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World History AP Test

Topic 1: Developments in East Asia

  1. Agricultural methods including types of crops.

Rice farming; fast ripening rice; chopa rice, using plows; spreads to Vietnam, Japan

  1. Major technological innovations of Tang and Song dynasties.

South pointing needle, gunpowder, innovate paper making, printing

  1. Methods of banking.

Flying cash, letters of credit

  1. Principles, teachings, texts, and cultural impact of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.

Buddhism____Reincarnation____8th fold half____One founder

ConfucianismRole in society____Ancestor worship/veneration____Main religion of China____Teachings influence politics____Roles within family____Is no god, way of living

Daoism____Based off of Confucianism____Harmony with nature, one with the earth

  1. Chinese cultural diffusion in Korea and Vietnam

  • Korea had to pay money to China and adopt

  • Fast ripening rice to Korea

  • Vietnam, maintain more local customs

  • Food staples and agricultural to vietnam

  • Patriarchy, man is in charge and women have a softer role

  1. Effects of Chinese cultural customs on women.

  • Patriarchy society

  • Foot-binding

Topic 2: Dar al-Islam

  1. Tenants of the Islamic faith

  • Prayer, Ramadan, Pilgrimage to Mecca, Alms, and total submission to god —> ALLAH

  1. Sharia law: religious vs. political

  • Religious influenced political

  • Separate and hand-in-hand

  1. Spread of Islam: Ulama, qadis, and Sufis

  • Ulama were people who went with Muhammad

  • Sufis, scholars, and go into African, Southeast Asia, India; they adopt religious practices and are more relaxed. Far more forgiving and stuff to remain

  • Qadis are more rigid

  1. Political and cultural influences of the Umayyad caliphs.

  • They are the successors of Muhammad

  • Abubacher

  1. Contrasts of the Umayyad and Abbasid rulers.

  • Abbasid is more relaxed regarding conversion

  • Umayyad forcing submission, used head tax, militant group, making sure conversion happens

  1. Cultural influences on Islam: classical vs. Chinese

  • Aristotle important to texts

  • Political structure, local governor

  1. Role of women in Arab society.

  • Women have to take the veil, in Arabia

  • Goes back to Mesopotamia

  • Women had influence is they came from Merchant families

Topic 3: State Building in South & Southeast Asia

  1. Tenants of Hinduism and its influence on Indian society, i.e. caste system, temples, etc.

  • Moksha, Karma, Brahman, reincarnation

  • Caste system and Hinduism

  • Economic places were temples

  1. Agriculture in the Indian subcontinent

  • Food crops and cash crops

  • Thrives in India because of the monsoons, water and heavy rain

  • Irrigation systems needed to be set up, dams and wells

  • Rice being introduced

  1. Spread of Islam and influences in India and Southeast Asia

  1. Bhakti movement

  • Teaching Allah + Brahman + Vishnu

  • Cultural diffusion

  1. Impact of Chola Kingdom and Kingdom of Vijayanagar

Topic 4: State Building in the Americas

  1. Explain the chinampa system

  • Bringing up fertile from bottom of lake to fertilize soil

  1. Methods of control used by Mexica over conquered peoples.                                  Aztecs; controlled people through fear and sacrifices, bloodletting

  2. Compare/contrast Aztec and Inca religions

  3. Inca political practices

  4. Mounds of Cahokia

Rituals or sacrifice site, they were not in places where warfare was popular

Topic 5: States & Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

  1. Definition of Swahili and importance in east Africa

  • Swahili - coasters

  • Located in East Africa, Ethiopia

  • Coming across Red Sea

  1. Role of Islam in the kingdom of Ghana and the Mali empire

  • West Africa

  • Gets things through trade

  • Islamic law, conversions, and great wealth

  • Munsa

  1. Economics of societies in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Kin based societies, wealthiest family would lead the town

  • Chief would be elected

  • Land was given to all kingship and people in the role

  1. Characteristics of kin-based societies in sub-Saharan Africa

  2. Pros/cons of trade/communication networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Pros: Wealth and luxury, Unity of Islam

Cons: Nomadic invasions

  1. Women and Islam in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Not taking up veil

  • Merchant families

Topic 6: Developments in Europe

  1. Purpose of the reconquista

  • Retake Spain from Muslim control

  • Arrive through trade in the Sahara by camels

  1. Purpose and benefits of guilds

  • Union and skilled workers part

  • Provided set prices, social advantage and work advantage

  1. Expansion of arable land and impact of agricultural developments in Europe

  • Filling up swamps, by Monks and Serfs

  • Horse collar, horse shoe, heavy plows

  1. Three estates of medieval Europe

  • Pray, Fight, Work

  1. Describe the curriculum of schools and universities in medieval Europe

  • Based on Liberal arts

  • History, Sciences, Government, Philosophy, Sociology

  1. European religious practices

  • Sacraments

  • Saints

World History AP Test

Topic 1: Developments in East Asia

  1. Agricultural methods including types of crops.

Rice farming; fast ripening rice; chopa rice, using plows; spreads to Vietnam, Japan

  1. Major technological innovations of Tang and Song dynasties.

South pointing needle, gunpowder, innovate paper making, printing

  1. Methods of banking.

Flying cash, letters of credit

  1. Principles, teachings, texts, and cultural impact of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.

Buddhism____Reincarnation____8th fold half____One founder

ConfucianismRole in society____Ancestor worship/veneration____Main religion of China____Teachings influence politics____Roles within family____Is no god, way of living

Daoism____Based off of Confucianism____Harmony with nature, one with the earth

  1. Chinese cultural diffusion in Korea and Vietnam

  • Korea had to pay money to China and adopt

  • Fast ripening rice to Korea

  • Vietnam, maintain more local customs

  • Food staples and agricultural to vietnam

  • Patriarchy, man is in charge and women have a softer role

  1. Effects of Chinese cultural customs on women.

  • Patriarchy society

  • Foot-binding

Topic 2: Dar al-Islam

  1. Tenants of the Islamic faith

  • Prayer, Ramadan, Pilgrimage to Mecca, Alms, and total submission to god —> ALLAH

  1. Sharia law: religious vs. political

  • Religious influenced political

  • Separate and hand-in-hand

  1. Spread of Islam: Ulama, qadis, and Sufis

  • Ulama were people who went with Muhammad

  • Sufis, scholars, and go into African, Southeast Asia, India; they adopt religious practices and are more relaxed. Far more forgiving and stuff to remain

  • Qadis are more rigid

  1. Political and cultural influences of the Umayyad caliphs.

  • They are the successors of Muhammad

  • Abubacher

  1. Contrasts of the Umayyad and Abbasid rulers.

  • Abbasid is more relaxed regarding conversion

  • Umayyad forcing submission, used head tax, militant group, making sure conversion happens

  1. Cultural influences on Islam: classical vs. Chinese

  • Aristotle important to texts

  • Political structure, local governor

  1. Role of women in Arab society.

  • Women have to take the veil, in Arabia

  • Goes back to Mesopotamia

  • Women had influence is they came from Merchant families

Topic 3: State Building in South & Southeast Asia

  1. Tenants of Hinduism and its influence on Indian society, i.e. caste system, temples, etc.

  • Moksha, Karma, Brahman, reincarnation

  • Caste system and Hinduism

  • Economic places were temples

  1. Agriculture in the Indian subcontinent

  • Food crops and cash crops

  • Thrives in India because of the monsoons, water and heavy rain

  • Irrigation systems needed to be set up, dams and wells

  • Rice being introduced

  1. Spread of Islam and influences in India and Southeast Asia

  1. Bhakti movement

  • Teaching Allah + Brahman + Vishnu

  • Cultural diffusion

  1. Impact of Chola Kingdom and Kingdom of Vijayanagar

Topic 4: State Building in the Americas

  1. Explain the chinampa system

  • Bringing up fertile from bottom of lake to fertilize soil

  1. Methods of control used by Mexica over conquered peoples.                                  Aztecs; controlled people through fear and sacrifices, bloodletting

  2. Compare/contrast Aztec and Inca religions

  3. Inca political practices

  4. Mounds of Cahokia

Rituals or sacrifice site, they were not in places where warfare was popular

Topic 5: States & Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

  1. Definition of Swahili and importance in east Africa

  • Swahili - coasters

  • Located in East Africa, Ethiopia

  • Coming across Red Sea

  1. Role of Islam in the kingdom of Ghana and the Mali empire

  • West Africa

  • Gets things through trade

  • Islamic law, conversions, and great wealth

  • Munsa

  1. Economics of societies in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Kin based societies, wealthiest family would lead the town

  • Chief would be elected

  • Land was given to all kingship and people in the role

  1. Characteristics of kin-based societies in sub-Saharan Africa

  2. Pros/cons of trade/communication networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Pros: Wealth and luxury, Unity of Islam

Cons: Nomadic invasions

  1. Women and Islam in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Not taking up veil

  • Merchant families

Topic 6: Developments in Europe

  1. Purpose of the reconquista

  • Retake Spain from Muslim control

  • Arrive through trade in the Sahara by camels

  1. Purpose and benefits of guilds

  • Union and skilled workers part

  • Provided set prices, social advantage and work advantage

  1. Expansion of arable land and impact of agricultural developments in Europe

  • Filling up swamps, by Monks and Serfs

  • Horse collar, horse shoe, heavy plows

  1. Three estates of medieval Europe

  • Pray, Fight, Work

  1. Describe the curriculum of schools and universities in medieval Europe

  • Based on Liberal arts

  • History, Sciences, Government, Philosophy, Sociology

  1. European religious practices

  • Sacraments

  • Saints