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Sidenote: Most of the points underneath the dates can be used as evidence in your FRQs.

Period One : 700 to 1450

  • 750-1258 : Abbasid Caliphate

    • Developments in Dar al-Islam (commonly tested)

    • Islamic Empire with capital in Baghdad (modern day Iraq)

    • built around trade → used receipt and bill system

    • Abbasid Caliphate's decline led to rise of Turkic Muslim empires like the Seljuk Empire

  • 960-1279 : Song Dynasty

    • Neo-Confucianism → emphasis on hierarchy & filial piety

    • women faced legal rights restrictions and social limitations, like foot binding.

    • Filial Piety (commonly tested) → practice of honoring one’s ancestors and parents, placed lowest importance to daughter in law

    • expansion of the imperial bureaucracy through merit-based bureaucratic jobs to maintain loyalty

    • economic Development through Champa rice, Grand Canal expansion & trade across Eurasia

  • 1095-1291 : Crusades

    • military campaigns by European Christians to convert Muslims and non-Christians

  • 1206-1526 : Delhi Sultanate

    • led to the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia

    • Rajput Kingdom resisted Muslim intrusion, maintaining Hindu influence

  • 1206-1227 : Reign of Genghis Khan

    • Genghis Khan establishes Mongol Empire in 1206 (reign : 1206 - 1227)

      • unified the tribes in Mongolia to expand their authority over other societies

    • impact of Mongols :

      • Great diffusers of culture

      • Prevented Russia from culturally developing

      • World trade, cultural diffusion, global awareness grew as they spread through Europe, the als East, and Asia

    • ruthless fighters, organized and mobile

    • Importance of Trade in the Mongol Empire

      • Silk Road Trade

        • establish by Han dynasty, also very influential to Mongol Empire

  • 1215 : Magna Carta signed

    • right to a fair trial for citizens

  • 1258 : Mongols overtook and destroyed Baghdad (end of the Abbasid Caliphate)

  • 1279-1368 : Yuan Dynasty

    • the first foreign-ruled dynasty to commandeer all of China, led by Mongols

  • 1299-1923 : Ottoman Empire

    • founded by Osman Bey as the Mongol Empire fell & expanded rapidly

    • Islamic, soldified rule over territory from Greece → Persia

    • adoption of gunpowder weapons crucial for expansion

    • devshirme → enslaved Christians from Balkans, converted them to Islam to form elite fighting force (Janissaries)

  • 1324 : Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca

    • this pilgrimage introduced the wealth of Mali to the the rest of the Mediterranean

  • 1325 : Tenochitlan founded

    • capital city of Aztec Empire → markets were established, commercialised

  • 1325-1354 : Ibn Battuta's travels

    • travelled all over Dar al Aslam - > possible with trade routes

    • helped his readers understand the cultures across world

  • 1346 - 1388: Black Death aka Bubonic Plague

    • Emerged in North China → spread rapidly across the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Trade routes

      • Indian Ocean Trade

    • Middle East → Killed nearly 1/3 of their population

    • Europe → killed ½ of their population

    • very commonly shows up on the exam → notes

  • 1368-1644: Ming Dynasty

    • Came with the decline of Mongol rule in China

    • Established peace and order + expanded their borders with gunpowder

  • 1405-1433 : Zheng He's voyages

    • Sent by the Ming Dynasty to go explore the Indian Ocean & enroll other states in China’s tributary system

  • 1428-1521 : Aztec Empire - “Trade and Sacrifice”

    • Tenochtitlan: capital city (modern Mexico City)

      • Expansionist policy and professional, strict army

      • To secure their legitimacy as rulers → Mexica claimed heritage from older, more renowned Mesoamerican people

  • 1438-1533 : Inca Empire - “My land is your land”

    • Expansionist - army, established bureaucracy, unified language, system of roads and tunnels

    • Established Mit’a System → required labor of everyone for a period of time each year to work on state projects

    • Incan Roads

  • 1440 : Swahili state-building flourishes

  • 1440 : Printing press invented

    • Johannes Gutenberg → inventor

    • made books easy to produce and affordable, and literacy more accessible to everyone

  • 1400s : Caravel invented in Europe

  • 1441 : Start of Atlantic slave trade

    • transporting between 10 and 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean

    • conditions were brutal, overcrowded, unsanitary

Period Two : 1450 to 1750

  • 1453: Ottoman Empires conquers Constantinople

  • 1450s-1480s: Russia breaks free from Mongol rule

  • 1464-1591: Songhai Empire thrives (Islamic state)

  • 1469: Birth of Sikhism

    • held onto significant doctrines from Islam & Hinduism

  • 1491: Spain completes the Reconquista

    • Reconquista → effort to rid the Iberian Peninsula of Muslim rule

    • Re-established christianity as the official religion of the region

  • 1492: Columbus voyages to the "New World"

    • marks start of Spanish colonization and the Columbian Exchange

  • 1497: Portugal starts colonization of the Americas

    • 1498 → Vasco da Gama reaches India

  • 1501-1722: Safavid Empire emerges as the largest Shia empire

    • in conflict with the Sunni Ottoman Empire

  • 1534: First enslaved Africans arrive in Americas

  • 1517: Protestant Reformation starts

    • 95 Theses, MLK (shows up commonly)

  • 1526-1748: Mughal Empire rises

    • Notable rules : Akbar and Aurangzeb

      • Akbar → religious tolerance and supports the arts (1556-1605)

      • Aurangzeb → persecution of Hindus and Sikhs

      • ended when last ruler Bahadur Shah II was sent into exile

    • Increasing Bhakti Movement & Sufism → commonly tested

  • 1545: Discovery of silver at Potosi mine

    • Silver was KING

  • 1550-1700: Scientific Revolution

  • 1552: Russian Empire emerge

    • Ivan the Terrible→ shows up often

  • 1595: Invention of the Fluyt

    • responsible for half of all europe’s shipping tonnage

  • 1600: British East India Company established

  • 1600-1868: Tokugawa Japan

    • strict government that instituted a rigid social class model

    • national seclusion policy

  • 1602: Dutch East India Company established

  • 1607: Jamestown

    • British Virginia company → role in funding exploration projects

  • 1632: Taj Mahal construction start

  • 1643-1715: Louis XIV's absolute monarchy reigns in France

  • 1687: Newton's Principia published

  • 1688-1911: Qing Dynasty governs China → shows up commonly!

    • Manchu Empire → commonly tested

    • expulsion, division between Manchu & Han, isolationism

  • 1689-1725: Peter the Great modernizes Russia

  • 1689: Glorious Revolution (England)

  • 1715-1789: The Enlightenment flourishes

    • effects : major revolutions, expansion of suffrage, abolition of slavery, end of serfdom, calls for women’s suffrage

      • enlightenment is tested often

        • Montesquieu

    • this ends up being the reason for many changes in period 3

Period Three : 1750 to 1900

  • 1756-1763 : 7 Years' War

  • 1757 : Beginning of English colonization in India

  • 1760-1789 : First Industrial Revolution

    • main engine → the Steam Engine

    • understand WHY Britain came first, new advancements

    • Charles Darwin, Adam Smith, Karl Marx

    • factory act of 1883

  • 1765-1783: American Revolution

    • provided a template for other nations

    • tested often!! → role of enlightenment in American revolution

  • 1789-1795: French Revolution

  • 1791-1804: Haitian Revolution

  • 1792: Beginning of feminism

    • Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft published

      • became a symbol for the feminist movements

  • 1799-1815: Napoleon’s reign in France

  • 1806-1826: Latin American Revolutions

    • Simon Bolivar → enlightenment ideas

  • 1815: Congress of Vienna

  • 1839-1860: Opium Wars

    • Treaty of Nanjing

  • 1839-1876: Tanzimat Reforms

    • steps towards industrialisation in Egypt

  • 1845-1849: Irish Potato Famine

    • widespread famine + many died → caused Irish immigration westward

  • 1848: Communist Manifesto published

  • 1848: Seneca Falls Convention

    • call for a constitutional amendment that recognized women’s right to vote

  • 1850-1864: Taiping Rebellion

    • Qing dynasty began to weaken

  • 1857: Sepoy Mutiny in India

    • failed ; British then made all of India a crown colony

  • 1859: Suez Canal built by Britain in Egypt

  • 1860s-1870s : Social Darwinism begins to take shape

    • tested often!

  • 1861: Russian serfs emancipated

  • 1863: Emancipation Proclamation in USA

  • 1865-1909: King Leopold rules the Congo

    • commits human rights crimes to get rubber

  • 1868: Meiji Restoration

    • era of Japanese westernization - Japan became a world power

  • 1870-1914: Second Industrial Revolution

  • 1871: unification of Germany under Otto Von Bismarck

  • 1882 : Chinese Exclusion Act

  • 1885: Berlin Conference

    • beginning of the "scramble for Africa".

  • 1890s: European spheres of influence in China

    • Manchu Dynasty still had authority

  • 1898: Spanish-American War

    • U.S. acquires Guam, Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

  • 1899: United Fruit Company Established

    • played integer role in strengthening western rule in developing countries

  • 1899-1901: Boxer Rebellion

Period Four : 1900 to Present

  • 1906: Muslim League founded

    • supporters for a separate nation for the Muslims of India (Pakistan)

  • 1910-1920: Mexican Revolution

    • peasant armies led by Poncho Villa and Emiliano Zapata → unsuccessful

  • 1914-1918: World War 1

    • causes : militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationlism, assassination of Gavrilo Princip

    • “total war”, propoganda, trench warfare, Indian infantry

    • end → Paris peace conference, treaty of versailles

  • 1915-1917: Armenian genocide

  • 1917: Russian revolution of 1917

    • Russian citizens grew tired of Tsar regime

    • Bolsheviks

    1917: Zimmerman telegram

    • a secret telegram between German diplomats saying Mexico could regain territory taken by US if they joined forces

    • led to widespread American support for getting involved in WWI.

  • 1920: League of Nations founded

    • has weak points that make it disintegrate later

  • 1929-1933: Great Depression

  • 1933: New Deal by FDR

    • infrastructure projects, retirement program

  • 1939-1945: World War 2

    • 1941-1945: The Holocaust (tested often)

      • desire to create a pure race

      • numerberg law, Auschwitz

    • 1941-1953: Stalin in power

      • Industrialisation of UUSR → Five Year Plan

      • Nationalism and it’s role in facism

  • 1943-1978: Green Revolution (tested often)

    • New disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties of crops were being developed

  • 1945-1950: Chinese Communist Revolution

  • 1945: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

  • 1945: United Nations created

  • 1946: Philippines

  • 1947: Partition of India

    • Gandhi led peaceful protests for independence

    • Indian National Congress

    1947: Japanese Empire ends

  • 1947: Truman Doctrine

    • containment

  • 1947/1948 : Beginning of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • 1948 : World Health Organization established

  • 1947-1991: Cold War

    • Motives

      • US (capitalism) & Soviet Union (communism) did not want each other to spread its influence beyond their borders

      • arms race & proxy wars, like in Korea and Vietnam

    • 1948: Israel founded

    • 1948-1959 : Berlin Blockade

      1949: NATO established

    • 1950-1953: Korean War

    • 1953-1959: Cuban Revolution

    • 1955: Warsaw Pact

    • 1955-1975: Vietnam War (commonly tested)

      • Communist North Vietnam launched an invasion on South Vietnam.

      • U.S. increased millitary support in South Vietnam as they feared a communist takeover in Vietnam would cause the rest of the region would become communist too

      • Ho Chi Minh

    • 1955: Polio vaccine approved

    • 1956: Khrushchev gains power in USSR

      • de-Stalinization

    • 1958-1962: Great Leap Forward

      • Mao Zedong's idea to boost Chinese economy

      • Combined farmers into small communes to achieve Marxist state

    • 1961: Dwight D. Eisenhower "military-industrial complex"

      • commonly tested

    • 1961: Bay of Pigs

    • 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

    • 1966-1976: Cultural Revolution in China

      • Withdrawal of Soviet support

      • Mao Zedong's attempt to stop influence of capitalism.

        • Shipped many off to countryside for "re-education".

    • 1979: Iranian Revolution

      • overthrew the shah

      • emerged was a new government that complied with the Islamic law (shariah)

    • 1989: Tiananmen Square Massacre

    • 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall

    • 1990: Fall of USSR

  • 1990 : Beginning of War in the Gulf

    • Taliban, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden

  • 1994 : NAFTA came into effect

    • eliminated most tariffs on products traded between Canada, Mexico and the US

  • 2001: 9/11 terrorist attacks

    • Al Qaeda attacked US by hijacking 4 US planes and flying 2 of them into the World Trade Centre in New York, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a field in Pennsylvania




Sidenote: Most of the points underneath the dates can be used as evidence in your FRQs.

Period One : 700 to 1450

  • 750-1258 : Abbasid Caliphate

    • Developments in Dar al-Islam (commonly tested)

    • Islamic Empire with capital in Baghdad (modern day Iraq)

    • built around trade → used receipt and bill system

    • Abbasid Caliphate's decline led to rise of Turkic Muslim empires like the Seljuk Empire

  • 960-1279 : Song Dynasty

    • Neo-Confucianism → emphasis on hierarchy & filial piety

    • women faced legal rights restrictions and social limitations, like foot binding.

    • Filial Piety (commonly tested) → practice of honoring one’s ancestors and parents, placed lowest importance to daughter in law

    • expansion of the imperial bureaucracy through merit-based bureaucratic jobs to maintain loyalty

    • economic Development through Champa rice, Grand Canal expansion & trade across Eurasia

  • 1095-1291 : Crusades

    • military campaigns by European Christians to convert Muslims and non-Christians

  • 1206-1526 : Delhi Sultanate

    • led to the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia

    • Rajput Kingdom resisted Muslim intrusion, maintaining Hindu influence

  • 1206-1227 : Reign of Genghis Khan

    • Genghis Khan establishes Mongol Empire in 1206 (reign : 1206 - 1227)

      • unified the tribes in Mongolia to expand their authority over other societies

    • impact of Mongols :

      • Great diffusers of culture

      • Prevented Russia from culturally developing

      • World trade, cultural diffusion, global awareness grew as they spread through Europe, the als East, and Asia

    • ruthless fighters, organized and mobile

    • Importance of Trade in the Mongol Empire

      • Silk Road Trade

        • establish by Han dynasty, also very influential to Mongol Empire

  • 1215 : Magna Carta signed

    • right to a fair trial for citizens

  • 1258 : Mongols overtook and destroyed Baghdad (end of the Abbasid Caliphate)

  • 1279-1368 : Yuan Dynasty

    • the first foreign-ruled dynasty to commandeer all of China, led by Mongols

  • 1299-1923 : Ottoman Empire

    • founded by Osman Bey as the Mongol Empire fell & expanded rapidly

    • Islamic, soldified rule over territory from Greece → Persia

    • adoption of gunpowder weapons crucial for expansion

    • devshirme → enslaved Christians from Balkans, converted them to Islam to form elite fighting force (Janissaries)

  • 1324 : Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca

    • this pilgrimage introduced the wealth of Mali to the the rest of the Mediterranean

  • 1325 : Tenochitlan founded

    • capital city of Aztec Empire → markets were established, commercialised

  • 1325-1354 : Ibn Battuta's travels

    • travelled all over Dar al Aslam - > possible with trade routes

    • helped his readers understand the cultures across world

  • 1346 - 1388: Black Death aka Bubonic Plague

    • Emerged in North China → spread rapidly across the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Trade routes

      • Indian Ocean Trade

    • Middle East → Killed nearly 1/3 of their population

    • Europe → killed ½ of their population

    • very commonly shows up on the exam → notes

  • 1368-1644: Ming Dynasty

    • Came with the decline of Mongol rule in China

    • Established peace and order + expanded their borders with gunpowder

  • 1405-1433 : Zheng He's voyages

    • Sent by the Ming Dynasty to go explore the Indian Ocean & enroll other states in China’s tributary system

  • 1428-1521 : Aztec Empire - “Trade and Sacrifice”

    • Tenochtitlan: capital city (modern Mexico City)

      • Expansionist policy and professional, strict army

      • To secure their legitimacy as rulers → Mexica claimed heritage from older, more renowned Mesoamerican people

  • 1438-1533 : Inca Empire - “My land is your land”

    • Expansionist - army, established bureaucracy, unified language, system of roads and tunnels

    • Established Mit’a System → required labor of everyone for a period of time each year to work on state projects

    • Incan Roads

  • 1440 : Swahili state-building flourishes

  • 1440 : Printing press invented

    • Johannes Gutenberg → inventor

    • made books easy to produce and affordable, and literacy more accessible to everyone

  • 1400s : Caravel invented in Europe

  • 1441 : Start of Atlantic slave trade

    • transporting between 10 and 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean

    • conditions were brutal, overcrowded, unsanitary

Period Two : 1450 to 1750

  • 1453: Ottoman Empires conquers Constantinople

  • 1450s-1480s: Russia breaks free from Mongol rule

  • 1464-1591: Songhai Empire thrives (Islamic state)

  • 1469: Birth of Sikhism

    • held onto significant doctrines from Islam & Hinduism

  • 1491: Spain completes the Reconquista

    • Reconquista → effort to rid the Iberian Peninsula of Muslim rule

    • Re-established christianity as the official religion of the region

  • 1492: Columbus voyages to the "New World"

    • marks start of Spanish colonization and the Columbian Exchange

  • 1497: Portugal starts colonization of the Americas

    • 1498 → Vasco da Gama reaches India

  • 1501-1722: Safavid Empire emerges as the largest Shia empire

    • in conflict with the Sunni Ottoman Empire

  • 1534: First enslaved Africans arrive in Americas

  • 1517: Protestant Reformation starts

    • 95 Theses, MLK (shows up commonly)

  • 1526-1748: Mughal Empire rises

    • Notable rules : Akbar and Aurangzeb

      • Akbar → religious tolerance and supports the arts (1556-1605)

      • Aurangzeb → persecution of Hindus and Sikhs

      • ended when last ruler Bahadur Shah II was sent into exile

    • Increasing Bhakti Movement & Sufism → commonly tested

  • 1545: Discovery of silver at Potosi mine

    • Silver was KING

  • 1550-1700: Scientific Revolution

  • 1552: Russian Empire emerge

    • Ivan the Terrible→ shows up often

  • 1595: Invention of the Fluyt

    • responsible for half of all europe’s shipping tonnage

  • 1600: British East India Company established

  • 1600-1868: Tokugawa Japan

    • strict government that instituted a rigid social class model

    • national seclusion policy

  • 1602: Dutch East India Company established

  • 1607: Jamestown

    • British Virginia company → role in funding exploration projects

  • 1632: Taj Mahal construction start

  • 1643-1715: Louis XIV's absolute monarchy reigns in France

  • 1687: Newton's Principia published

  • 1688-1911: Qing Dynasty governs China → shows up commonly!

    • Manchu Empire → commonly tested

    • expulsion, division between Manchu & Han, isolationism

  • 1689-1725: Peter the Great modernizes Russia

  • 1689: Glorious Revolution (England)

  • 1715-1789: The Enlightenment flourishes

    • effects : major revolutions, expansion of suffrage, abolition of slavery, end of serfdom, calls for women’s suffrage

      • enlightenment is tested often

        • Montesquieu

    • this ends up being the reason for many changes in period 3

Period Three : 1750 to 1900

  • 1756-1763 : 7 Years' War

  • 1757 : Beginning of English colonization in India

  • 1760-1789 : First Industrial Revolution

    • main engine → the Steam Engine

    • understand WHY Britain came first, new advancements

    • Charles Darwin, Adam Smith, Karl Marx

    • factory act of 1883

  • 1765-1783: American Revolution

    • provided a template for other nations

    • tested often!! → role of enlightenment in American revolution

  • 1789-1795: French Revolution

  • 1791-1804: Haitian Revolution

  • 1792: Beginning of feminism

    • Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft published

      • became a symbol for the feminist movements

  • 1799-1815: Napoleon’s reign in France

  • 1806-1826: Latin American Revolutions

    • Simon Bolivar → enlightenment ideas

  • 1815: Congress of Vienna

  • 1839-1860: Opium Wars

    • Treaty of Nanjing

  • 1839-1876: Tanzimat Reforms

    • steps towards industrialisation in Egypt

  • 1845-1849: Irish Potato Famine

    • widespread famine + many died → caused Irish immigration westward

  • 1848: Communist Manifesto published

  • 1848: Seneca Falls Convention

    • call for a constitutional amendment that recognized women’s right to vote

  • 1850-1864: Taiping Rebellion

    • Qing dynasty began to weaken

  • 1857: Sepoy Mutiny in India

    • failed ; British then made all of India a crown colony

  • 1859: Suez Canal built by Britain in Egypt

  • 1860s-1870s : Social Darwinism begins to take shape

    • tested often!

  • 1861: Russian serfs emancipated

  • 1863: Emancipation Proclamation in USA

  • 1865-1909: King Leopold rules the Congo

    • commits human rights crimes to get rubber

  • 1868: Meiji Restoration

    • era of Japanese westernization - Japan became a world power

  • 1870-1914: Second Industrial Revolution

  • 1871: unification of Germany under Otto Von Bismarck

  • 1882 : Chinese Exclusion Act

  • 1885: Berlin Conference

    • beginning of the "scramble for Africa".

  • 1890s: European spheres of influence in China

    • Manchu Dynasty still had authority

  • 1898: Spanish-American War

    • U.S. acquires Guam, Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

  • 1899: United Fruit Company Established

    • played integer role in strengthening western rule in developing countries

  • 1899-1901: Boxer Rebellion

Period Four : 1900 to Present

  • 1906: Muslim League founded

    • supporters for a separate nation for the Muslims of India (Pakistan)

  • 1910-1920: Mexican Revolution

    • peasant armies led by Poncho Villa and Emiliano Zapata → unsuccessful

  • 1914-1918: World War 1

    • causes : militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationlism, assassination of Gavrilo Princip

    • “total war”, propoganda, trench warfare, Indian infantry

    • end → Paris peace conference, treaty of versailles

  • 1915-1917: Armenian genocide

  • 1917: Russian revolution of 1917

    • Russian citizens grew tired of Tsar regime

    • Bolsheviks

    1917: Zimmerman telegram

    • a secret telegram between German diplomats saying Mexico could regain territory taken by US if they joined forces

    • led to widespread American support for getting involved in WWI.

  • 1920: League of Nations founded

    • has weak points that make it disintegrate later

  • 1929-1933: Great Depression

  • 1933: New Deal by FDR

    • infrastructure projects, retirement program

  • 1939-1945: World War 2

    • 1941-1945: The Holocaust (tested often)

      • desire to create a pure race

      • numerberg law, Auschwitz

    • 1941-1953: Stalin in power

      • Industrialisation of UUSR → Five Year Plan

      • Nationalism and it’s role in facism

  • 1943-1978: Green Revolution (tested often)

    • New disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties of crops were being developed

  • 1945-1950: Chinese Communist Revolution

  • 1945: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

  • 1945: United Nations created

  • 1946: Philippines

  • 1947: Partition of India

    • Gandhi led peaceful protests for independence

    • Indian National Congress

    1947: Japanese Empire ends

  • 1947: Truman Doctrine

    • containment

  • 1947/1948 : Beginning of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • 1948 : World Health Organization established

  • 1947-1991: Cold War

    • Motives

      • US (capitalism) & Soviet Union (communism) did not want each other to spread its influence beyond their borders

      • arms race & proxy wars, like in Korea and Vietnam

    • 1948: Israel founded

    • 1948-1959 : Berlin Blockade

      1949: NATO established

    • 1950-1953: Korean War

    • 1953-1959: Cuban Revolution

    • 1955: Warsaw Pact

    • 1955-1975: Vietnam War (commonly tested)

      • Communist North Vietnam launched an invasion on South Vietnam.

      • U.S. increased millitary support in South Vietnam as they feared a communist takeover in Vietnam would cause the rest of the region would become communist too

      • Ho Chi Minh

    • 1955: Polio vaccine approved

    • 1956: Khrushchev gains power in USSR

      • de-Stalinization

    • 1958-1962: Great Leap Forward

      • Mao Zedong's idea to boost Chinese economy

      • Combined farmers into small communes to achieve Marxist state

    • 1961: Dwight D. Eisenhower "military-industrial complex"

      • commonly tested

    • 1961: Bay of Pigs

    • 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

    • 1966-1976: Cultural Revolution in China

      • Withdrawal of Soviet support

      • Mao Zedong's attempt to stop influence of capitalism.

        • Shipped many off to countryside for "re-education".

    • 1979: Iranian Revolution

      • overthrew the shah

      • emerged was a new government that complied with the Islamic law (shariah)

    • 1989: Tiananmen Square Massacre

    • 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall

    • 1990: Fall of USSR

  • 1990 : Beginning of War in the Gulf

    • Taliban, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden

  • 1994 : NAFTA came into effect

    • eliminated most tariffs on products traded between Canada, Mexico and the US

  • 2001: 9/11 terrorist attacks

    • Al Qaeda attacked US by hijacking 4 US planes and flying 2 of them into the World Trade Centre in New York, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a field in Pennsylvania