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AP World History - 1300s Master Review for AP Test - 23-24

Key Events and Developments in Each Region during the 14th Century. Links with Strayer’s “Ways Of the World: Second Edition” Textbook :D

European Developments & Events

  1. The Black Death Rises

    • During the rise of the 1300s, a disease and epidemic known as the Black Death began to spread rapidly throughout Eastern Europe. This would later reach across it, as almost 50 million people in total fell into Death’s hands. This horrid epidemic would lead to a massive labor shortage, causing fewer crops to be harvested and skillful jobs to be deep-cleaned.

  2. A Century-Long Battlefield

    • The Hundred Years War was one of, if not the most significant events of the 1300s in Europe. Between 2 major world superpowers, Britain and France, the scene was drenched in red. All was not bad afterward, however, as France could now rule properly with a King, and Britain would adopt a new, central-monarchal system.

  3. Welcome to the Renaissance!

    • Across Europe, something beautiful was brewing. The Renaissance, a major cultural, artistic, scientific, and religious age would later produce some of the most influential sculptors, painters, mathematicians, leaders, scholars, and more! But it’s only on the backburners now. Only time shall tell how this infamous age will play out…

Asian Developments & Events

  1. Sultanate Missing?!

    • Tamerlane, an infamous figure in Indian history, known for his brutality, assassinated the Sultanate of Delhi, causing the cycle to lose balance, and for his influence to spread.

  2. Welcome to the Vijayanagara Empire!

    • In the Hindu sector of South India, a new empire formed, leading to protection against Muslim-sultanate invaders of the north. This also helped hospitalize and rebuild Hindu society after the 12th and 13th-century downfalls.

  3. Yuan W’s, Ming L’s

    • In East Asia, the Yuan Dynasty conquered and defeated the Ming Dynasty, setting the stage for their age of development, trade, etc.

African Developments & Events

  1. Mansa Musa, Where are You?

    • Under the Mali Empire in Africa, Mansa Musa would help kickstart various improvements for the empire, including culture/commerce centers, and larger meeting grounds and boundaries for the Islamic population, transforming the kingdom into an Islamic haven. With his riches and pilgrimage to Mecca, nothing seemed to cross this man’s path!

  2. The Kingdom of Kongo is Formed

  3. Indian Ocean Trade Benefits Roll In!

Middle Eastern Developments & Events

  1. Byzantines Be Like: MAN DOWN BOYS, MAN DOWN!!!

    • With the Ottomans slowly chipping away at the Byzantine Empire, their economy and structure began to tremble. With their losses to people like Tamerlane, I don’t see any miracles happening now-

    • The Ilkhanate in Perisa Begins!

Russian Developments & Events

  1. Moskau, Moskau!

    • Although still under the Mongols, Russia’s soon-to-be capital city, Moskau (Moscow for you Americans) was growing stronger by the day. People and products would flow into it and soon benefit the Russians greatly.

Japanese Developments & Events

  1. Ashikaga Rise Up!

    • With the rise of the Ashikaga in Japan, the Muromachi Period begins. While not as significant in World History, this would help set up the future events of Japan’s civil conflicts.

AP World History - 1300s Master Review for AP Test - 23-24

Key Events and Developments in Each Region during the 14th Century. Links with Strayer’s “Ways Of the World: Second Edition” Textbook :D

European Developments & Events

  1. The Black Death Rises

    • During the rise of the 1300s, a disease and epidemic known as the Black Death began to spread rapidly throughout Eastern Europe. This would later reach across it, as almost 50 million people in total fell into Death’s hands. This horrid epidemic would lead to a massive labor shortage, causing fewer crops to be harvested and skillful jobs to be deep-cleaned.

  2. A Century-Long Battlefield

    • The Hundred Years War was one of, if not the most significant events of the 1300s in Europe. Between 2 major world superpowers, Britain and France, the scene was drenched in red. All was not bad afterward, however, as France could now rule properly with a King, and Britain would adopt a new, central-monarchal system.

  3. Welcome to the Renaissance!

    • Across Europe, something beautiful was brewing. The Renaissance, a major cultural, artistic, scientific, and religious age would later produce some of the most influential sculptors, painters, mathematicians, leaders, scholars, and more! But it’s only on the backburners now. Only time shall tell how this infamous age will play out…

Asian Developments & Events

  1. Sultanate Missing?!

    • Tamerlane, an infamous figure in Indian history, known for his brutality, assassinated the Sultanate of Delhi, causing the cycle to lose balance, and for his influence to spread.

  2. Welcome to the Vijayanagara Empire!

    • In the Hindu sector of South India, a new empire formed, leading to protection against Muslim-sultanate invaders of the north. This also helped hospitalize and rebuild Hindu society after the 12th and 13th-century downfalls.

  3. Yuan W’s, Ming L’s

    • In East Asia, the Yuan Dynasty conquered and defeated the Ming Dynasty, setting the stage for their age of development, trade, etc.

African Developments & Events

  1. Mansa Musa, Where are You?

    • Under the Mali Empire in Africa, Mansa Musa would help kickstart various improvements for the empire, including culture/commerce centers, and larger meeting grounds and boundaries for the Islamic population, transforming the kingdom into an Islamic haven. With his riches and pilgrimage to Mecca, nothing seemed to cross this man’s path!

  2. The Kingdom of Kongo is Formed

  3. Indian Ocean Trade Benefits Roll In!

Middle Eastern Developments & Events

  1. Byzantines Be Like: MAN DOWN BOYS, MAN DOWN!!!

    • With the Ottomans slowly chipping away at the Byzantine Empire, their economy and structure began to tremble. With their losses to people like Tamerlane, I don’t see any miracles happening now-

    • The Ilkhanate in Perisa Begins!

Russian Developments & Events

  1. Moskau, Moskau!

    • Although still under the Mongols, Russia’s soon-to-be capital city, Moskau (Moscow for you Americans) was growing stronger by the day. People and products would flow into it and soon benefit the Russians greatly.

Japanese Developments & Events

  1. Ashikaga Rise Up!

    • With the rise of the Ashikaga in Japan, the Muromachi Period begins. While not as significant in World History, this would help set up the future events of Japan’s civil conflicts.