Period 3, c.1750 to c.1900

Revolutions and Consequences of Industrialization

Industry and Imperialism

  • The Industrial Revolution, which began in mid 18th century in Britain and spread rapidly throughout the 19th century, is inseparable from the age of imperialism, which reached its speak in the late 19th and 20th century.

  • Industrial technology had two enormous consequences, countries with industrial technology, by definition, had advanced military weapons. And in order to succeed, factories needed access to raw materials to make finished products.

  • Because the bulk of the Western Hemisphere freed itself from European control by the early 19th century, the industrial imperialist turned their eyes towards Africa and Asia

Agricultural Revolution

  • Agricultural techniques had been totally improving throughout history, since many developments happened so quickly in the 18th century, this period was considered a revolution.

  • Through a process known as enclosure, public lands that were shared during the Middle Ages were enclosed by fences, which allowed for private farming and private gain.

  • New machines for plowing seating and reaping along with the development of chemical fertilizer allowed farmers to greatly increase the amount of land they could farm while decreasing number of people needing to do it.

Technological Innovations

  • Priority Industrial Revolution, most European to work on farms at home or in small shops, even after Britain started importing huge amount of cotton from its American colonies the most of the cotton was woven into cloth in homes or some small shops.

  • A series of technological innovations in the 18th century change all of this. John K invented the flying shuttle John. Hair grieves and met at the spinning Jenny. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

  • Although industrialization hit the textile industry first, it spread well beyond me to other industries. One of the most significant developmentals the invention of esteem engine. In 1807, Robert Fulton built the first steamship and George Stephenson built the first steam powered locomotive

  • During the next 100 years, enormous developments changed how people communicated, traveled and went on about their daily lives.

Capitalism and Enlightenment Combine

The significant revolutions that took place during this time period are the focus of Period 3 of the AP World History course, which covers the years roughly between 1750 and 1900. During this time, old cultures and empires fell into disrepair along with the rise of the nationalism and industrialization movements. The American Revolution (1775–1783), the French Revolution (1789–1799), the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804), and the Taiping Rebellion are just a few of the significant revolutions that occurred during this time (1850-1864). The modern nation-state also came into being during this time, and the world economy expanded.

Nationalist Movements

  • One of the consequences of the Napoleonic era was that it intestified nationalism. Frank spanned Portugal, Britain and Russia, of course, had already been unified, and, in some case, built enormous empires. But the Italian German city state were very futile.

  • In the mid 19th century, Italy was a tangular foreign controlled small kingdoms. Austria controlled Venezia Lombardi and Tuscany in the north. France controlled broom and the Apple states in the midsection.

  • In the following decade, Italian to manage to gain control of an as she after siding the pressure and its war against Austria. And finally, one control of Rome when the French withdrew.

National Liberation Movements

  • The propaganda movement was launched as a way for Filipinos to resist the Spanish occupiers and work towards true independence

  • As the Maori resisted British Royal tensions gave way between numerous battles between 1845 and 1972. The Maori nonetheless largely withstood British defence.

  • Nationalist Forever was best exemplified by poet Lola Rodriguez , who was songly opposed to the Spanish colonizers, even while in exile from the island as she captured the national appetite for freedom.

  • Is the Ottoman Empire Week in Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia seized the opportunity to declare national independence.
