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  1. Spain (govt and goals)

    1. Spanish government

      1. As of 1492 Spain was more unified nation-state

        1. Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabela had united different regions of Spain

        2. Spain had driven out the moors (African Muslims)

        3. Spain drove out the Jews or forced them to convert

    2. Goals of Spanish exploration

      1. Make their nation more powerful

        1. Find their Own trade route to Asia

        2. Claim new lands for Spain

        3. Find valuable resources

      2. Find people to convert to Catholicism

  2. Christopher columbus

    1. Columbus's goals

      1. Get fame and power for finding a route to Asia

      2. Find value for himself and for Spain

      3. spread Christianity

    2. Columbus’s voyages

      1. First voyage

        1. Three ships, 88 men

        2. Sails southwest following the currents.

        3. ‘Discovers’ Caribbean islands, including cuba.

        4. Thinks he has reached some islands of the Asian indies.

    3. Relations with native Americans

      1. First encounter with taints Indians

        1. First voyage, Columbus sees them as easily controlled

          1. Note to king says natives could be easily turned into slaves

    4. results: does columbus achieve his goals

      1. gold is found, and this spain/europe have more financial reasons to travel there

        1. spain will take many claims to land in the americas

      2. columbus would return 3 more times

        1. later voyages:

          1. discovers more caribbean islands, northern coast of south america and eastern coast of central america

          2. columbus never reached the indies

      3. ultimately many of the indigenous people are converted to christianity, but not directly by columbus

  3. other spanish explorers

    1. vasco nunez de balboa

      1. first european to see the pacific ocean (1513)

        1. crossed isthmus of panama

        2. claims the pacific ocean for spain

    2. ferdinand magellan (1519-1522)

      1. portuguese explorer who sails for spain

      2. first person to lead an expedition that circumnavigates (sails around) the world

  4. the columbian exchange (textbook image 51)

    1. what: a transfer of products, people and ideas between the hemispheres

    2. positive impact

      1. europeans introduced cows, hogs and other domestic animals to the western hemisphere

      2. food plants: wheat and oats come to the new world

      3. europeans get new animals and plants from americas including potatoes, corn and turkeys

    3. negative impact

      1. diseases such as smallpox, chickenpox, and measles kill native americans

        1. within 2 years of columbus’ arrival in the new world, 90% of the taino people have been wiped out by disease

      2. tobacco brought to europe

        1. demand is huge; people will want to grow it and make a profit; they will want to colonize.

      3. slavery thrives as a business as europeans become entrenched in the new world and use them for labor

  5. Treaty of tordesillas

    1. What?: treaty drawn up by the pope to settle disputes between sp. And Portugal over exploration and colonization.

      1. Establishes the LINE OF DEMARCATION

        1. Gives Portugal Brazil and all new land east of that line

        2. Gives Spain everything west of that line

  6. Spanish conquistadores

    1. Hernan cortes

      1. Conqueror of the Aztecs

        1. Montezuma leader of Aztecs believes Cortes could be Quetzalcoatl (this was his predicted tine of return to earth)

          1. Aztecs greet Spaniards with great honor

          2. Cortes takes montezuma hostage and montezuma ends up dead

        2. Years of conflict and tenochtitlan falls to cortes (1519-1521)

          1. Cortes becomes ruler of vast Mexican empire

          2. Spain gains huge amounts of gold

    2. Francisco Pizarro (1532)

      1. Invades the Incan empire

      2. Kills ruler (sapa inca) atahualpa, sacks the city of Cuzco and establishes lima, Peru as its capital

      3. Spain gains even more gold and silver

  7. Reasons for Spanish victory

    1. Superior military equipment

      1. Guns and steel armor

    2. Horses

      1. Natives had never seen them, they were afraid.

    3. Natives did not fight as hard as they should have

      1. Aztecs thought Spanish could be gods

      2. Inca tired from internal fighting

    4. Disease

      1. Europeans bring chickenpox, smallpox, measles, and influenza

        1. All deadly to natives at the time

  8. Settling new Spain

    1. Spain has difficult settling lands in what is now North America; native resistance makes them look south.

    2. At first conquistadors rule.

      1. They are not good at this, so- Spanish king takes over.

    3. Society in new Spain

      1. Four social classes

        1. Peninsulares (top social class)

          1. Born in Spain

          2. Held highest jobs in govt and church

          3. Owned large piece of land for farming and mining

        2. Creoles

          1. Born in americas with Peninsulares as parents

          2. Owned farms and ranches

          3. Taught at universities and practiced law

        3. Mestizos

          1. A blended race of Spanish and native background

          2. Worked on the farms.ranches owned by the higher classes

          3. In cities worked as bankers, carpenters, tailors, etc

        4. Indigenous people and Africans

          1. Lowest class

          2. Treated as conquered people

    4. Harsh life for native Americans

      1. Encomiendas - land grants given to settlers

        1. included the right to demand labor or taxes from native americans  Hard labor

        2. Indigenous people worked in mines to get gold and silver for Spanish

          1. A priest names Bartolome de las casas writes about the hardship suggests an alternative to Native American workforce

    5. Slave trade betweeen Africa and America begins

      1. De las casas words inspire Spanish to engage in the Atlantic slave trade - one that brought Africans to the new world as slaves

      2. Slave trade grow as Africans become labor force on sugar plantations on Caribbean islands and Brazil

        1. Plantations - large estates farmed by many workers - grow

      3. This barbaric system would last from the 1500s to the 1800s moving an estimated 10 million enslaved Africans to the americas


Exploring North America:

  1. Search for a northwest passage Search for a Northwest Passage

    1. 1500's European nations look for ways to reach Asia

      1. Magellan's route is too long and difficult!

    2. Northwest passage- a waterway through or around NORTH America would be cool

  2. Exploring for France

    1. Goals for exploration set for France

      1. Yes, find that North West passage

      2. Establish strong trade relationship with indigenous people

      3. Claim land for France

      4. Convert people to Christianity/Catholicism

    2. Jaques Cartier (1530s) traveled more than half way up what is now the St. Lawrence River

      1. gives Canada its name

      2. Establishes fur trade with indigenous people

    3. Samuel de Champlain-

      1. founded Port Royal, the first permanent French settlement in 1605 (in Nova Scotia)

      2. Founded the city of Quebec

      3. considered the father of Canada, worked hard for France to stay interested in North America

      4. Allies with the Huron and Algonquin

        1. Kills Iroquois in battle vs the Huron and forever the Iroquois will hate the French

        2. Under Champlain, French will live among the Huron, adopting their language, practices, and customs

    4. Expansion to the Mississippi River

      1. Fr. Traders went to Great Lakes; heard of Mississippi River

      2. Father marquette (priest) and louis joliet (fur trader) explored 700 miles down the Mississippi

    5. Robert de la salle

      1. Year 1682

      2. Results

        1. Explores full Mississippi River to gulf of mexico

        2. Claims “louisiana” (appalachians to Rockies) for france

        3. Gains control of the mouth of the Mississippi (city becomes New Orleans)

  3. French colonization

    1. Started eastern Canada Colony known as New France: Quebec and Montreal will be major settlements

    2. Relations with native Americans.

      1. From the days of Champlain, trapping and trading is good for relationships with Huron and Algonquin native Americans.

      2. France becomes enemies of the iroquois-

        1. Stems from champlains’s alliance with the Hurons/Algonquins

        2. Settlements in New France will need soldiers to protect them from Iroquois.

    3. Economy of New France

      1. Made their profits from fishing, trapping and fur trading

        1. Trapped and traded with NatAms

        2. Traded knives, kettles, cloth for beaver furs

        3. Lived with and were friendly with many Native Americans

    4. Missionary work

      1. Catholic (jesuit) missionaries traveled with fur traders

      2. Tried to convert NatAms

    5. Government of New France

      1. King controlled govt; people had little power

      2. Population concerns: few settlers came over (just 10,000), and this was a problem

      3. Male dominated occupations

        1. Traders:

          1. coureur du bois: independent traders brought knives, kettles, cloth, and other items for trade w/ NatAms

        2. Trappers - many french did their own fur trapping

        3. Soldiers

        4. Some farmers (late 1600ds)

      4. Bring in the women ‘

        1. 1663-1674 louis XIV establishes - les filles du roi “daughters of the king”

  • Who: 768 women -shipped over to the new world

    • Orphans, 2nd daughters, poor, looking for a chance at love

  • Why: to help create a New France by marrying and having babies


  1. Spain (govt and goals)

    1. Spanish government

      1. As of 1492 Spain was more unified nation-state

        1. Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabela had united different regions of Spain

        2. Spain had driven out the moors (African Muslims)

        3. Spain drove out the Jews or forced them to convert

    2. Goals of Spanish exploration

      1. Make their nation more powerful

        1. Find their Own trade route to Asia

        2. Claim new lands for Spain

        3. Find valuable resources

      2. Find people to convert to Catholicism

  2. Christopher columbus

    1. Columbus's goals

      1. Get fame and power for finding a route to Asia

      2. Find value for himself and for Spain

      3. spread Christianity

    2. Columbus’s voyages

      1. First voyage

        1. Three ships, 88 men

        2. Sails southwest following the currents.

        3. ‘Discovers’ Caribbean islands, including cuba.

        4. Thinks he has reached some islands of the Asian indies.

    3. Relations with native Americans

      1. First encounter with taints Indians

        1. First voyage, Columbus sees them as easily controlled

          1. Note to king says natives could be easily turned into slaves

    4. results: does columbus achieve his goals

      1. gold is found, and this spain/europe have more financial reasons to travel there

        1. spain will take many claims to land in the americas

      2. columbus would return 3 more times

        1. later voyages:

          1. discovers more caribbean islands, northern coast of south america and eastern coast of central america

          2. columbus never reached the indies

      3. ultimately many of the indigenous people are converted to christianity, but not directly by columbus

  3. other spanish explorers

    1. vasco nunez de balboa

      1. first european to see the pacific ocean (1513)

        1. crossed isthmus of panama

        2. claims the pacific ocean for spain

    2. ferdinand magellan (1519-1522)

      1. portuguese explorer who sails for spain

      2. first person to lead an expedition that circumnavigates (sails around) the world

  4. the columbian exchange (textbook image 51)

    1. what: a transfer of products, people and ideas between the hemispheres

    2. positive impact

      1. europeans introduced cows, hogs and other domestic animals to the western hemisphere

      2. food plants: wheat and oats come to the new world

      3. europeans get new animals and plants from americas including potatoes, corn and turkeys

    3. negative impact

      1. diseases such as smallpox, chickenpox, and measles kill native americans

        1. within 2 years of columbus’ arrival in the new world, 90% of the taino people have been wiped out by disease

      2. tobacco brought to europe

        1. demand is huge; people will want to grow it and make a profit; they will want to colonize.

      3. slavery thrives as a business as europeans become entrenched in the new world and use them for labor

  5. Treaty of tordesillas

    1. What?: treaty drawn up by the pope to settle disputes between sp. And Portugal over exploration and colonization.

      1. Establishes the LINE OF DEMARCATION

        1. Gives Portugal Brazil and all new land east of that line

        2. Gives Spain everything west of that line

  6. Spanish conquistadores

    1. Hernan cortes

      1. Conqueror of the Aztecs

        1. Montezuma leader of Aztecs believes Cortes could be Quetzalcoatl (this was his predicted tine of return to earth)

          1. Aztecs greet Spaniards with great honor

          2. Cortes takes montezuma hostage and montezuma ends up dead

        2. Years of conflict and tenochtitlan falls to cortes (1519-1521)

          1. Cortes becomes ruler of vast Mexican empire

          2. Spain gains huge amounts of gold

    2. Francisco Pizarro (1532)

      1. Invades the Incan empire

      2. Kills ruler (sapa inca) atahualpa, sacks the city of Cuzco and establishes lima, Peru as its capital

      3. Spain gains even more gold and silver

  7. Reasons for Spanish victory

    1. Superior military equipment

      1. Guns and steel armor

    2. Horses

      1. Natives had never seen them, they were afraid.

    3. Natives did not fight as hard as they should have

      1. Aztecs thought Spanish could be gods

      2. Inca tired from internal fighting

    4. Disease

      1. Europeans bring chickenpox, smallpox, measles, and influenza

        1. All deadly to natives at the time

  8. Settling new Spain

    1. Spain has difficult settling lands in what is now North America; native resistance makes them look south.

    2. At first conquistadors rule.

      1. They are not good at this, so- Spanish king takes over.

    3. Society in new Spain

      1. Four social classes

        1. Peninsulares (top social class)

          1. Born in Spain

          2. Held highest jobs in govt and church

          3. Owned large piece of land for farming and mining

        2. Creoles

          1. Born in americas with Peninsulares as parents

          2. Owned farms and ranches

          3. Taught at universities and practiced law

        3. Mestizos

          1. A blended race of Spanish and native background

          2. Worked on the farms.ranches owned by the higher classes

          3. In cities worked as bankers, carpenters, tailors, etc

        4. Indigenous people and Africans

          1. Lowest class

          2. Treated as conquered people

    4. Harsh life for native Americans

      1. Encomiendas - land grants given to settlers

        1. included the right to demand labor or taxes from native americans  Hard labor

        2. Indigenous people worked in mines to get gold and silver for Spanish

          1. A priest names Bartolome de las casas writes about the hardship suggests an alternative to Native American workforce

    5. Slave trade betweeen Africa and America begins

      1. De las casas words inspire Spanish to engage in the Atlantic slave trade - one that brought Africans to the new world as slaves

      2. Slave trade grow as Africans become labor force on sugar plantations on Caribbean islands and Brazil

        1. Plantations - large estates farmed by many workers - grow

      3. This barbaric system would last from the 1500s to the 1800s moving an estimated 10 million enslaved Africans to the americas


Exploring North America:

  1. Search for a northwest passage Search for a Northwest Passage

    1. 1500's European nations look for ways to reach Asia

      1. Magellan's route is too long and difficult!

    2. Northwest passage- a waterway through or around NORTH America would be cool

  2. Exploring for France

    1. Goals for exploration set for France

      1. Yes, find that North West passage

      2. Establish strong trade relationship with indigenous people

      3. Claim land for France

      4. Convert people to Christianity/Catholicism

    2. Jaques Cartier (1530s) traveled more than half way up what is now the St. Lawrence River

      1. gives Canada its name

      2. Establishes fur trade with indigenous people

    3. Samuel de Champlain-

      1. founded Port Royal, the first permanent French settlement in 1605 (in Nova Scotia)

      2. Founded the city of Quebec

      3. considered the father of Canada, worked hard for France to stay interested in North America

      4. Allies with the Huron and Algonquin

        1. Kills Iroquois in battle vs the Huron and forever the Iroquois will hate the French

        2. Under Champlain, French will live among the Huron, adopting their language, practices, and customs

    4. Expansion to the Mississippi River

      1. Fr. Traders went to Great Lakes; heard of Mississippi River

      2. Father marquette (priest) and louis joliet (fur trader) explored 700 miles down the Mississippi

    5. Robert de la salle

      1. Year 1682

      2. Results

        1. Explores full Mississippi River to gulf of mexico

        2. Claims “louisiana” (appalachians to Rockies) for france

        3. Gains control of the mouth of the Mississippi (city becomes New Orleans)

  3. French colonization

    1. Started eastern Canada Colony known as New France: Quebec and Montreal will be major settlements

    2. Relations with native Americans.

      1. From the days of Champlain, trapping and trading is good for relationships with Huron and Algonquin native Americans.

      2. France becomes enemies of the iroquois-

        1. Stems from champlains’s alliance with the Hurons/Algonquins

        2. Settlements in New France will need soldiers to protect them from Iroquois.

    3. Economy of New France

      1. Made their profits from fishing, trapping and fur trading

        1. Trapped and traded with NatAms

        2. Traded knives, kettles, cloth for beaver furs

        3. Lived with and were friendly with many Native Americans

    4. Missionary work

      1. Catholic (jesuit) missionaries traveled with fur traders

      2. Tried to convert NatAms

    5. Government of New France

      1. King controlled govt; people had little power

      2. Population concerns: few settlers came over (just 10,000), and this was a problem

      3. Male dominated occupations

        1. Traders:

          1. coureur du bois: independent traders brought knives, kettles, cloth, and other items for trade w/ NatAms

        2. Trappers - many french did their own fur trapping

        3. Soldiers

        4. Some farmers (late 1600ds)

      4. Bring in the women ‘

        1. 1663-1674 louis XIV establishes - les filles du roi “daughters of the king”

  • Who: 768 women -shipped over to the new world

    • Orphans, 2nd daughters, poor, looking for a chance at love

  • Why: to help create a New France by marrying and having babies