Shari M - Unit 4 Study Guide

Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ________________

**Legislative Branch Study Guide**

**Directions:** Please answer the following questions below.


1. **Vocabulary.** Know all of your vocabulary words for the legislative branch (you do not need to redefine them for the study guide)
2. **Third Parties**

1. Please list at least three third parties that you learned about in this unit.
2. What is a political party plank?
3. What is a political party platform?
4. How may 3rd parties help democracy?
5. How may 3rd parties hurt democracy?
3. **Legislative Basics**

1. How many terms can a congressman serve?
2. How long is the term in the Senate?
3. How long is the term in the House of Representatives?
4. What are the qualifications for a Senator?
5. What are the qualifications for a Representative?
6. Who do congressmen represent?
7. What is Gerrymandering?
8. Describe packing and cracking.
4. **Leadership**

1. What is the role of the Speaker of the House?
2. Who is the Speaker of the House?
3. What is the role of Majority & Minority leaders?
4. Who is the Majority leader in the House of Representatives?
5. Who is the Majority leader in the Senate?
6. What party is the majority in the House of Representatives?
7. What party is the majority in the Senate?
8. What is the role of the Whip?
9. What is the role of the President pro tempore?
10. Who is the President pro tempore?
11. What is the role of the Vice President in Congress?
12. Who is Arlingtonā€™s Representative?
13. Who is Bostonā€™s Representative?
14. Who are the Senators of Massachusetts?
5. **Powers**

1. What are enumerated powers?
2. Give 3 examples of enumerated powers.
3. Where can you find these enumerated powers listed in the Constitution?
4. What are implied powers?
5. Explain the Elastic clause.
6. Give an example of an implied power.
6. **How a bill becomes a law**

1. What are the steps that occur in order for a bill to become a law within Congress?(**See ā€œHow a Bill Becomes a Law Slidesā€**)
7. Introduced by _____________________________
8. Assigned to _________________________
9. \
10. Introduced to ________________________
11. Assigned to _________________________
12. \
13. \
14. \
15. Presented to the President

1. What are the three actions the President can take when a bill is presented?
2. Who can propose a bill?
3. What is a veto?
4. How does a veto work? How can Congress override a veto?
5. Give 3 examples of a standing committee.
6. What is a caucus?
7. Compare a committee and a caucus.
8. What is a filibuster?
9. What house of Congress is allowed to filibuster?
10. What is a cloture?
