\ In what ways were the world wars and the Depression motors of global change?
**It sparked Initiative in order for the people community and the government to take charge and do something for their country and it also caused a lot of nationalism.**
Before the outbreak of World War I, which territories did European powers fight over, and
why were these territories considered valuable?
**African territories were considered valuable because of lots of raw materials being exported and more land.**
What developments in the nineteenth century were long-term causes of the First World
**Many alliances were formed between the European countries which was a long term cause of the WW**
What factors in the early modern era led to a European-dominated world system?
**The European powers’ rulers saw the world as an arena of competition and conflict. Nationalism played a really large role between governments to their peoples.**
How does the map explain why a war between two nations of Europe could lead to a
European-wide war?
**In Europe, all of the countries share a border with multiple countries which could lead to a much larger than anticipated conflict. Accidental shots can also hit other countries.**
In what ways did World War I mark new departures in the history of the twentieth
**Many new countries were formed after the ending of the war such has Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechosovakia, and Romania**
According to the map, what major changes to Europe’s imperial history were brought
about by the war?
**Europe’s map was changed completely with new countries gaining independence and separating from one another after the war.**
What factors contributed to the Russian Revolution and the victory of the Bolsheviks?
**I think the Russian Revolution was mainly caused due to the lack of a sustainable reconomny unable to keep up with the population.**
Based on this poster, in what way was the Bolsheviks’ view of their revolutionary role
similar to that of the French revolutionaries of the late eighteenth century?
**The poster shows as if the war is not supported and the communist view is careless towards the Russian Revolution.**
How was the process of industrialization in Soviet Russia different from that in Western
Europe and the United States?
**The process of industrialization in Russia was different from than in Western Europe and the United states because Russia mainly industrialized to improve their economy than to trade.**
What major changes to Russian society are represented in this photograph?
**Women are given a more working role until other countries. Here women are working in the fields instead of staying at home.**
Explain how China’s rapid industrialization was different from the Soviet Union’s.
**Chinese industrialization was different because it had a greater population growth compared to Russia.**
How did the Great Depression affect the relationship between governments and their
**The Great Depression created bad relationships because governments were not excerting enough effort into improving the situation.**
What were the political consequences of the economic changes illustrated in this graph?
**The unemployment rate of the United States increased while for Germany it decreased. The Uk it also increased.**
In what ways did fascism challenge the ideas and practices of European liberalism and
**Facism was intensely nationalistic which make many people participate in the war.**
What are some of the factors that led to the rise of fascism in Italy?
**Citizens were disappointed that the treaty didnt benefit them much.**
In what way do the camera angle and composition of this photograph complement
fascist ideology?
**Shows superiority and a condescending attitude towards population while standing above them.**
What conditions in Germany made the nation fertile ground for the growth of fascism?
**Anger and ruthlessness from terrible economy and hatred towards way of life.**
What was distinctive about the German expression of fascism?
**Hitler implemented policies that increasingly restricted Jewish life and had goals of eliminating them entirely**
What specific aspects of German nationalism are romanticized in this painting? What
does it imply about Germany’s diverse society?
**It implies that it's a perfect family text supports Nazis and Hitler by wearing the Hitler youth uniform.**
Understand the sources of political, economic, and social tensions in the early twentieth
century that led to political instability in Japan.
**Political instability in Japan in the 0th century was caused because of unfamiliar practices toward Republic and democratic countries along with other Western practices.**
How did Japan’s experience during the 9 0s and 9 0s resemble that of Germany, and
how did it differ?
**Japan was trying to catch up with the industrialization and innovations that were occurring in Western countries in Europe and the United States just like Germany was trying to catch up economically and socially**
What does the poster above suggest about women’s attitudes on Japanese
**the Japanese government along with Japanese woman and have supported militarization and were in hopes of creating a strong military country that can fend off threats and unfair treaties from other countries,**
What were the similarities and differences in the causes of war in Western Europe and
**Both Western Europe and Asia or Limited in technology and limited in the knowledge of a strong United government such as having a democracy and many of the religions denied democracy as a proper form of government.**
Compare this map with Map 0.5. How were Allied strategies fundamentally different in
the Pacific than in Europe?
**Allied strategies were fundamentally different in the Pacific than Europe because much of the American Tax involved island hopping because most of Pacific Asia was composed of various different Islands.**
Why were the beginnings of World War I and World War II in Europe different?
**The beginning of World War and World War II in Europe were especially different because many Innovations led to Stronger weapons and proper military equipment that was not available in the first World War.**
According to the map, which nation took the most territory from Nazi Germany in the final
two years of the war?
**According to map 0.5 Allied Powers took the most territory from Germany in the final two years of the war.**
How did the military use of technology in World War II differ from the military use of
technology in World War I?
**Military use of technology in World War II differed from the military use of technology in the first world war because of more deadlier weapons such as the atomic bomb were developed in World War II.**
How did World War II lead to decolonization in Africa and Asia?
**World war led to decolonization in Africa and Asia because much of Europe was too busy fighting in the war and did not have the resources to fight back to conflicts and revolts in both locations. Most colonies were given independence due to this.**
Is it more useful for world historians to view the two world wars as separate and distinct
conflicts or as a single continuous conflict with different phases?
**I think it's more useful for historians to view the two World Wars as separate conflicts because the cause and effects of each conflict were different compared to each other.**
Compare the features of communism in China and the USSR.
**A difference is that Chinese communism was Nationa while Soviet communism was anti-national and a similarity is both had rulers who cared mainly about power for themselves rather than for their country’s support and way of life.**
What strategies did the Chinese Communist Party implement to win popular support?
**They took advantage of a nationalism in the country to gain their people's support and votes for communism.**
What can be infered from this unit about the early prospects of the Chinese Communist
Party in coming to power?
**I think this suggest Mao Zedong attempting to teach others the values and Prospects of Communism while on the Long March in hopes of spreading communism do more people in other communities on the long journey he goes on.**
In what way did World War II contribute to the rise of the Chinese Communist Party?
**Idologies like Marxasim gained popularity from the chinese**.