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Chapter 15 - The West and the Changing World Balance

  • Introduction

    1. 1400 – world in period of transition

      1. Downfall of Arab caliphate

      2. Spread of Mongols

      3. Who would take new international trade role? Maybe China?

    2. But…Enter the Europeans – finally, they’ve been behind everyone for 8000 years

      1. Italy, Spain, Portugal took leadership role

      2. Americas couldn’t respond to European invasions

    3. Key question – why did different civilizations react differently?

      1. This could be a key question – notice the word differences

        1. This class just loves to compare civilizations

  • The Decline of the Old Order

    1. 1200 – Middle East run by Byzantine Empire (North) – Arab Empire (South)

      1. But…Turks took over Byzantines in 1453, 1258 Mongols - Caliph

    2. Social and Cultural Change in the Middle East

      1. Religious leaders gained power over artistic leaders in Arab world

        1. New piety – think about orthodox Muslims today

        2. Religious art themes

        3. Rationalism of Greece (Hellenism) now seen as bad, a threat

          1. …don’t think this is just Arab world, Europeans getting scared of logic/rationalism as well

      2. Economic shifts

        1. As centralized power slows, provincial leaders (landlords) get more power

          1. Hmmm…what an interesting pattern I’ve never seen before

        2. But…bad things resulted

          1. Lower agricultural yield

          2. Less taxes

          3. Less trade

          4. Indian Ocean trade still strong

        3. A gradual decline, not sudden like in Rome

        4. But…even though politically weak, other political areas took more power

          1. Ottoman Turks took over control – more powerful than before

    3. A Power Vaccum in International Leadership

      1. Ottoman Turks not an international leader like Islamic caliphate

      2. Mongols provided next global leader

        1. Encouraged interregional trade

        2. Exchanged technology/ideas

        3. End of empire turned to seaborne trade, as land trade less protected

    4. Chinese Thrust and Withdrawal

      1. Ming “brilliant” dynasty took over 1368-1644

        1. pushed out Mongols first

        2. re-established tributary links with Southeast Asian states

      2. State-sponsored trade expeditions

        1. Admiraly Zhenghe – 1405-1433 led vast, unparalleled fleet

          1. Former eunuch – why do you think leaders like eunuchs for advisors?

          2. Brought fleet of 28,000 troops – scared the willies out of local leaders

        2. Eventually brought back – threatened the Confucian bureaucrats

          1. Remember – they don’t like merchants having power

          2. Other reasons – cost

            1. Money better spent building Beijing, fighting Mongols

      3. What if Chinese kept trading? Lost chance to be world power

        1. Dainty little European ships no match

        2. Followed Chinese pattern of spending money internally, practically

          1. Not like West, where power is judged by expansion

      4. Instead – worked on infrastructure – population increased, manufacturing improved

      5. Arabs on decline, Mongols dying out, China not stepping to the plate…leads to…

  • The Rise of the West

    1. Why is their rise surprising?

      1. Still awed by other bureaucracies

      2. Church under attack

      3. warrior aristocrats softened life – ridiculous tournaments/armor

      4. lives of ordinary Europeans falling apart

        1. famine

        2. vulnerable to bubonic plague

          1. China’s population hit by 30%

          2. Europe lost 30 million

            1. Led to strikes/peasant uprisings

    2. Sources of Dynamism: Medieval Vitality

      1. Why was Europe still strong?

        1. Strong regional governments created during feudalism

        2. Military innovations thanks to Hundred Years War

          1. Nonaristocratic soldiers – regular guys not paid boy gov’t

          2. Paid by central gov’t = more taxes = more central power

        3. Growth of cities – helped commerce

        4. Church content with capitalism – notice alliteration

        5. Technology improving – metalwork

    3. Imitation and International Problems

      1. Technology pushes expansion

        1. During Mongol period – Europe has ideal access

          1. Not controlled, but still involved in trade

          2. Internal conflict spurs regions to improve technology to win battles

      2. International Factors push expansion

        1. Interest in luxury goods

        2. Nobody wants European products, so they have to pay in gold

          1. Europe doesn’t have gold…so…they need to go find some

        3. Fears of a Muslim threat

          1. Need to secure Western ports

          2. Need to create sea trade since Muslims now control land trade

    4. Secular Directions in the Italian Renaissance

      1. First…I can’t believe we’re going to spend two paragraphs talking about the Renaissance when this was discussed ad nauseum in Western Civ

      2. West’s surge forward – rebirth of culture and political views of Classical Europe

        1. Artists create more human-centered works of art – humanism

        2. Artist/writers pushed for own reputation

        3. Works now secular, and religious simultaneously

        4. Italy started – wealthy merchants want to impress others – patrons

          1. Help sponsor cultural activities, scholars – competition

        5. Human Values and Renaissance Culture

          1. Focus of art changes – it’s a cultural revolution

            1. Subject – people, nature, portraits

            2. Created perspective

            3. Vivid, realistic statues – like classic Rome/Greece

          2. But…not a full break from Medieval World…usually had to involve religion too

          3. Change mindset – looking outward

            1. Building ships, pushing commerce

            2. Ambitious city-state governments funded new ventures

            3. Human ambition, pursuit of glory focused on exploration/conquest

      3. The Iberian Spirit of Religious Mission

        1. Spanish and Portugese rulers pushing military/religious agenda

          1. Goal of armies – push Christianity, kick out Arabs/Jews

          2. Government enforced Church codes

          3. Inquisition courts to enforce orthodoxy

          4. Key…government with religious mission

  • Western Expansion: The Experimental Phase

    1. Early Explorations

      1. Western route to the Indies – spice trade area?

        1. Vivaldis from Genoa sailed off to the land of nowhereville

        2. Mostly had to stick to the coast of Africa

      2. After 1430, some navigational problems solved

        1. compass/astrolabe – navigation by stars – from Arabs

        2. Improved mapmaking

        3. but…geographically inaccurate maps give false confidence

        4. 1498 – Vasco de Gama heads to Indian Ocean

    2. Colonial Patterns

      1. How to make expeditions profitable?

        1. Henry the Navigator pushed for scientific, intellectual, religious, economic

      2. Islands off Africa became test ground for colonialism

        1. large agricultural estates

          1. sugar, cotton, tobacco

        2. brought in slaves by Portugese

      3. Success of early programs led to expansion

      4. Forces influencing European expansion

        1. inferiorities and fears - Muslims

        2. energies of Renaissance merchants

        3. economic pressures

        4. population surge

  1. Outside the World Network

    1. Introduction

      1. America/Polynesia not affected by world exchange – they’d be centuries behind

      2. New problems left civilizations vulnerable

    2. Political Issues in the Americas

      1. Resentment for leadership

        1. For some reason tribute regions tired of being enslaved, sacrificed

      2. Overextension – difficult to control

      3. Other cultures developing – maybe would have surpassed

      4. All irrelevant, because when Europeans arrive…

    3. Expansion, Migration, and Conquest in Polynesia

      1. Between 7th and 14th spread eastward – Hawaii – spread culture

        1. Society in caste system – military leaders/priests dominate

        2. No written language – oral history

    4. Isolated Achievements by the Maori

      1. 8th century – Maori in New Zealand

        1. Most elaborate art

        2. Military leaders/priests have great power

        3. Slaves

      2. Because developed in isolation

        1. Vulnerable to disease

        2. Inferior weapons

        3. Cultural disintegration

    5. Adding up the Changes

      1. Master plan that Europeans would dominate or series of coincidences?

        1. Political instability in Americas

        2. Developed in isolation left technologically inferior

        3. Vulnerable to diseases

        4. China decides not to continue pursuit of world trade domination

        5. Individuals try to improve Europe’s trade deficit – Henry the Navigator

        6. Muslim impact on Africa less control

        7. Africans don’t benefit from trade with Mongols

  • Global Connections

    1. Global contacts

      1. Muslim traders/missionaries still active

      2. Mongols readily shared ideas from one end of empire to the other

      3. China made new contacts

      4. But by 1450…who would dominate next was in flux

    2. Key continuity

      1. Regions required trade to survive

        1. Africa relied on Middle East

        2. Southeast Asia linked to Muslim traders/China

        3. Western Europe contacts increasing

        4. China, India, Middle East see Africa/Europe as consumer source

    3. And that’s it…not that painful of a chapter, agree?


Chapter 15 - The West and the Changing World Balance

  • Introduction

    1. 1400 – world in period of transition

      1. Downfall of Arab caliphate

      2. Spread of Mongols

      3. Who would take new international trade role? Maybe China?

    2. But…Enter the Europeans – finally, they’ve been behind everyone for 8000 years

      1. Italy, Spain, Portugal took leadership role

      2. Americas couldn’t respond to European invasions

    3. Key question – why did different civilizations react differently?

      1. This could be a key question – notice the word differences

        1. This class just loves to compare civilizations

  • The Decline of the Old Order

    1. 1200 – Middle East run by Byzantine Empire (North) – Arab Empire (South)

      1. But…Turks took over Byzantines in 1453, 1258 Mongols - Caliph

    2. Social and Cultural Change in the Middle East

      1. Religious leaders gained power over artistic leaders in Arab world

        1. New piety – think about orthodox Muslims today

        2. Religious art themes

        3. Rationalism of Greece (Hellenism) now seen as bad, a threat

          1. …don’t think this is just Arab world, Europeans getting scared of logic/rationalism as well

      2. Economic shifts

        1. As centralized power slows, provincial leaders (landlords) get more power

          1. Hmmm…what an interesting pattern I’ve never seen before

        2. But…bad things resulted

          1. Lower agricultural yield

          2. Less taxes

          3. Less trade

          4. Indian Ocean trade still strong

        3. A gradual decline, not sudden like in Rome

        4. But…even though politically weak, other political areas took more power

          1. Ottoman Turks took over control – more powerful than before

    3. A Power Vaccum in International Leadership

      1. Ottoman Turks not an international leader like Islamic caliphate

      2. Mongols provided next global leader

        1. Encouraged interregional trade

        2. Exchanged technology/ideas

        3. End of empire turned to seaborne trade, as land trade less protected

    4. Chinese Thrust and Withdrawal

      1. Ming “brilliant” dynasty took over 1368-1644

        1. pushed out Mongols first

        2. re-established tributary links with Southeast Asian states

      2. State-sponsored trade expeditions

        1. Admiraly Zhenghe – 1405-1433 led vast, unparalleled fleet

          1. Former eunuch – why do you think leaders like eunuchs for advisors?

          2. Brought fleet of 28,000 troops – scared the willies out of local leaders

        2. Eventually brought back – threatened the Confucian bureaucrats

          1. Remember – they don’t like merchants having power

          2. Other reasons – cost

            1. Money better spent building Beijing, fighting Mongols

      3. What if Chinese kept trading? Lost chance to be world power

        1. Dainty little European ships no match

        2. Followed Chinese pattern of spending money internally, practically

          1. Not like West, where power is judged by expansion

      4. Instead – worked on infrastructure – population increased, manufacturing improved

      5. Arabs on decline, Mongols dying out, China not stepping to the plate…leads to…

  • The Rise of the West

    1. Why is their rise surprising?

      1. Still awed by other bureaucracies

      2. Church under attack

      3. warrior aristocrats softened life – ridiculous tournaments/armor

      4. lives of ordinary Europeans falling apart

        1. famine

        2. vulnerable to bubonic plague

          1. China’s population hit by 30%

          2. Europe lost 30 million

            1. Led to strikes/peasant uprisings

    2. Sources of Dynamism: Medieval Vitality

      1. Why was Europe still strong?

        1. Strong regional governments created during feudalism

        2. Military innovations thanks to Hundred Years War

          1. Nonaristocratic soldiers – regular guys not paid boy gov’t

          2. Paid by central gov’t = more taxes = more central power

        3. Growth of cities – helped commerce

        4. Church content with capitalism – notice alliteration

        5. Technology improving – metalwork

    3. Imitation and International Problems

      1. Technology pushes expansion

        1. During Mongol period – Europe has ideal access

          1. Not controlled, but still involved in trade

          2. Internal conflict spurs regions to improve technology to win battles

      2. International Factors push expansion

        1. Interest in luxury goods

        2. Nobody wants European products, so they have to pay in gold

          1. Europe doesn’t have gold…so…they need to go find some

        3. Fears of a Muslim threat

          1. Need to secure Western ports

          2. Need to create sea trade since Muslims now control land trade

    4. Secular Directions in the Italian Renaissance

      1. First…I can’t believe we’re going to spend two paragraphs talking about the Renaissance when this was discussed ad nauseum in Western Civ

      2. West’s surge forward – rebirth of culture and political views of Classical Europe

        1. Artists create more human-centered works of art – humanism

        2. Artist/writers pushed for own reputation

        3. Works now secular, and religious simultaneously

        4. Italy started – wealthy merchants want to impress others – patrons

          1. Help sponsor cultural activities, scholars – competition

        5. Human Values and Renaissance Culture

          1. Focus of art changes – it’s a cultural revolution

            1. Subject – people, nature, portraits

            2. Created perspective

            3. Vivid, realistic statues – like classic Rome/Greece

          2. But…not a full break from Medieval World…usually had to involve religion too

          3. Change mindset – looking outward

            1. Building ships, pushing commerce

            2. Ambitious city-state governments funded new ventures

            3. Human ambition, pursuit of glory focused on exploration/conquest

      3. The Iberian Spirit of Religious Mission

        1. Spanish and Portugese rulers pushing military/religious agenda

          1. Goal of armies – push Christianity, kick out Arabs/Jews

          2. Government enforced Church codes

          3. Inquisition courts to enforce orthodoxy

          4. Key…government with religious mission

  • Western Expansion: The Experimental Phase

    1. Early Explorations

      1. Western route to the Indies – spice trade area?

        1. Vivaldis from Genoa sailed off to the land of nowhereville

        2. Mostly had to stick to the coast of Africa

      2. After 1430, some navigational problems solved

        1. compass/astrolabe – navigation by stars – from Arabs

        2. Improved mapmaking

        3. but…geographically inaccurate maps give false confidence

        4. 1498 – Vasco de Gama heads to Indian Ocean

    2. Colonial Patterns

      1. How to make expeditions profitable?

        1. Henry the Navigator pushed for scientific, intellectual, religious, economic

      2. Islands off Africa became test ground for colonialism

        1. large agricultural estates

          1. sugar, cotton, tobacco

        2. brought in slaves by Portugese

      3. Success of early programs led to expansion

      4. Forces influencing European expansion

        1. inferiorities and fears - Muslims

        2. energies of Renaissance merchants

        3. economic pressures

        4. population surge

  1. Outside the World Network

    1. Introduction

      1. America/Polynesia not affected by world exchange – they’d be centuries behind

      2. New problems left civilizations vulnerable

    2. Political Issues in the Americas

      1. Resentment for leadership

        1. For some reason tribute regions tired of being enslaved, sacrificed

      2. Overextension – difficult to control

      3. Other cultures developing – maybe would have surpassed

      4. All irrelevant, because when Europeans arrive…

    3. Expansion, Migration, and Conquest in Polynesia

      1. Between 7th and 14th spread eastward – Hawaii – spread culture

        1. Society in caste system – military leaders/priests dominate

        2. No written language – oral history

    4. Isolated Achievements by the Maori

      1. 8th century – Maori in New Zealand

        1. Most elaborate art

        2. Military leaders/priests have great power

        3. Slaves

      2. Because developed in isolation

        1. Vulnerable to disease

        2. Inferior weapons

        3. Cultural disintegration

    5. Adding up the Changes

      1. Master plan that Europeans would dominate or series of coincidences?

        1. Political instability in Americas

        2. Developed in isolation left technologically inferior

        3. Vulnerable to diseases

        4. China decides not to continue pursuit of world trade domination

        5. Individuals try to improve Europe’s trade deficit – Henry the Navigator

        6. Muslim impact on Africa less control

        7. Africans don’t benefit from trade with Mongols

  • Global Connections

    1. Global contacts

      1. Muslim traders/missionaries still active

      2. Mongols readily shared ideas from one end of empire to the other

      3. China made new contacts

      4. But by 1450…who would dominate next was in flux

    2. Key continuity

      1. Regions required trade to survive

        1. Africa relied on Middle East

        2. Southeast Asia linked to Muslim traders/China

        3. Western Europe contacts increasing

        4. China, India, Middle East see Africa/Europe as consumer source

    3. And that’s it…not that painful of a chapter, agree?