World History
Ancient Societies
AP World History: Modern
Unit 1: The Global Tapestry
Social aspects:
Women’s role was the household, plain labor
Women had some political rights, inherit property
Warrior class
Societal Aspects:
Aztecs migrate to Lake Texcoco 1325
Aztecs found Tenochtitlan 1325, which turned into a mega city
Their Empire begins 1434
Kings represented civil power and as a representative of a god
City states were ruled by a speaker chosen from nobility
The great speaker, ruler of Tenochtitlan, was in effect an emperor, this emperor was considered a living god
The Aztecs made the people who they conquered pay tribute, give gold, cotton, or food (a tributary system, abusing those who are in your society)
Empire had 12 million, people governed themselves
Traditional deities of Mesoamerica
Human sacrifice, they were all driven by it, like even the military
10k a year were killed to “please their gods”
Tenochtitlan was built in the middle of a lake on an island
Built chinampas (floating gardens) that allowed the Aztecs to create enough food to feed the population
Aztecs studied astronomy, and made a calendar like the Mayan
Aztecs had many uses for plants
Roads connected the empire and trade flourished
Cacao beans and gold were used as currency, bartering was common
Founded by Quechua speaking clans living near Cuzco around 1350
Women had traditional women roles
Divided their empire into four provinces
Developed a bureaucracy run by nobles
Made conquered leaders move out of their villages
Sun god, moon god, etc.
Sun god was their primary god
Influenced by animism (everything has a soul)
Made animal sacrifices (chickens and animals)
Over 200 types of potatoes
They were good for roads and bridges
Quipu: a system to read numbers
Tried to be self-sufficient, primarily agricultural, terrace farming and complex irrigation
No tech just slaves
Mita system, like slavery, but you get to also live your life after your task is done (forced labor)
They were super good at agriculture
Waru Waru farming (irrigation canals)
Not much trade