increase trade with them and emperor of China refused to grant British's request

  29. United States - declared "Open Door Policy" in China to protect American trading rights in China

  30. millions of people were going hungry - situation that happened in China that made it intensely weak after the Second Opium War

  31. Hung Hsiu-chuan - was able to bring into his mission millions of people due to his recognizable You sent

  32. shut down Korean media in any form, put Korean schools under their control & taught the language and history of Japan throughout the land - were done by Japanese to forbade the Koreans to make public protest except one

  33. Indian Independence Act of June 3, 1947 - led to the independence and separation of India and Pakistan

  34. India - achieved a federal republic government when it adopted a new constitution

  35. head of government, heads the executive branch, & appoints the Cabinet - functions of the president in a presidential representative democratic republic

  36. .Turkey - its political system is based on a separation of the executive, legislative and judicial power

  37. .Oman - the Supreme Court here is the judicial branch and highest court of the state

  38. given the chance to manage the apartment blocks, trained to form self-help groups for livelihood training & granted microcredit - responsibilities given to women in India to enhance their rights

  39. polygamy was banned, divorce and inheritance rights were made equal, political rights were granted to women - included in feminist movement in Turkey

  40. .discrimination from education, medical facilities, social life and livelihood - experienced by Dalits group in India add ball

  41. percentage of the population attending school is low - South Asia was then considered as one of the backward nation in the world in terms of educational Or development because of this song"

  42. .India - is exempted in backward education because it has one of the largest education systems in the world song or notion

  43. . Arab nations - do not spend much on research that's educational situation in the field of science and technology in the western nations lags

  44. Kuwait - has been quite unsuccessful in its diversification platform due to relationship between the executive branch and legislative branch

  45. Oman - boost its deteriorating oil supply because it is currently using modern techniques of that extracting oil resources.

  46. Iran and Saudi Arabia - are alike because government significantly controls the economy of 2.81 the country

  47. picture elements of repeated geometric floral and plant design, focus on the description of patterns and Arabic script, & symbolize the supreme, united, and endless nature of God characteristics of Islamic paintings

  48. Americans - recommend that China will declare Open Door policy to protect American trading rights in China

  49. Japan - gave consent to the Americans to open for foreign trade because they were threatened by the dreadful arms of the foreigners

  50. .Japanese - their victory change the world's balance of power for they won the war over Russia
