World Lit.

adage : an old saying accepted as true

anon : soon

battlements : a wall with open spaces to shoot through, usually on top of a tower

beguile : to trick or cheat

brandished : to wave or flourish in a menacing way

buttress : a projecting structure built against a wall for support

chamberlains : a person who manages the household of a ruler or nobleman

chastise : to punish; severely scold

cherubim : angels

direful : frightful

disdaining : scorning

divers : Various

execution : a carrying out, doing

feat : a remarkable accomplishment

frieze : a decorative band, along a top of a wall in a room

gall : to irritate; annoy

heath : an area of open wasteland overgrown with heather, low shrubs, etc.

herald : a person or thing that announces important news or events to come

impedes : to hinder or obstruct

imperial : having supreme authority

liege : a lord or sovereign

mettle : Courage

minion : a favorite

mortal : destined to eventually die

plenteous : plentiful; abundant

prophetic : predicting or foreshadowing

quell : to quiet; relieve, as pain

recompense : to pay; reward

remorse : z feeling of guilt for having done something wrong

repentance : feelings of regret for wrongdoings

shoal : a shallow place in a body of water

sovereign : supreme; above all others

surmise : to guess

thane : in Scotland, a feudal lord

trammel : to entrap or confine. sometimes used with the word up

valiant : brave

valor : bravery

vantage : a position that provides a broad view of a place or an idea

villainies : wickedness

wanton : unrestrained; running to excess; extravagant
