The Mongols:
The Mongols were nomads
Conquered a lot of territory
Mass slaughter - “pyramids of skulls”
Kin-based clans
Unfit leaders were abandoned
Cavalry fighting style gave them an advantage over others
Armies are devised of tumens (fighting units of 10,000 men that were further split into 1,000s, 100s, and 10s; each with a commanding officer)
Tumens are divided into heavy cavalry (lances, metal armor) and light cavalry (archers, leather armor)
Scouting parties use flags and signal fires
Benefits of Mongol Rule:
Spared skilled artisans when sacking cities
Revitalized trade and the Silk Road
Open to cultures that they conquered (usually)
Religious tolerance
Chinggis (Genghis) Khan & The Mongol Empire:
Genghis is also known as Temujin
United the Mongol clans into one empire as the khagan in 1206
He relied on vassals to manage his empire
Known for executing deserters
Offered mercy to enemies that impressed him
Large network of spies
New weapons: flaming/bomb arrows, explosives, and even cannons were developed
Strongest army in the 2nd decade of the 13th century
Kwarazm cities are plundered after destroying a Mongol caravan
Exacted tribute from conquered areas
Developed siege weapons like battering rams and explosive rockets
Established the Mongol capital Karakorum in 1162
Had a written version of the Mongolian language created
Standardized laws and a police force
Created peace and economic growth in Asia
May have spread the Black Plague
Chinggis died in 1227
Empire divided between his 3 sons and his grandson
Ogadei (his 3rd son) became khagan
The Mongolian empire has 4 subdivisions known as khanates:
The Golden Horde = ruled by Genghis’ grandson Batu, controls the Northeast
Yuan Dynasty/Great Khanate = controls China
Ilkhanate = controls Southeast Asia & Persia
Chagatai Khanate = controls Central Asia
The Drive to the West:
Russia and Europe are the next targets of the Golden Horde
Russia is divided and decentralized at the time
Batu stages the only successful winter invasion of Russia in history
Cities that resisted were razed and subjected to slavery and mass killings
Mongols withdraw in the spring, sparing major cities
The next winter brings an even stronger campaign, Kiev (the largest city) is destroyed
Novgorod (another notable city) is spared when its prince submits to the Mongols
Some spared cities grow, Moscow benefits the most
Mongols target peasants because of their resistance to being conquered
Campaign stops in the spring, Mongols establish their rule more fully
Russians begin to rise against the Mongols
Major Russian victory @ the Battle of Kulikova
Mongols turn their focus to Western Europe
Conquer Hungary and Poland, as well as other Germanic states
Suddenly withdraw after Ogadei dies & a power struggle begins
Europe campaign is never continued
India is spared from the Mongols
The Mamluk (slave) Dynasty of Egypt defeats the Mongols
New khan of the Golden Horde, Berke, converts to Islam, protects Islamic states
Conquest in China:
Mongols resisted how women were treated in China
Ethnic Chinese are separated from the Mongols
Maintained the bureaucracy
Civil service exam is abolished
Chinese cannot hold a lot of power
Ruled by Kubli Khan
The Fall of the Yuan Dynasty:
Kubli Khan dies
Chinese revolt
Turks invade
Dynasties in China from 900 - 1450:
Sui: 581–618
Tang: 618–907
Song: 960 - 1279
Yuan: 13th Century - 1368
Ming: 14th - 17th Centuries
The Ottomons:
Conquered the Middle East & Constantinople
Western Europe:
Italy gains power
Europe nearly goes bankrupt
Famine and the Black Plague (⅔ of the population die)
Scared of Muslims & the Ottoman Turks
The Renaissance (rebirth)
Expansion & Exploration
Spread Christianity, explore the natural world
Ming Dynasty:
Trade expeditions, get all the way to Africa’s East Coast
Stop trade exploration, build the Great Wall
Porcelain & SIlk
Trade w/ southeast Asia
The plague hits
Their population still increases during the plague
Recover faster than Europe