The UK
Map: Identify England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Racial Demographics: 87% White, 3% Black, 2.3% Indian, 2% Mixed, 1.9% Pakistani, 3.6% Other.
Religious Breakdown: 64% Christian (Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist); 24.7% None; 4.7% Muslim; 1.4% Hindu; 2.2% Other.
Gradualism: Democratic traditions evolved over time.
Unwritten Constitution: A series of procedures, customs, treaties, and Acts of Parliament; influenced by Magna Carta (1215), Petition of Right (1628), English Bill of Rights (1689).
Act of Union (1800): Unified Great Britain and Ireland.
Hegemonic State: Britain historically controlled global alliances and influenced domestic political developments worldwide.
Unitary State: Centralized government authority with devolution to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Devolution: Scotland Act (1998), Government of Wales Act (1998), Good Friday Agreement (1998) created devolved assemblies.
Power Sharing Agreements (1998): Established Scottish Parliament, Welsh National Assembly, and Northern Ireland Assembly.
Good Friday Agreement (1998): Peace deal ending most of "The Troubles," created a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland.
Major Exports: Oil, manufactured goods, agricultural products.
Migration Patterns: Rural-to-urban migration; significant emigration to the U.S.
Racial Demographics: Mestizo (majority), Indigenous, European descent.
Indigenous Populations: Most numerous in southern states like Chiapas, Oaxaca.
Religious Breakdown: Predominantly Catholic.
Higher Standard of Living Areas: Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara.
Colonization: Spanish colony, known as "New Spain" until 1821.
Caudillos: Personalist military rulers common in early post-independence Mexico.
1848 Treaty with the U.S.: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; Mexico lost large territories to the U.S.
The Porfiriato: Porfirio Díaz's authoritarian rule (1876-1911); economic development but widened wealth gap.
Revolution of 1910: Overthrew Díaz, led to years of civil war.
Zapata (Zapatistas): Led agrarian rebellion for land reform.
1917 Constitution: Progressive reforms, land redistribution, labor rights, secular education.
Reaction to Porfiriato: Limited executive power, land reforms, labor protections.
One-Party Dominance: PRI controlled politics for 71 years.
Industrial Revolution Party (PRI): Political dominance until 2000.
The Sonorans: Revolutionary faction consolidating power post-1917.
Lázaro Cárdenas: Nationalized oil, promoted land reforms.
Import Substitution: Economic policy favoring domestic production.
Clientelism and Corruption: Widespread in PRI-led governments.
Map Identification: Locate Han Chinese, Xinjiang, Uyghurs, Tibet, Dalai Lama, Hong Kong, Macau.
October 1, 1949: Founding of PRC.
Maoist Revolution: Communist takeover, "Liberation" from foreign influence and class oppression.
Confucianism: Hierarchical philosophy emphasizing obedience and benevolent rule.
Manchu (Qing) Dynasty: Last imperial dynasty (1644-1912).
Republic of China: Established in 1912, led by Sun Yat-sen and later Chiang Kai-shek.
CCP: Chinese Communist Party seized power in 1949.
PRC Early Reforms (1950-1957): Land redistribution, industrial nationalization.
Great Leap Forward (1958-1961): Attempted rapid industrialization; led to famine and 30-40 million deaths.
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976): Purges of political opponents, Red Guards, mass persecution.
Deng Xiaoping's Economic Reforms (1980s): Special Economic Zones, gradual market reforms, foreign investment.
Map Identification: Locate Nigeria.
Age Demographics: Large youth population.
North vs. South Differences:
Environment: North is arid; South is tropical, resource-rich.
Economy: North is agrarian; South industrialized, oil-dependent.
Religion: North predominantly Muslim; South predominantly Christian.
Pre-colonial Governance: North had hierarchical emirates; South had decentralized kingdoms.
Resource Curse: Oil wealth fuels corruption, conflict.
Rentier State: Heavy reliance on oil exports.
Cleavages: Ethnic, religious, regional.
Major Ethnic Groups: Hausa-Fulani (North, Muslim), Yoruba (Southwest, mixed), Igbo (Southeast, Christian).
Colonial Power: Britain; used indirect rule.
Independence: 1960.
Biafra: Secessionist movement; led to Nigerian Civil War (1966-1969), 1 million+ deaths.
Military Coups (1960-1999): Frequent political instability.
Slavs, Varangians, Tartars: Ethnic influences.
Changing Borders: Expansion/contraction due to wars.
Kievan Rus: First Russian state.
Orthodox Christianity: Dominant religion.
Romanovs: Tsarist dynasty (1613-1917).
Nicholas II: Last Tsar, abdicated in 1917.
Bolsheviks: Communist revolutionaries.
Lenin: Led 1917 Revolution.
USSR: Communist state (1922-1991).
Stalinism: Totalitarian rule, purges.
GOSPLAN & 5-Year Plans: Centralized economy.
Great Patriotic War: WWII; USSR lost 25 million lives.
De-Stalinization: Khrushchev's reforms.
Gorbachev (Perestroika, Glasnost): Economic/political reforms.
August Coup (1991): Attempted coup against Gorbachev.
Boris Yeltsin: First President post-USSR.
Map Identification: Locate Iran.
Ethnic Groups: Persian (59.2%), Azeri (15.5%), Kurds (9.7%).
Language: Farsi.
Shia & Sunni Islam: 90-95% Shia, 5-10% Sunni.
Terrain & Climate: Mostly arid, mountains.
Qajar Dynasty (1794-1925): Ruled Iran, lost land to Russia, Britain.
Constitutional Revolution (1905-1909): Established Majles (Parliament).
Pahlavi Dynasty: Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah.
1953 Coup: CIA-backed overthrow of Mossadegh.
SAVAK: Secret police under Shah.
White Revolution: Modernization reforms.
Khomeini & 1979 Revolution: Established Islamic Republic.
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