No electricity - medical equipment
No AC or sanitation
Evacuation = difficult
Many deaths
Emmette Everett: paraplegic + heavy. He had to be carried to the roof but died → evidence of toxic drugs
Dr. Anna Pou: charged with homicide for euthanizing patients
Communication = inadequate. Population was not properly informed
Failure to provide resources necessary for evacuation (buses, gasoline, lists of contacts for those who couldn't evacuate)
Personnel management issues: First responders didn’t show up for work (families to take care of)
Solution: provide resources for first responders’ families and monitor where they are going
Failure to use federal resources (National Guard): they must be requested by the state but Louisiana was slow to request their help
Chief executive of FEMA
Didn’t manage FEMA’s role very well in the aftermath of the hurricane
Not qualified so no effective leadership
Michael Brown: importance of recruitment and matching talents to jobs
Importance of communication
Importance of resource provision
Hierarchy needs to be effective
Importance of assigning responsibilities before tasks need performing